KernStadt – American Edit
1.1 updates:
- Field buy trigger elevation changed for fields 1, 6, 9, & 31 that previously rendered them not purchasable
- 1 flag added at spinnery farm & grain leg conveyor supports adjusted
- ~20 trees removed on west side of map
- Mow-able grass added around most of the fields*
- Very minor terrain sculpt edits in a few spots on the east side--won't be noticeable*
* new save game required to see these updates
Map features & removals:
- 4x map with fields ranging from ~17-193 acres / 7-78 ha
- 41 fields, ~2,800 acres / 1133 ha
- Added fruits: oat, sorghum, soybean, sunflower
- 3 circles all set to go for pivot irrigation, though two of them run larger than the largest available pivot
- 5 secondary farms, but if you outgrow the starting farm, then you can always move into the largest farm, which is already set to go. You might need to oil the windmill, though!
- Biogas removed
- Animal zones and potato and sugarbeet storage moved away from the main farm--this is a grain farm
- Farm Shop sell point removed
Known issues:
When quitting the game, it comes up with the dreaded invalid map/set<T> iterator error, which is related to something (scaling, I think) with one of the transform groups that I messed up. However, this doesn't affect anything other than the game closing abruptly and not exiting to the main menu. This is the primary map I use and have played 90+ hours and counting, so it works fine.
Minor distracting (green) underwater fog color at a couple places on the edges of the map due to an added water plane I added for the pond (lagoon in real life) at the main farm. The lagoon was a required element for me, but just haven’t been able to figure out how to remove the color.
There is a bit of a ledge and bump going from the dirt roads to the paved ones, and they generally do not look that great. I never cleaned that up for personal use.
The map:
While the file name has been kept as KernStadt, the map name is Armknecht Place, based off my mother's maiden name. Originally, where my mother grew up between Ogallala and Grant, Nebraska, my aunt and uncle moved (from the other accurate farmyard represented to the west) into this place after my grandparents passed. The farmyard layout is a very close replica. Though the farm has since been sold, great memories remain. In its heyday up until the early 2000s, the farm was 920 acres (372 ha) where the primary crops have always been wheat, corn, dry beans, with some sunflower and barley also being grown to a lesser degree.
The main farmyard is intended for the LMS Morton 50' x 100 placeable shed. Though you can probably place it accurately initially, if you want exact placement I use, replace the existing line in the vehicles.xml file with the following:
<item className="lms50x100Barn.lmsPlaceable" modName="lms50x100Barn" filename="$moddir$lms50x100Barn/barn.xml" position="57.521728515625 100 71.199996948242" rotation="0 0 0">
Grain storage:
As you'll see in the in-game description, all three grain augers at the main farm accept all crops, as does the one at the other family farm to the west. You will find the PTO shafts already connected to the augers at the main farm ready for you to connect your tractor to. Given the size of the map, if you go all in with your career, you may find the storage lacking at the main farm and you may choose to add on in GIANTS Editor, or move to the lager farm to the northwest.
There are also four other random farms on the map in addition to the main two. The potato and sugarbeet storage has been moved off to the one at the southeast corner. The area I chose to represent is not potato and sugarbeet country.
Animal zones:
Chickens: moved to the farm next to the big ramp that leads to the village. This way, you don't have to put up with the rooster!
Cows: moved to the other family farm to the west. While it used to have an active pasture many years ago, it does no longer, but still made sense to move the cow zone here.
Sheep: moved to an isolated area below the village. I left the sell point at its original location, which is at another farm.
Orignal map: a big thanks to kastor_Ger, the author of the other great original KernStadt maps, and a tremendous template from which to work from.
DocElyoc of the American Eagles Modding site and author of the tremendously popular Modern American Farming Map, which is probably the most accurate depiction of a North American farm and buildings for Farming Simulator. He provided the following great map objects, which make all the difference to the environment:
- Coop and Cargill elevators
- Grain augers
- Shop items/tools
- Fuel barrels
- Casey's General Store
- AmeriGas LP tank
Re-uploading and editing map:
If I fully created this map, I would not care what you did with it. However, out of respect of the two individuals above, please contact them first if you wish to make a public edit of your own.
The following are used with permission:Orignal map: BigDaddy99.
DocElyoc of the American Eagles Modding site and author of the tremendously popular Modern American Farming Map, which is probably the most accurate depiction of a North American farm and buildings for Farming Simulator. He provided the following great map objects, which make all the difference to the environment:
- Coop and Cargill elevators
- Grain augers
- Shop items/tools
- Fuel barrels
- Casey's General Store
- AmeriGas Propane tank
29. März, 21:08 UhrVersion 1.2
1.2 updates:
- Removed overlapping building at Casey's General store and adjusted terrain around a couple of its edges
- Lowered Cargill elevator
- Lowered farm shop and adjusted terrain around it to remove gaps
- Added a couple of fill place PDA icons and moved another. Egg sell icons also added.This might be the last version I upload, and based on the tremendous ratings, that might be a good thing! I suspect the low ratings have to do with the spread out nature of the animal zones and the lack of biogas and bale destroyer. As I laid out initially, this is a grain farm.
27. März, 12:25 UhrVersion 1.1
KernStadt – American Edit
1.1 updates:
- Field buy trigger elevation changed for fields 1, 6, 9, & 31 that previously rendered them not purchasable
- 1 flag added at spinnery farm & grain leg conveyor supports adjusted
- ~20 trees removed on west side of map
- Mow-able grass added around most of the fields*
- Very minor terrain sculpt edits in a few spots on the east side--won't be noticeable** new save game required to see these updates
Map features & removals:
- 4x map with fields ranging from ~17-193 acres / 7-78 ha
- 41 fields, ~2,800 acres / 1133 ha
- Added fruits: oat, sorghum, soybean, sunflower
- 3 circles all set to go for pivot irrigation, though two of them run larger than the largest available pivot
- 5 secondary farms, but if you outgrow the starting farm, then you can always move into the largest farm, which is already set to go. You might need to oil the windmill, though!
- Biogas removed
- Bale destroyer removed
- Animal zones and potato and sugar beet storage moved away from the main farm--this is a grain farm
- Farm Shop sell point removedKnown issues:
When quitting the game, it comes up with the dreaded invalid map/set iterator error, which is related to something (scaling, I think) with one of the transform groups that I messed up. However, this doesn't affect anything other than the game closing abruptly and not exiting to the main menu. This is the primary map I use and have played 90+ hours and counting, so it works fine.
Minor distracting (green) underwater fog color at a couple places on the edges of the map due to an added water plane I added for the pond (lagoon in real life) at the main farm. The lagoon was a required element for me, but just haven’t been able to figure out how to remove the color.
There is a bit of a ledge and bump going from the dirt roads to the paved ones and they generally do not look that great. I never cleaned that up for personal use.
The map:
While the file name has been kept as KernStadt, the map name is Armknecht Place, based off my mother's maiden name. Originally, where my mother grew up between Ogallala and Grant, Nebraska, my aunt and uncle moved (from the other accurate farmyard represented to the west) into this place after my grandparents passed. The farmyard layout is a very close replica. Though the farm has since been sold, great memories remain. In its heyday up until the early 2000s, the farm was 920 acres (372 ha) where the primary crops have always been wheat, corn, dry beans, with some sunflower and barley also being grown to a lesser degree.
The main farmyard is intended for the LMS Morton 50' x 100 placeable shed. Though you can probably place it accurately initially, if you want exact placement I use, replace the existing line in the vehicles.xml file with the following:
Grain storage:
As you'll see in the in-game description, all three grain augers at the main farm accept all crops, as does the one at the other family farm to the west. You will find the PTO shafts already connected to the augers at the main farm ready for you to connect your tractor to. Given the size of the map, if you go all in with your career, you may find the storage lacking at the main farm and you may choose to add on in GIANTS Editor, or move to the lager farm to the northwest.
There are also four other random farms on the map in addition to the main two. The potato and sugarbeet storage has been moved off to the one at the southeast corner. The area I chose to represent is not potato and sugarbeet country.
Animal zones:
Chickens: moved to the farm next to the big ramp that leads to the village. This way, you don't have to put up with the rooster!
Cows: moved to the other family farm to the west. While it used to have an active pasture many years ago, it does no longer, but still made sense to move the cow zone here.
Sheep: moved to an isolated area below the village. I left the sell point at its original location, which is at another farm.
Orignal map: BigDaddy99, the author of the original KernStadt map, and a tremendous template from which to work from.
DocElyoc of the American Eagles Modding site and author of the tremendously popular Modern American Farming Map, which is probably the most accurate depiction of a North American farm and buildings for Farming Simulator. He provided the following great map objects, which make all the difference to the environment:
- Coop and Cargill elevators
- Grain augers
- Shop items/tools
- Fuel barrels
- Casey's General Store
- AmeriGas LP tankRe-uploading and editing map:
If I fully created this map, I would not care what you did with it. However, out of respect of the two individuals above, please contact them first if you wish to make a public edit of your own. The only official link is found at Modhoster.
23. März, 22:42 UhrVersion 1.0
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von DarrenK
vor etwa 11 Jahren
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
von CrankrideR
vor mehr als 10 Jahre
Hashtag: | e9bf7a10f0fccaf164e78944d98850cf |
Version: | 1.2 |
Multiplayerfähig? | ja |
Autor: | Darren Kilgore |
Preis im Shop: | LS |
Name im Shop: | KernStadt |
Beschreibung im Shop: | Willkommen in der KernStadt. |
7 Kommentare
Hey Darren,
hast eine schöne Karte gebaut, die kleine Farm erinnert mich ein bissle an Grant, dort stehen viele solcher Farmen rum :D
Daher macht es mir auch großen Spaß, Deine Map zu spielen.
Habe einige Bilder hinzugefügt, da sich wohl einige Fragen werden, wo welche Abladestelle ist und für die, die es sehen möchten, wie einfachman sich eine Farm erweitern kann. Auf den Bildern habe ich extra nur platzierbare Objekte verwendet. Die Umbauten im GE sind nicht zu sehen,
extra für Spieler, die mit dem GE nicht umgehen können/wollen.
Die Texturen und Folien habe ich mir getauscht, da ich immer mit den selben spiele. Das die Karte kahl wirkt, joah, ist ja eine 4fach und durch ein bissle platzierbares Zeug hier und da, wird sie schnell schöner & voller. Besser als wie
bei einigen 4fach Maps hier, die soo vollgepackt sind,
wo sogar mein FX 9590er & HD 7990er ab uns zu ins schwitzen kommen ;)
Das die Map viele Callstacks verursacht kann ich
nicht mehr bestätigen, muss entweder gefixt worden
sein, oder ich habe dies in meinem Umbau im GE (ungewollt) gefixt.
Viehwirtschaft ist möglich. Durch platzierbare Schweine & Rindermasten (siehe meine Bilder). Der Kuh-Betrieb läuft ja wunderbar.
Habe auf der Map mittlerweile über 70h verbracht und es macht weiterhin Spaß, wie schon geschrieben, die Farmen kann man sich durch platzierbare Objekte vergrößern
/verbessern (wenn man es braucht), oder wenn
man mit dem GE umgehen kann dort.
Einige kl. Fehler habe ich mich mich selbst behoben, aber die waren nicht gravierend, das die Map eine solch schlechte Bewertung bekommt.
Ein einziges Manko - Eine Kippmulde von mir verursacht nach dem Laden der Map immer einen kleinen Ausraster,
da sie sich mit dem Taktor/Zugmachine die man anhängt
immer selbstständig macht, ob es an der TSL Kippmulde oder
an der Map liegt, konnte ich bisher noch nicht herausfinden ;)
Vielen Dank nochmal für diese schöne Map / Thanks for this Map Darren (y) it´s one of my favorites.
Liebe Grüße,
I have a bunch of washable vehicles but when I try to use the pressure washer it doesn't work??? And the only multifruit that I can drill is sunflower or oats??? Love the map but it has some issues!!!
Leider stürzt deine Map nach beenden ab Und sie macht viele Fehler in der Log
have found the potato and sugarbeet farm^^(without looking the map here on MH).
think the pda icons on field 12 is for that farm under field 41?
at fright and farmshop 4 from the 8 big silos a little bit to high.
or the ground to deep down.the 4 silos to side the train i mean.i can look under that.
Lieber DarrenK,
deine Map finde ich leicht verwirrend! Die Straßen sind Feldwege, das rote Gebäude am Hof geht nicht auf(ohne Funktion) was wolfrs sagt stimmt auch!!!
Feld 11/19/und 31 keinen Button zum kaufen gefunden.Feld 6 ist er zu hoch.Wachstumzeiten extrem hoch.
Die Map muß noch mal überarbeitet werden.Sie läßt die Log auf 700 kb anwachsen.Sie macht viele Callstackfehler.Keine Viehwirtschaft möglich und sehr kahl