Userprofil von Steve645354
Member since 2 / 2011

Punkte: 94
Traktor Wäscher
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 50 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Steve645354

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  1. Steve645354 13. 05 2014

    Mod: MultiFruitUtil
    very nice, would be nice to add a line that only seeders with wheat, these new fruits can be added. now it also add new fruits to the potato seeder.

  2. Steve645354 20. 05 2013

    Mod: Unimog 2450 6x6
    don't like the top cover. took them all off now (GE). also on fuhrmann trailer. burned my hands to many times on the cover handle as it was touching metal on metal with the exaust.

  3. Steve645354 14. 05 2013

    Mod: New Holland CR9090 Elevation
    I3D ranger: I dont know about you but when i open the NH_Varifeed_107.i3d with the Id3 ranger, its doesnt run the file. and seem to me not working. some i3d do , some dont like this one, dont know why (extracted the zip and select the i3d file. id3 ranger keeps blank) who can id3 range this fils: NH_Varifeed_107.i3d?

  4. Steve645354 13. 05 2013

    Mod: Courseplay
    keep getting this message in log:
    Error: Failed to open xml file /savegame1/courseplay.xml'

    also after a deleted savegame before starting a new one.

    also right mouse is used for Front loader implements like open close a bucket. then the courseplay menu keeps on popping up.please change from right mouse to a key like NUM_9 or something. but this is a great MOD,. perfect

    1 Antworten

  5. Steve645354 11. 05 2013

    Mod: I3D Ranger
    Can you please add an option when a i3d file is done, and the window from the application gives the info what is done
    be able to select and copy the text or save to txt file also make the window resizable, very good tool. makes my most wanted mods available without errors! thanks

  6. Steve645354 10. 05 2013

    Mod: Fendt 9460 R
    Mit dem Strohschredder koennen Strohschwaden
    gehaeckselt werden

    please HOW. when i use the yellow Poetinger Strohschredder on a tractor (at front) the straw is gone, what i schred. someone movie about this).

  7. Steve645354 06. 05 2013

    Mod: John Deere 9870 BETA
    like this one too. just changed the schema files to fix thats and front wheels. dont like them that much, prefer large big foot wheels, and moved the stair as it is touching the front wheels.

    1 Antworten

  8. Steve645354 04. 05 2013

    Mod: Fehlersammlung, Mängel, Wünsche
    Error: LUA running function 'mouseEvent'
    PlaceableHeaps/BuyPlaceableHeapEvent.lua(31) : attempt to concatenate global 'placeableType' (a nil value)

    This is what i get. after buy in shop. get the screen for placement, mouseclick doesnt place the item,. as mentioned in error. Thanks V2, (old version removed from mod folder)

    i do have lots of other mods and there all error free as far is i know. (clean logfile.) now im back to v1.1 and it works again

    1 Antworten

  9. Steve645354 04. 05 2013

    Mod: Platzierbare Haufen
    would me nice to integrate some kind of follow me mod. like a placeable pile folowing a harvester or combine, also include some fuel, seeds and fertilizer and farming can be done 24/7 on large fields. meaning: a combine harvesting a wheat field. droping its wheat in a placeable pile. followed by a baler dropping bales in a placeable pile also. followed by a seeder (taking seeds from placeable pile if neeeded or hired worker, and the harvester go to corner 1 after finish the whole field. and should be wheat level 4 agan. great.

  10. Steve645354 03. 05 2013

    Mod: zubehoer fuer die Monopol Map
    This Ipad tabled screen on my map was perfect in FS2011 version, have been searching everywhere till now, but are there updates for fs2013 for this Tabled working factories. have tried the scripts in 2013 but there too many errors. thanks

  11. Steve645354 01. 05 2013

    Mod: Krone BigX 1100 BeastPack
    what i think also is the front wheels little further to the rear, as there allmost touching the easyflow (specially when using tracs (yes i know. edit the wheels in XML)

  12. Steve645354 01. 05 2013

    Mod: Krone BigX 1100 BeastPack
    Just one issue. I cannot fix myself!

    When i have more then 1 Beasts on my map as Hired workers for example. and add another Beast and Press M to lift the Cargo. they all up or down depending on current state. (the ones on Hired workers go down,. the ones just bought in shop go up. All beasts Cargo react on pressing Key M from other BigX Vehicle.

    Can you make the Press M (also other keys like B and X,O,Z) work only on current selected vehicle? (Thanks. Great Mods 10/10)

    1 Antworten

  13. Steve645354 30. 04 2013

    WAUW!! allready big fan of USA OGF map. now adding Australia (maybe make 1 pack with both maps)

  14. Steve645354 24. 04 2013

    Mod: Briggs Farm
    This small map is good. added some other buildings and use it for testing also. The rest of the green area's created some extreme large fields. and im ready to go!

  15. Steve645354 11. 04 2013

    Mod: Krone BigX 1100 BeastPack
    this new kroneEasyCollect1053 has on left and right when folded transport parts, how can i take them off in the scripts. opened the kroneEasyCollect1053.i3d but its not there. other then that this mod is perfect. 10/10 points.

    Diese neue kroneEasyCollect1053 hat links und rechts, wenn gefalteten Transport Teile, wie kann ich sie ausziehen in den Skripten. öffnete die kroneEasyCollect1053.i3d aber es ist nicht da. andere dann, dass dieser Mod ist perfekt. 10/10 Punkte. (google translate)

  16. Steve645354 22. 02 2012

    Mod: Fendt Vario 936 Sonderedition von T.I.F & ModHoster-Teamwerkstatt
    wauw, auf jeden Fall einer der besten Mods, hier und überall zu finden. diese ist bereits perfekt mit ein paar kleinere Dinge zu sehen. Die Kabine Joystick bewegt sich vorwärts und rückwärts, aber nicht bei der Verwendung von TRUSTMASTER Lenkrad. Auch der dritte Punkt auf der Rückseite stellt keine Verbindung zum Traktor bei der Verwendung des poetinger X8 Rasenmäher (nur hier habe ich diese gefunden), nur ein wenig Freiraum zwischen Traktor und dritten Punkt.

    Ich mag die Geräusche (nicht die Hupe, damit ich sie ersetzt)??, das Detail. die Doppelräder. die Motorhaube, das sich öffnet. alle Optionen dieser Maschine hat. und hoffe, dass viele zu folgen, und FS 2012 wird noch besser sein Erfolg als vorhergesagt

    Tolle Arbeit zu den Modder,!!!
    nicht beschweren nur dich wissen lassen,
    (Google übersetzt)

  17. Steve645354 06. 09 2011

    Mod: Brantner 32080
    link gives me this message:
    You are seeing this message due to the site you are trying to view having its DNS hosted by EveryDNS.

    EveryDNS services will be fully discontinued as of September 9th, 2011.

    As part of this process, we have set several scheduled outages leading up to this date to give site owners a chance to migrate their services to

  18. Steve645354 29. 08 2011

    Mod: Claas Conspeed 8-75 FC
    The requested file isn't available anymore!

  19. Steve645354 10. 08 2011

    Mod: John Deere 6820 mit vielen Extras
    ist da ein manual, in eng or german,

  20. Steve645354 07. 08 2011

    Mod: New Holladnd t6030 Delta
    jemand, num6 funktioniert nicht oder ist das nur mich?
    (google translated)

  21. Steve645354 07. 08 2011

    Mod: Claas Vario 1050 AutoContour
    Kopfteil vorne 2 teile klappen nicht aus,
    und transport header ist auch etwas ich wolte sagen
    (google translated im not german)

  22. Steve645354 07. 08 2011

    Mod: Claas Lexion 670 AutoContour
    Ich werde für eine verion 2 warten. Kopfteil vorne 2 teile klappen nicht aus, und es gibt einige Fehler im log

    auch die lexion Kästchen (top box on combine) am Anfang Ausklappen kann ein wenig besser in Vergleich zu anderen LEXION. Auf jeden Fall sehr gute Arbeit

    (Google translated errors can be there im not german)

  23. Steve645354 31. 07 2011

    Mod: LS-News Ausgabe 11/11
    links dont work when i open on imac please put links as text so mac users can find the links and open them.

  24. Steve645354 31. 07 2011

    Mod: Bob's Farm V2
    I didn't know GIANTS Software GmbH makes map. or is this modDiebstahl (translated from google)

    this map is from ls_UK but you can read that is other postes here i think

  25. Steve645354 31. 07 2011

    Mod: Bob's Farm V2
    I didn't know GIANTS Software GmbH makes map. or is this modDiebstahl (translated from google)

    this map is from ls_UK but you can read that is other postes here i think

  26. Steve645354 31. 07 2011

    Mod: Claas Xerion 3800VC
    google translate:

    guter mod, und ohne Fehler. Alles, was ich falsch habe nach dem Ausführen der Kabine, dass das Lenkung nach links und rechts ist umgekehrt.

  27. Steve645354 31. 07 2011

    Mod: LS-News Ausgabe 11/11
    people with a Mac (snow leopard)
    find the pps with finder and press SPACE now you can read it,.

    Menschen mit einem Mac (Snow Leopard)
    finden die pps mit Finder und drücken Sie SPACE jetzt können Sie es lesen,.

  28. Steve645354 20. 07 2011

    Mod: Fella Mähwerk Pack
    looks very nice and would like to see a swath function on the back on this mower (not a rear attached trailer)

  29. Steve645354 19. 07 2011

    Mod: Mercedes Benz Axor 2544
    great mod. just dont like the antenna pointing to the front on the cabin.

  30. Steve645354 17. 07 2011

    Mod: alowboy Tieflader
    'what's the saddest thing, stealing someone elses mod and earn money with it or talking in English, the language of the world? everybody understand a bit of english, especially if you are on the internet." what does the US flag mean in the top right corner. and mods here written in english text.

  31. Steve645354 17. 07 2011

    Mod: alowboy Tieflader
    thx dem modder ??
    this is not original modder as i can see

    mod created by: Author: Marcus Hedblom a.k.a Xentro
    added on 17.07.2011 by wyatt_pfannerstill

    remove this mod if this is stolen.

  32. Steve645354 16. 07 2011

    Mod: New Holland FR 9090 Pack
    cant get dual wheels to work. (mac - key 7 nothing happens)
    other than that this mod is very good. error free and a keeper.

  33. Steve645354 16. 07 2011

    Mod: Kröger TKD302
    please next time also add .zip files. i have a mac?

    1 Antworten

  34. Steve645354 12. 07 2011

    Mod: Fendt Vario 820 FL Seed Pack
    > Wie wird beimKuhn Moduliner das Saatgut aufgefüllt?

    fahre unter farm silo (nur default fruits)

  35. Steve645354 13. 06 2011

    Mod: Fendt 939 Soucy Track
    ich wolte diese sehr gern haben, endlich ist er da. vielen dank. youtube video have ich shon monaten bevor gesehen, eine Fendt 900 am arbeid sahen am land mit viel wasser.

    erontschuldigung fur deutz sprache,

  36. Steve645354 03. 06 2011

    Mod: Kuhn GA 8121
    ich habe diese fehler:
    Number of cutting areas and drop areas should be equal

    can someone fix this in xml,

  37. Steve645354 30. 04 2011

    Mod: Kleinmachnow Map
    ich habe sand an die arbeit

    Die nach mod folder und das sand lauft in joskin in das spiel.

    Have fun
    (ich spreche kein deutz, so excuse fur fehler in deutz oder deuts, ?? dont know correct words)

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