Member since 11 / 2016
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Mod: CNH Stoll FZ 60 special
hi. It is almost perfect for Deutz series 9. remains more high respect the Case and it is not usable. Would you be able to lower it?
Thank's so much
Mod: KrampeBigBody900_atacher
nothing appears in the log. in short, when the trailer is empty, it works well. when I go to load it in the silo, she begins to shake when it exceeds a certain threshold of filling level and it continues both when they are on the tractor that near. I increased to 100,000 liters of the trailer capacity. I do not know if it is due to this.
Mod: CNH Stoll FZ 60 special
hi. it's possible for deutz series 9?
thank's so much
Mod: KrampeBigBody900_atacher
hi. there is a bug. when I approach, or are on the tractor, both the tractor that the trailer will move sideways in showy way. while if I move away remain stationary. you can fix?
thank's so much
Mod: FLIEGL Timberkipper Forst-Anhänger
hi. it's possible with autoload?
thank's so much
Mod: Epsilon Palfinger M80F Heckkran für Traktoren
hi. good mod. you can put the belt tension?
thanks so much
Mod: Price Watch
thank you so much. I'll wait your private message.
Mod: Price Watch
The request to change for me is important. I thank you if you can.
Mod: Price Watch
if it is not a disturb, can you do me a version, for me, with my suggestion?
thanks so much
Mod: Price Watch
hi. can add (quantity silo fruits * best price) ? so you can see in real time how much you can earn by selling. With this change becomes a super mod.
thanks so much
Mod: Pack Joskin Wago BaleTrailer AUTOLOAD
hi. very good mod. You can increase the number of rectangular bales to 40 and a third central row for the round bales?
Mod: Pack Joskin Wago BaleTrailer AUTOLOAD
hi. uses jdownloader 2 to download ;) .
Mod: Bednar Wagon 27 000
hi. density not correct. fr90 rears up when connecting the trailer.
Mod: Bednar Wagon 27 000
hi. you can add the trailer attacched? thank you so much
Mod: FENDT 900 Series MoreReality
hi. unzip files with 7-zip even if from error. good farming
Mod: FENDT 900 Series MoreReality
hi. very good job. you can add a front loader attached? thank's
Mod: Kroeger Overload
hi. very good job. I have two proposals to make. First proposal: you can create it with a fixed drawbar trailer? Second proposal: it's possible to create a tipping holmer with 2 compartments, one for all seeds and the other with all fertilizers and which connects with the seeder? So you can have a higher capacity for large tracts of land.
Thank's so much
Mod: Stoll Holzgreifer mit Spanngurt
hi. very good job. you can modified telehandler logfork 'magsi' with tension belt? thank's
Mod: Stoll Langgabel (stufenlos verstellbar + Spanngurte)
hi. very good job. the version 1.3 has bug on seed pallet and fertilizer tank. do not function tension belt. thank’s for repair bug