Userprofil von whipson13
Member since 4 / 2014

Punkte: 17
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 24 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About whipson13

keine Angabe
  1. whipson13 18. 03 2017

    Mod: New Holland T7 Series T7.220 / 250/270 Wheelshader
    great looking mod, wish it worked >:(

  2. whipson13 02. 03 2017

    Mod: John Deere 8400

  3. whipson13 09. 02 2017

    Mod: John Deere 8R Series
    When are we going to see some updates?!

  4. whipson13 16. 12 2016

    Mod: John Deere 8030 Serie
    kann ich eine Änderung beantragen? can I request a mod?

    1 Antworten

  5. whipson13 05. 12 2016

    Mod: John Deere 8R Series
    I'm really looking forward to improvements on this mod ;)

  6. whipson13 27. 11 2016

    Mod: John Deere 8R Series
    could you make a chrome exhaust an option?

    1 Antworten

    1. Mod: John Deere 8R Series
      we can make it in V1 version :)

  7. whipson13 27. 11 2016

    Mod: Bikini Bottom Pack By ziczic33
    Why would you want this?

    1 Antworten

  8. whipson13 16. 04 2014

    Mod: Scania Ultimate Mod
    hey IT DOESNT WORK!!

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