JF C 240 Double

V 2.0 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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Precision Forage Harvesters: Double C240

The double row forage harvester JF Double C240 is an exclusive concept from JF for forage harvesting. Unlike the average two row harvesters that have just one rotor, it features a system with two rotors which performs the highest productivity in its category, reaching up to 55 ton/h.

Another highlight is the cutting quality and uniformity, adjustable with 24 cut sizes from 2 to 41 mm, which helps the farmer to have high quality silage, improving the nutrition of the livestock.

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/GreenFarmsMT
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/GreenFarmsModding


Model: Henrique Bianchini
Textures: Henrique Bianchini
Scrpits: Henrique Bianchini

  • 18. April, 10:06 Uhr
    Version 2.0


Hashtag: 378fd62fe93d9fa55bad81aa420190d1
Version: 2.0
Multiplayerfähig? ja
Autor: Henrique Bianchini
Preis im Shop: 25000 LS
Name im Shop: Forrageira JF C240 Double
Beschreibung im Shop: Esta é a Forrageira de precisão JF C240 Double, indicada para tratores com 80 a 120 HP.

17.04 2014
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4.43 / 7 Stimmen


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V 2.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
4,5 MB 5254
18. 04 2014 5.254

3 Kommentare

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  1. FarinUrlaub 19. 08 2015

    Bei mir Häckselt das Ding zwar den Mais weg, aber der Anhänger füllt sich nicht :-(

  2. Drache3121 09. 05 2014

    gibst den anhänger auch bald zum dl oder

  3. GrafitNIP 18. 04 2014

    Schöner mod mach weiter so
