Briggs Farm

V 3 final Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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This is again my Briggs _Farm map version 3 and the final version. It is an idea map for small vehicles including the classics download pack. I have done some decoration editing changing the walls to look like mountains for a better view and added some trees and bushes. I also added a pinic area near the farm shop along with 2 wooden water troughs that will work for filling your trailer. It still has 8 fields and 4 grass fields. I turned the wool pallet spawn around to make it easier to pick up the pallets. You will still need the chicken coop with egg mod found on modhoster in the category maps and buildings under placeable objects and you will also need the small water truck found also on modhoster in the category trailers under other section. I would add the links but not sure how to do that yet sorry. You start out owning fields 1 and 4 planted with wheat and barley ready to harvest. I also start you out with a good fleet of vehicles to get you started in harvesting, planting, baleing, and mowing grass.

The map now has all textures fixed and there are no errors on my scripting. This will be the last version I will not be editing it any more for as far as I know it runs good.

Again I thank you for downloading and hope you enjoy playing.

PS. If you don't like the map then delete it and don't play it, no one is twisting your arm to use my map.

PSS. I would like to thank Marcel1519 for helping me out with the problems I had on the other versions.



Ken Briggs

  • 24. April, 19:07 Uhr
    Version 3 final


Hashtag: acea9a6a933f048cc49d2dc6d268d638
Version: 3 final
Multiplayerfähig? nein
Autor: KenBriggs
Preis im Shop: LS
Name im Shop: Beispiel Mod Map
Beschreibung im Shop: Dies ist die Beispiel Mod Map.

24.04 2013
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.22 / 9 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 3 final
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
104,9 MB 2610
24. 04 2013 2.610

6 Kommentare

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  1. Hi, i find the map pretty cool, specialy my GF is now also hocked on FS2013 and its a good map for her :) but i have one question, might be a probelem on my site, if i hire for example an harverter he will work the whole field, if i hire a truck for work the fiel after harvesting he stops after some meters or i cant hire at all, and as you said your map has no errors, maybe its on my site, any sugestions what i can do, ah i did just reinstall the game.

    Best Regards,
    and Happy Farming

  2. scubadoc 20. 05 2013

    I play this map since the first version. Everything works just fin especially since V3 Final version. The only thing what does quit a bit trouble to me is the texture of the wheat plants. Once I have wheat growing on the map, the map gets dramatically slow, I mean really slow or almost unplayable. Therefore I plant everything else besides the wheat. If that texture could be changed to a lesser performance sucking one, I would be a totally happy man.

  3. Case 4ever 02. 05 2013

    Also die map is Hammer aber das mit dem eiern ist echt Sch..ße
    wen das geht dann ist die wirklich Top.
    Also Bitte den Fehler beheben Danke :)

  4. scubadoc 27. 04 2013

    tolle kleine Map. Alles funzt wie geschmiert. Hoffentlich gibt es wieder mal mehr Mapper die auch kleine Maps bauen

  5. vantheman 27. 04 2013

    Ist Verwittern an oder aus

  6. farmer47 25. 04 2013

    Good small card(map) but you forgot to put eggs since giant has egg you click and you have to have 54 times egg kept silent click above and places them in navigations(browsings) of the chickens, greetings


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