Userprofil von NektSouKei
Member since 11 / 2011

Punkte: 60
Milch Träger
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Jarle Alter & Geschlecht: 56 m Wohnort: Jylland Hobbys: Farming simulator und RC Hobby Homepage keine Angabe

About NektSouKei

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  1. NektSouKei 18. 02 2020

    Mod: Added Realism For Vehicles
    Thank you for this mod.
    this mod is an absolute MUST for us farmers that love realistic farming :-)
    I give it 5 stars.
    i have a question, i am using the claas tracked tractor, what tire kategory is these tracks??

  2. NektSouKei 02. 01 2018

    Mod: John Deere 7R series 2011 Europe Version
    LINK IST TOT Link is dead i cannont download the latest version

  3. NektSouKei 13. 01 2016

    Mod: UTB 650 Old
    i have NO errors im playing a game with the Tractor right now on a modded map with atleast 80 other mods running and it generates no errors

    1 Antworten

  4. NektSouKei 13. 01 2016

    Mod: UTB 650 Old
    Hi Tity
    Thank you for this VERY fine Tractor :-) This is one of the finest and most detailed oldie tractor mods ive seen keep up this fine work mate.
    To john666 this mod generates no errors in my log and im using arround 80-90 different mods at all time + im running on modded maps too. so maby you have some mods conflicting.
    Please dont test or vote unless you are 100% sure its not your own game/mods that are conflicting ok otherwise you are beeing unfair to the modder you are commenting on.

    1 Antworten

  5. NektSouKei 26. 11 2015

    Mod: Deutz Fahr 9340
    OOHH i just love this mod.
    Please make a version with Animated front axel plz plz plz

  6. NektSouKei 09. 08 2015

    Mod: ZDT MC186
    Hi very nice manure spreader
    What map are the Pictures from ?
    Welsches map ist die bildern aufgenommen ?

  7. NektSouKei 10. 07 2015

    Mod: Platzierbarer Haufen
    Thank you very much mate :-)

  8. NektSouKei 09. 07 2015

    Mod: Platzierbarer Haufen
    Es funktionird nicht. It doesent Work i cannot place heaps i tried on fields in courtyards and on grass it wont let me place any heaps:-(

    1 Antworten

  9. NektSouKei 16. 06 2015

    Mod: Massey Ferguson 9895
    Hi thanks for this fine combine finally a different brand good Work!!
    It does have one Little error, it is very hard to unload the combine ! it is like its really hard to place the trailer right to make it unload, is this something that can be fixed ??
    Best regards Nekt.

  10. NektSouKei 16. 05 2015

    Mod: Holzhausen
    Hallo gutes map :-)
    Woh kann ich den gold coins liefern ich kann den brunne nicht finden Bitte hilfe ?

    1 Antworten

  11. NektSouKei 28. 04 2015

    Mod: IHC 1455A
    Nice mods i do have one question though.
    How come the nicely animated pulling Axel on the front Axel is turning the opposite direction of the weels ??
    They did that on the version in FS2013 too.

    1 Antworten

  12. NektSouKei 26. 04 2015

    Mod: Gamsting
    Several fields are partially not mine after i bought them :-(

  13. NektSouKei 23. 04 2015

    Mod: driveControl
    Hi super mod the concept is very fine however there is 1 thing about Drivecontrol that really anoyes me to such a degree that i dont use it anymore.
    Drivecontrol doesnt remember the settings on my tractors nor combines if i restart the game is there a way to fix this ?

  14. NektSouKei 22. 03 2015

    Mod: RANDAZZO R270 PT
    Hi this is so far the best trailer ive EVER had EXELENT Work
    on my wishlist is a maching truck
    Best regards Nekt

  15. NektSouKei 11. 01 2015

    Mod: Kreis Unna
    The link for the extra mods is dead

  16. NektSouKei 10. 05 2014

    Mod: MVP 4
    Was ist UCP mod Sven777b und wo kann ich den finden ?

  17. NektSouKei 06. 05 2014

    Mod: Bauernland Map
    this is a very nice map, however it is very heavy for my pc to handle would it be possible to look into making it easyer to run ?

    1 Antworten

  18. NektSouKei 02. 02 2014

    Mod: MAN Agroliner 3 Achs
    Love the mod but i hate the place where its uploaded to.
    Plz make it Direct DL.

  19. NektSouKei 02. 02 2014

    Mod: Recovery
    Hi thank you for this map.
    It really brought back a lot of good memories.
    im going to play this a lot like i did in 11

  20. NektSouKei 18. 01 2014

    Mod: SyreN
    Makes my game crash even with this mod only in my modfolder :-(

  21. NektSouKei 23. 12 2013

    Mod: John Deere Serie 7R 6 L Set
    Hi this is by far the best Tractor mod ever Thumbs up exelent work :-)
    i have a question though, is it possible in any way to speed up the workspeed on the frontloader ?? i have to move the mouse like five times from bottom to top on my mousepad to move the loader from the ground to the top possision.

  22. NektSouKei 11. 11 2013

    Hi i like the work you did on this nice map.
    However i have 1 problem though, i cannot give the cows water i have tried with several water trailers and they all seem to work fine when filling water to the pigs, but i cannot seem to find the trigger to unload water in the cowstables.
    Am i doing something wrong ?

    1 Antworten

    1. Krassmann 11. 11 2013

      Usually when you can't give cows their water it's because of a conflict with another mod. Check your mod folder, you might have the cow water mod in it. Disable it and try again.
      Hope I could help you.

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