MultiOverlayV4 Hud

V 4.33 Beta Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 22

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Der MultiOverlayV4 Hud Mod soll euch eine schnelle Informations Übersicht über einige wichtige Features des Spiels liefern.

Im Multiplayer und SinglePlayer Spielen.

Schnell Übersicht:

Tiere, Treibhäuser, Lager, Preise, Bga, Silos, Platzierbare Objecte, Map verbaute Objecte, Map-Missionen, Map-Farmlands und vieles mehr über PDAs und SLOTs

Bitte schaut erst in die Bugliste bevor ihr einen Fehler meldet oder Probleme mit etwas habt.(Discord Server: HappyLooser Modding)

View LS 22 KeySettings für MouseCursor On/Off (Default *F12* für alle meine Mods) hier

Tip: Mod MouseCursor is AutoDrive Compatible (AutoDrive MouseCursor not Mod Compatible)

Video Anleitungen, hier

Ein GROßES DANK auch an alle Tester die die neue Version ausgiebig auf Fehler getestet haben, (2 Monate)beziehungweisse den Mod Unterstützen. Trozdem kann es noch zu fehlern kommen,weil der Funktionsumfang und die sehr Unterschiedlichen Maps/mods einfach nicht alle getestet werden können.

BugListe für Aktuelle Version: Fix(next Version) Prüfen Nicht Reproduzierbar Info

  • File count per store item too high. 141 found (max. 128)  <--ignore
  • .


 Nicht mehr und nicht weniger

Und wer es nicht mag der sollte es einfach nicht laden :-)

1.Veröffentlichung nur mit Original Downloadlink. KEIN Ersatzlink

2.Das verändern sowie erneutes hochladen ist nicht gestattet



Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser

  • 12. Januar, 22:06 Uhr
    Version 4.33 Beta

    --diverse Bugfixes
    --implements TeleportPoints +onVehicle
    --implements TeleportPoints Save XML view Open/Close Group

  • 19. Dezember, 09:50 Uhr
    Version 4.31 Beta

    --implements Cmd Only Active Missions *user wunsch*
    --implements Missions Slot Save XML value sortBy...
    --implements Missions Slot view SortyBy Line On/Off *user wunsch*
    --implements Missions Slot switch view Only Active Mission (Middle MouseClick SortBy) *user wunsch*
    --fix not view ObjectStorages Bales/Pal.(SP)
    --implements FillTypes/Amount/Price Slot --> view Fruit/FillType Icons Optional On/Off/+
    --implements Missions Slot --> Sorty By FruitType
    --implements Missions Slot view Fruit/FillType/MissionType Icons Optional On/Off/+
    --fix double output production capacity
    --new set Distance Point (is On Gui Menue Other Setting) (default Key z, check double key settings)
    --new Copy/Paste all Slots Values Identical (master Slot dummySlot_) (Gui Menue Global Settings)
    --new Copy/Paste all Pdas Values Identical (master Pda dummyPda_) (Gui Menue Global Settings)
    --fix Click at Missions Slot --> Transport Mission Hotspot
    --implements new Animals Icon for PDA Typ Light (open animals slot)
    --fix PDA Typ Light Display Position AutoWidth On/Off and first Start / is MouseCursor Off
    --fix MouseCursor On/Off and not joint first Vehicle (LS Patch 1.2)

  • 27. Mai, 08:23 Uhr
    Version 4.24 Beta

    --modify BestPrice (delete own SellingStations/Productions)
    --fix Missions Sort by... (Aktive Missions)
    --modify TimeScales (0.5,1,2,3,5,6,10,15,25,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000) *user wunsch*
    --russisch language, by nagor
    --fix Diverses
    --fix Animals Horse Lua Error 458 (Animal Cmds Horse)

  • 13. Mai, 17:32 Uhr
    Version 4.23 Beta

    --ACTIVATE PDA Typ Light *Other and PDA System over LS WTM Hud* Global for all Profile / Simple Light Setting
    (Optional On/Off .... Global Settings) --View On Start Display (see Picture)
    --modify DummyPda(Master PDA) view permanent bottom left corner of the screen, if this PDA Close and other PDA Open
    --new Global TextTicker for all my Mods with HL System v0.78 (Optional On/Off ... GlobalSettings)
    --new Pda/Slot Background Transparent via LS Background Transparent
    --modify WidthHeight Size Slot Icon - view Permanent is Mouse On
    --implements FillType/Amount/Price Slot +Production FillLevel(not directSell or directDeliver) *user wunsch*
    --implements Interaction with LS WTM Hud Click Left/Right/Middle if aviable (*needs MouseCursor On over my Mods*)
    --implements new TimeScales (Global 0.5,1,25,50,100,250,500,1000,2500,5000) + EasyDevControls Support
    --fix LS WTM Switch Modus - Icon Position if Other WTM Hud On/Off
    --fix RealDay/Date/Time length LS Money Hud *THX for Bug Report*
    --fix global load xml playerFrozen Off (GUI Menue)

  • 28. April, 16:10 Uhr
    Version 4.22 Beta

    --implements VariableOpeningTime viewOpeningTimeInfo On/Off *Gui Menue ..Other Settings* (for emergencies)
    --implements Revamp viewModeInfo On/Off *Gui Menue ..Other Settings* (for emergencies)
    --fix Revamp Mode Info Lua Error for other Mods and Maps
    --fix save/load XML view Player Position Off
    --fix firstStart(Profil) double Icon (AD)
    --fix VariableOpeningTime Mod Missing.....xml *ModHub Version*
    --implement optional Switch Money view Modus RealDateDayTime + Txt Color *needs Show LS Money On*
    --implement optional Switch Time view Modus Day/Playday + Txt Color *needs Show LS Time On*
    --implement optional Switch Season view Modus Years + Txt Color *needs Show LS Date On*
    --implement optional LS FastTime Icon Color low=yellow,fast=orangeRed *needs Show LS Date On*
    --implement optional Switch Temperature view Modus + Txt Color *needs Show LS Temperature On*
    --implement optional LS Temperature Icon Color 5°<= default,6-10° green,11-20° yellow,21-29° darkYellow, >=30° red *needs Show LS Temperature On*
    --fix LS22 Temperature ° *needs Show LS Temperature On*
    --fix Hof Bergmann (buy Icon Production)
    --implements check storeitem overlay other mods lua errors (other Mods VehicleInspector < v1.98)

  • 08. April, 18:32 Uhr
    Version 4.21 Beta

    --implements Left/Right Click, Animals Stock Text (Open AnimalsScreen Object Global or Object) *user wunsch*
    --implements Left Click, Animals Num (view Max Animals and ...) *user wunsch*
    --implements FillTypeAmountPrice - Left Click Animals Name (Open AnimalsScreen Global) *user wunsch*
    --fix Animal Capacity Info (click FillLevel)

  • 02. April, 12:38 Uhr
    Version 4.2 Beta

    --new SUPPORT for VariableOpeningTime Mod (to 1.1)
    --Map HofBergmann Lua Error Fix Greenhouse + Fix view Productions/Greenhouses (Thx for BugReport) --- ! No Bug Report = no Fix !
    --new optional Player Frozen On/Off *Default On* (own GUI Menue Setting !NOT MultiOverlayV4 Setting!) (Global for all my Mods)
    --implements global own Info Text Display

  • 03. März, 20:09 Uhr
    Version 4.18 Beta

    --new SUPPORT for Reavamp Mods/Maps (all Functions ! I do not know, tell me /
    --new all Sort by .... free for left/right mouseclick (forward/back)
    --new view Start Info: Active Profil (Gui Menue... ProfileSettings... Profil Info On Start... On 1/2 or Off) --Default On 1
    --new Auto Copy/Paste some Values from first generate Slot/Pda (generate new Slot/Pda)
    --new set all Slot Objects (not all Objects) mega smallView (view only 1x line) --Start Game always On *user wunsch*
    --new Slot Setting Icon, warningIcon On/Off Left/Right Click, view Warning(Blinking On/Off) is Production still or problem (global for this Slot and Slot Open) --Default On *needs mega smallView On*
    --new see More Animals Infos, Feeding,Health,Dirt,total Sellprice etc. (click Slot Icons MoreInfo On/Off) ! PLS not permanent ON (performenc) !
    --replace Color darkGray(Dunkel Grau) ----> gray(Grau) (see Icons better)
    --fix Group Cmds sorted by Name
    --fix/new WidescreenFix set optional correction Value (...clientSettings.xml ...iconWidescreenFix) default 0 *for 34 Zoll set 0.300 and testing or...*
    --fix/New Widescreen Gui Menue - set optional correction Value (...modSettings/hlGuiMenue.xml ...iconWidescreenFix) default 0 *for 34 Zoll set 0.300 and testing or...*
    -----Tip: set CMDs and delete Mod/LS Key Setting, is key free for ....------
    --Implements new Icons / and new CMD Icons for new Implements CMDs (Icon group other and otherMods)
    --new Cmd Icon date/month/year (MultiOverlayHud Icon group weatherMoneyTime) *user wunsch*
    --new Implements Cmds for Only Open and Only Close Slot/Pda *user wunsch*
    --new Implements Cmd for Profile Switch Forward/Back *user wunsch*
    --new Implements Cmd for GUI Menue Open/Close (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Cmd for MOH MouseCursor Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale) *needs MouseCursor On over my Mods*
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 MouseCursor On (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale) *NOT compatible for my Mods*
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 MouseCursor Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale) *NOT for my Mods*
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 Radio On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 Radio Next Channel (automatic Radio On) (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 Radio Previous Channel (automatic Radio On) (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 Radio Next Song (automatic Radio On) (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 Radio Previous Song (automatic Radio On) (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 Radio Volume + (automatic Radio On) (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Cmd for LS22 Radio Volume - (automatic Radio On) (only PDAs) (Cmd Group Speziale)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for Trailer Axle Blocker On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for EasyDevControls Setting Hud On (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for VehicleExplorer Sort Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for VehicleExplorer Config Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for ParkVehicle On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for Contract Hud Switch Modus (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OtherMods-Switch) *user wunsch*
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for Contract Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods) *user wunsch*
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for GPS On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for GPS Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for InfoMessage Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for AI-Vehicle Extension Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for ProductionInfo Hud Switch Modus (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OtherMods-Switch) *user wunsch*
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for ProductionInfo Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods) *user wunsch*
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for Courseplay Info Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)
    --new Implements Mod Cmd for Courseplay Hud On/Off (only PDAs) (Cmd Group OnOff-OtherMods)

  • 04. März, 11:31 Uhr
    Version 4.17 Beta

    --fix WeaterTimeMoney Hud On ..Money Lua Error ...moDrawDigiMoney.lua:158... (from time to time)
    --fix PriceTrend Up/Down(reverse) Preview BestPriceStations
    --new Implements Cmd Output FieldsInfo (Cmd Group OutputByMoh) "ON TESTING"
    --set Default 15m InfoHud
    --fix Edit a Text and LS22 set $%&/"§....

  • 02. Februar, 17:58 Uhr
    Version 4.16 Beta

    --new keyRegister (*needs for VehicleInspector,MultiOverlayV4,VehicleFruitHud,HeapPreview Mods*)
    --new optional view Player Position over MiniMap ---> Gui Menue --> Other Setting --Default On

  • 23. Januar, 20:41 Uhr
    Version 4.15 Beta

    --fix Lua Error /only GreatDemand Fruit and SellingStation

  • 19. Januar, 14:53 Uhr
    Version 4.11 Beta

    --fix Page select ProductionPoints (click a Production) Focus this
    --fix Page select Map Missions (click a Mission) Focus this
    --fix Schneiderei (tailors) not see
    --fix load/save FillTypes On/Off Global
    --new click Map Farmlands (Price)
    --new see Cmd over Object (needs open Cmd Groups) !only a Slot Cmds!
    --new Implements Cmd Output VehicleSales (Cmd Group OutputByMoh)
    --new Implements Paletts/Bales/Animals for FillTypes/Amount/Price
    --new Implements underGroups(Load Storages) for FillTypes/Amount/Price
    --new set Headline --> Map Farmlands (User Wunsch)

  • 14. Januar, 11:12 Uhr
    Version 4.1 Beta


14.01 2022
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4.85 / 54 Stimmen


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V 4.33 Beta
Landwirtschafts Simulator 22
1,1 MB 1392
12. Januar 1.392
V 4.31 Beta
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1,1 MB 1155
19. 12 2023 1.155
V 4.24 Beta
Landwirtschafts Simulator 22
1,1 MB 1626
27. 05 2023 1.626
10 ältere Versionen

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