Download Mod 'HKL Fuel Tank FSM' runterladen

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  1. xtra 02. 03 2015

    I am Wanderung about the water Trailer?
    So i would like to ask, if it is possible to get the Tank with a color choice, so that i am able to difference between the Water Tank and the Fuel tank. I have for my private use Affen the Philippe water an milk, so It would be great to have it in different colors. Do you see a Chance to do it?

  2. Ein Wassertrailer und ein Viehtransportertrailer wäre auch noch sehr geil!

    2 Antworten

    1. FSmodding 13. 12 2014

      water trailer coming soon, it has different trigger ids, and textures will be recreated for it.

    2. RC-Devi 14. 12 2014

      Viehtransporter gibt es doch, von Marhu ;)
