Userprofil von hellhawk005
Member since 2 / 2011

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Rank: #8795
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About hellhawk005

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  1. hellhawk005 14. 03 2022

    If your gonna use this mod. I do not recommend using it on a current save game. It will wipe your save file. I have not tried it on a fresh start with a save.

  2. hellhawk005 08. 05 2018

    Mod: MAN TGX V8
    Am i the only one bothered about the 100% lack of effort applied to naming the options in the trucks menu? Not a single thing gives reference to what I am choosing for options. If there Is a kind enough soul out there that could update this beast. that would make this THE #1 truck for FS17. IMO that is.

  3. hellhawk005 05. 11 2017

    Mod: HTZ 17221-09
    Could you be so kind and provide a link for the Trailer? please and thank you

  4. hellhawk005 20. 05 2017

    Mod: New Holland TM 175/190
    woul love to see a MR (more realistic) version of this mod. and possibly duel front and rear tires

  5. hellhawk005 26. 09 2015

    Mod: First Day Reviews FDR Logging
    The right mouse button horizontal function does not work. for all the machines.

  6. hellhawk005 31. 01 2015

    Mod: MAN 41 480 SZM
    Modhoster admins. I SUGGEST you look up the deference between REQUEST and SUGGESTIONS. It may help with your policing.

  7. hellhawk005 26. 11 2014

    Mod: driveControl
    Your mods are ground breaking. your efforts make a great change to this vanilla game. I take my hat of and bend to one knee. Thank you.

  8. hellhawk005 26. 11 2014

    Mod: driveControl
    thank you for the simplified explanation. This is now by far the Best mod out there to date.

  9. hellhawk005 26. 11 2014

    Mod: driveControl
    Amazing work. mod will stay stapled in my mods folder.
    WELL there is the steering issue. my controller is old so the dead zone is large. I have tried all alternatives fix methods and keep coming to the same result as when I started with the problem. From what I read in the comments. the steering is the biggest issue. May I suggest a version with out the steering specialization.

    1 Antworten

  10. hellhawk005 08. 11 2014

    Mod: Scania R730 TOP LINE
    It would be nice to buy it in any color. like the MAN truck. I like to have a matching fleet.

  11. hellhawk005 04. 10 2014

    Mod: Lamborghini R6 125
    Any progress on the MR conversion?

  12. hellhawk005 18. 09 2014

    Mod: Lamborghini R6 125
    Quality mod. I cant even put into words on how pleased i am with this mod. very well done. and chance we will see the larger Lambo done in the same manor? And if possible MR. thank you for this. if there will be a MR version like this. consider my mods folder cut in half. lol

  13. hellhawk005 03. 08 2014

    Mod: Volvo FH16 2012 Langholz mit Trailer
    I hope there is a single axle truck in the near future. It sure would complete my volvo fleet. your trucks have thinned out my mods folder. great work and keep it coming.

  14. hellhawk005 27. 07 2014

    Mod: Case IH 2388
    Amazing conversion. Maybe a video showing us how to use the combines uses would be great.

    1 Antworten

  15. hellhawk005 18. 07 2014

    Mod: MAN Getreide AG Pack
    top work. would be nice to see working speedometer and indoor sound.

  16. hellhawk005 17. 05 2014

    Mod: PANAV BSS 1713
    This trailer is amazing. The tires suit it just fine. May I suggest a tarp cover be installed for those windy days. Mod as is 10/10 I love looking at it. (all though the trees that I have driven to do not agree with me) hahahahah

  17. hellhawk005 07. 04 2014

    Mod: Erlenberg
    Sorry for not posting in the native language for the modder of this map. Would it be possible for an English version? There are not many maps out there with this kind of care and quality. Its a shame after all the effort put into this map that it was for one culture and non other. please be kind and release an English version. greetings from canada

  18. hellhawk005 28. 03 2014

    Mod: Scania T620 Heavy Hauler
    Have none of you been in the cab view yet? camera is behind the driver. (and He has no textures)

  19. hellhawk005 09. 02 2014

    Mod: CLAAS Arion 620
    Seems like a cash grab. Same mod scaled down each time. some features added and a new model number. Ohh and the rear # point hitch is getting annoying. why is it that you can match the hole tractor but never the 3 point hitch?

  20. hellhawk005 02. 02 2014

    Mod: BaDo MP Map
    I have noticed that when there is a great demand. I still only get normal rate for crop. could you look Into this and confirm my findings please.

  21. hellhawk005 14. 01 2014

    Mod: MultiFruit
    what we need now is a placable silo storage for all these extra fruits. Im sure many would agree. thank you for making my DLC's so much more useful.

  22. hellhawk005 23. 12 2013

    Mod: Krone Trailer ZX550
    this is not the mod in the pic. and if it actually worked. Its the krone trailer pack that was already released

  23. hellhawk005 16. 12 2013

    Mod: Horsch SW 3500S Pronto 6AS Maistro 8RC
    I Love the efforts put into this mod. 100% amazing. BUT I can't seem to get the AI to take over. ho goes for 10 too 20 meters then stops. Could some one clear up this issue for me please.

    1 Antworten

  24. hellhawk005 09. 11 2013

    Mod: Claas Dominator 85
    before you multi fruit could yo more realistic this? it would see way more dls and I would be more then happy to use uploaded for it in support of your efforts

  25. hellhawk005 29. 08 2013

    Mod: Alita Farm
    Some support or feedback from the modder of this map would be great.

  26. hellhawk005 22. 08 2013

    Mod: Alita Farm
    If there is to be a final version for this map. May i recommend the manure fixture for the mod contest slurry kit.

  27. hellhawk005 19. 08 2013

    Mod: Alita Farm
    where do i feed the chickens? I managed to give them water but cant find the feed trigger.

  28. hellhawk005 14. 07 2013

    Mod: Platzierbares Water
    is the water free or pay?

  29. hellhawk005 28. 05 2013

    Mod: Scania V8 HKL Pack
    As you can see from my pic.The mod needs a weight addition to haul equipment. Only doing 7Km and doing wheelies. lol

  30. hellhawk005 28. 05 2013

    Mod: Silent Valley
    First of all. I would like to thank you for the map. It is a true blessing. I have logged over 150 hours on it so far. And now for the feedback.

    1. Some of the horseshoes are In the ground and not on the ground.

    2. I can not fill the standard Fuel browser with any of the fuel triggers from this map.

    hope these are resolved in the next version. Once again thank you so much for your efforts.

  31. hellhawk005 23. 05 2013

    Mod: Balepack
    This baler alone has to be hands down the best mod to date. Keep up the efforts guys. I take a knee and tip my hat to you.

  32. hellhawk005 22. 05 2013

    Mod: John Deere Potato Planter
    The reskin looks nice in the pics.

  33. hellhawk005 16. 05 2013

    Mod: Und ein weiteres Model
    These are Better than the AEM boys.

  34. hellhawk005 08. 05 2013

    Mod: Holmer TerraVariant
    since there will be other versions of this. may i suggest that you use a modhoster link. its not nice faking us with a half done mod then using a proffit site to DL from.

  35. hellhawk005 02. 05 2013

    Mod: Case IH Steiger 400
    This is what Giants should have done in the first place. working speedometer, Tachometer, Operating.... you get the point. looks great and now I will use a Case finally. Since this is a sim. we need features to keep us in the cab of these vehicles. thank you.

    1 Antworten

  36. hellhawk005 22. 04 2013

    Mod: Fendt Vario 724 SCR Standard Grün
    A better feature is the lanes option. it keeps people from short cuts. and the ploughing is 95% of the time handed off to the AI anyways. BJR though this through. Why the MH team did not baffles me.

  37. hellhawk005 22. 04 2013

    Mod: Fendt Vario 724 SCR Standard Grün
    Till the plough spec is gone. these mods will rest in the trash can. The specialization is not all it is chalked up to be. plough spec needs to go back to the drawing board. A trailer touches the wheel and BAM in the air. hits a curb and BAM in the air. a post, wall, rock, ect... In the air. without plough spec they will be the best mods ever made. hands down. no contest.

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