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Member since 10 / 2011
Punkte: 9.390
Modder Level 15
Rank: #125
Vorname: John Dasselaar / Michiel Van de Vate Alter & Geschlecht: 41 m Wohnort: Vriezenveen / Wageningen [Nederlands] Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage


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  1. Mod: PL Modding Schild
    The origenal model is of Desporatos,

  2. Mod: Ambt Delden
    Ok thanks, but in the V1 i will change alle bads things en make then better, but i can't delete comens only moderators can do that ;)

    1 Antworten

  3. Mod: Ambt Delden
    Ok what's the problem i com bakc from work now i have a workday of 12 uren!, i can't delete thinks is i am working. and i make maps for the fun and for people die like my work, if you don't like DON'T DOWNLOAD IT!
    And for the people with nice comments, thanks realy i wil work on a V1 with plesure;)

    2 Antworten

  4. Mod: Ambt Delden
    The pictures are more interesting with vehicles there

  5. Mod: Krampe Big Body 900 Black
    2 are Ropa euro tigers

    en the another is for LS2011

  6. Mod: Krampe Big Body 900 Black

    The plane on the field is just a plane with a trigger i wil make it so soon as possible avialble for download!

    Greats, John

    1 Antworten

  7. Mod: LSP Kverneland CLC EVO Pack
    Can you not read the readme!

  8. Mod: LSP Kverneland CLC EVO Pack
    Ye do it that mate, yo mays upload the pictures, but not realese the mod en have also uploaded pictures but i have don't uploaded de Fendt 724 BB!

    En now what you have with respect i like your Fendt 724 very much, only gife it an nice texture like AO!

  9. Mod: LSP Kverneland CLC EVO Pack
    If you can do it better...

  10. Mod: Fendt 309C
    Rtk-ls has permission to use the tires that he personally asked last year!

  11. Mod: Fendt 309C
    I'm working on a v2.1 coming next weekend, I will try to improve all the points that are indicated, hopefully you can identify where the errors are, so soon this be will a top mod!
    Thanks already for your comments everybody :)
    Greats, John of

    1 Antworten

  12. Mod: Kühlerhaubenfigur "springender Hirsch"
    Danke Modhoster-Team for fixing the DL- Link :)

  13. Mod: Joskin Silospace Black
    The is a Mod for the modfolder ;)

  14. Mod: Joskin Silospace Green
    My test team have not found 1 error, mamby you got a collision with a other mod?

  15. Mod: Joskin Silospace Green
    Ye bouth, Heaptiptrigger & Ls-uktiptrigger

  16. Mod: Joskin Silospace Green
    Please read the text:
    Pack consists:

  17. Mod: Joskin Silospace Black
    No, unfortunately not, but it is easy to do by yourself covert sugarbeet to chaff ;)

  18. Mod: Joskin Silospace Black
    The Joskin silo space black runs in my neighborhood ;)

    For the Ropa quistion:

  19. Mod: Gabel
    Burner... Pffff what a brilliant idea and what a lovely mod. Your mods bring the game a bit closer to realistic sim farming :) Wel done mate.

  20. Mod: Imants 47SX 300
    Thanks Katsuo :) We really appriciate your opinion.

  21. Sorry, but i havent dont a thing on it because of the holiday and the finishing of my thesis for university.
    Anyway, the sound is a really good idea. I keep that in mind. Thanks

  22. Yes ofcourse, but we will test it as well :) The volvo of Bjorny was MP ready, so i dont expect problems with this one.

    1 Antworten

  23. Mod: Holland Map
    The buildings are form the FMC map
    but druptown is the origenal makers asking of i may use the buildings. But the download may remain.

  24. Mod: Veenhuis 7 kuubs

    And i have added a link in the picture :) It's from that pack :)

  25. Mod: Veenhuis 7 kuubs
    Try different browser?

  26. Mod: Veenhuis 7 kuubs
    Ersten link ist für and second link is from our forum. You need to be registered to be able to download. :)

  27. Mod: Veenhuis 7 kuubs
    When you click on the photo, you get to the fendt 309c from our modteam :)

    1 Antworten

  28. Mod: Grasdrogerij Hartog modpack part 1
    Das ist fur part 2 of the pack :)

  29. Mod: Grasdrogerij Hartog modpack part 1
    Danke schon. I forgot to mention it :) I have added it now.

  30. Mod: Holland Map V1
    dam dude can tou read ar you can't read, the Holland Map V1.1 is underway, ther are stil bugs ye, in the new version of V1.1 are de bugs gona, but this is de V1 !

    1 Antworten

  31. Mod: Holland Map V1
    will a moderator change the link now?
    in to this:

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