Member since 2 / 2012
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About michaelke18
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- Gesamt
- letzte 24h
- 183.568 Mods veröffentlicht
- 50 Mods veröffentlicht
- 442.259 Mitglieder
- 25 Neuanmeldungen
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- 79 Mitglieder jetzt online
© 2010 - 2025
Mod: Fendt Pack von RepiGaming
Do you like it, when i convert the simple ic to interactive control for you?
Mod: MultiOverlayV4 Hud
(Camera zooming third person on foot is working fine)
Mod: MultiOverlayV4 Hud
I'm sorry i don't understand.
Scrolling isn't possible, even when i disable the pda or the mouse option in the menu?
I mean the camera zooming for player camera when entered in the tractor. (outside and inside). Maybe you could explain in deutsch if this is easier for you?
Mod: MultiOverlayV4 Hud
Hey happylooser, thank you for a new version of the overlay :) Like it!
I couldn't find the buglist? When i click the icons it directs to the main page of modhoster?
Because i have a problem with scrolling the mouse. It doesn't zoom in and out (inside a tractor). Sometimes it works when autodrive or courseplay is active in a hired vehicle, but most of the time it doesn't.
Any solutions?
Mod: SUFAG Pack
Could someone send me this pack again? Link isn't available anymore
Mod: Claas C540
Good you please make it for fs 2013?
Mod: Claas C540
Good you please make it for fs 2013?
Mod: MischStation
I can't place it on the map :S
Mod: Dammann DT 2600 H A3 plus
What is the button to fold?
Mod: sampleModMap
I see you use a Joskin trans space thats hold potato. Can you send me a link for it"?