Member since 12 / 2021
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Mod: Paletten Autoloader Spezialisierung
Any time frame on addition of fillable pallet type?
I've messed with the script a bit and got some to load for personal use but some friends of mine would like to see this implemented in a future release because maps are using these fillable pallets for gold, plastics, potatoes and other custom pallet types.
Thanks for the script it's made my game play more relaxing and enjoyable :)
Mod: Strautmann SEK 802 Paletten Autoloader
I'm not exactly sure if it Giants error or problem with the autoload script but if the autoload is enabled game still crash on exit to main menu.
According to Giants that error was to be fixed in future update, which we got 1.2 patch but I don't see a mention of this error being addressed.
Mod: Chevy C70 FlatBed
Would be a great mod if it was a 6 wheel version. The 10 wheel model was rare and usually had a longer frame and bed. This model would look better with 6 wheels. I'll download it when someone mods it with more accurate realistic looks. If you gonna stick dual axles under it you need to stretch the frame and bed.
Mod: Strautmann SEK 802 Paletten Autoloader
Would it be possible to not update mass of the loaded trailer?
Much like the updateMass="false" used in the fillunit tags or possibly for more realism by keeping the weight updated direct the mass at the trailer platform height rather then the stacked height.
I've noticed pallets of potatoes are extremely heavy and put a lot of strain on the towing vehicle in fact the little electric tractor won't budge a loaded trailer of potatoes but will move an equal amount of mass in a tipper trailer.