Member since 8 / 2015
Userprofil von Sythos
Laumetris PTL-20R
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Laumetris PTL-20R
vor etwa 8 Jahre
Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Savena Valley
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Mod: Strautmann VM1702 Double XL
will it take both grass and drygrass bales?
Mod: Alpego DX600
ingame modhub try to downgrade to the mod every run... can you update Giant modhub also?
PS: can you change "Q" key for PTO attachment? it conflict a bit with "manual attachments" mod :D
5stars for the mod!
Mod: Alpego DX600
ingame modhub try to downgrade to the mod every run... can you update Giant modhub also?
Mod: Saxonia für LS17
there are a lot of particles error with last version (3.1 finale), game seem work fine, just logs very dirt, is there any wiki or forum to detail the issue?
Mod: Automatische Entladung für Ballenwickler
I don't think work in this way, "Credits" mean not just write a name but have the approval to use their work (or convert it)
Mod: Automatische Entladung für Ballenwickler
This is the mod is a conversion of one for FS15 done by Ifko[nator], i think credits are missing in the description
Mod: Claas Lexion 780TT Stage IV 2017
please, rethink about and continue your work, will be surely better thana duped one
Mod: Claas Lexion 780TT Stage IV 2017
great mod, just 13,5m grain header produce a weird particle jitter on right side of combine, like floating (was oats when i've seen, not tested with other fruits)
Mod: Feed Bales
This is a converted script from FS15, the feeder in FS17 have already the bale feeding trigger in native way
Mod: MAN TGS 18480
please re-think about this... your mods are great!!!
Mod: Bergziege Prototyp II Typenreihe D-F
amazing conversion, was my fav tractor on fs15 and now i can drive it on 17 also.
i've only 1 issue, the PTO not connect when a implement or tools attached (like it-runner trailer) and a warning about joint point appear in logs.
Mod: Laumetris PTL-20R
5star mods
just a wishlist for next release, if possible. When squareballs loaded the last pile is moved about 1m from others (see the snapshot loaded), if you move the pile next the previous loaded bales you can add another 4bale pile twisted of 90° at the bottom of trailer
Mod: Claas 3200
automatically converted by giant editor, and wrognly packed (not work as is)
no credits about original modder
Mod: lely juno 100 multyplayer
was set by mahru SP due MP cause issues, in fact in MP broke the sync of "dirty" between players (each one report a different value)
at least list the original creator, change a flag in an XML isn't properly a mods (and seem not really tested on dedi)
Mod: Südhemmern
great piece or artjob!!! 5stars+feat.
only few spots found (just low priority, for next release maybe): PDA
- what pointed as "sagewerk" is the BGA
- sagewerk is not mapped on PDA
- farm silo is outside the farm/hof
- farm silo is not mapped
- some fields edges are not updated (but photo in gallery is fine, so maybe just not updated)
Regards, Sythos
Mod: Holmer Terra Variant 600 ECO Pack
almost flawless update, i've still 1 issue with terra variant tractor, when you try to mmonouver the switch from front direction to rear seem broken, i need once go backward to press "forward" several times before the tractor move (happen both with tractor unfolded and folded)
Mod: Holmer Terra Variant 600 ECO Pack
Last version V2.6 give a Variant600 with floating front double wheels, no issues with standard wide tires.
Mod: Inspect17
i've several issue with V1.2, the hud show just tools/implement and if any content, no tractor, plus several LUA errors. Tried without mods but inspector and still not work
Mod: Das "Big M" von KRONE
Amazing piece of artwork!!!
If i can say something as wishlist for next release:
1) textures a bit less "plastic"
2) option to keep the harvested grass not windrowed behind
Mod: MAN TGS 18480
will be or this is the only way? (is jnice the update notification ingame :D )
Mod: MAN TGS 18480
is this version published in mod hub inside the game or just some delay? i see still 1.2 installed on my game
Mod: siloKing SelfLineCompact1612 Pigfood
missing moddesc.xml inside the zip file, mods unusable
There are several errors in LUA due the missing animated part. "L" input keybind still present in HUD menu for 23m wide setting (not avaiable in this edit of M500). Textures are a bit plastic. Once fixed these 3 issues is a 5stars mod :)
Mod: TelahandlerGewichte
There is something weird in masses, i used the tool to attach harvester header to teleloader to stock on shelf, using this weight is like have none, the teleloader tilt exactly like if not used
Mod: Ballengabeln mit Attacher
there is no way to have collision on spikes to use the fork as non-scripted also?
Mod: KeyboardSteer
Amazing mod, as wishlist can we ask an option to switch in outdoor camera the automatic movement on back gear? it's ok inside the tractor, but if camming outside may be good made the cam stable (like need aim to move carefull)
Mod: GRIMME RUW 4000
Any plan to convert for FS17? :D
Mod: repairVehicles - Fahrzeuge reparieren
Amazing script, can you made it work like old damage-reair mod of FS15? like ne injected inside the Thundercreek FST990 trailer to act like repair service
Mod: Plazierbare Siloerweiterung
same mod name of one released by minnie313 2 days ago (silo extension of 200 and 300), can you modify your to identify as "extralarge"? i wish keep both and not got crazy renaming by hand each update or new release :\
Mod: driveControl
Perfect and flawless script. Just the visual, all icons are few pixels upper than the right place, can be fixed locally or need your upstream patch?
Mod: driveControl
HUD icons are a bit shifted or misplaced, maybe due new hud size (i've setup 100% size in FS17 menu), a lot of shortcuts conflicts (shift+5 turn on radio; shift+4 turn on steam stream)
Mod: driveControl
need disable destroy crop original mod, conflict
Mod: Mein Land in den Bergen
sorry i can just in english... i've a question, guellemistkalk is installed?
Mod: Oberwiesen
nice map, but hard to be used due:
- MOD xml file report 1.0 (downloaded more times thinking to an issue, but seem 1.2 map report v1.0 inside the simulator)
- PDA map report wrong positions for animals
with this 2 small fixes will be great, **** for now ;)
Mod: AutoTractor
all new buttons are with l10n missing
Mod: Volksholm
great map, since old version always in my modfolder, just (in my opinion) 1 thing missing, so as as wishlist: a band for manure :)
Mod: Krone Ultima Erweiterung
The extension don't work anymore with last baler update, is there any extension update planned soon?
Mod: SouthWest-Norway
Amazing, just missing water mod and GMK, all is already perfect if just 0.9
Mod: MAN TSG 10x8 manure.
nothing attached, only the manure loaded. Sorry if i was not so clear, i mean the truck is hard to be moved if full loaded and you're using realistic fruit weight
Mod: MAN TSG 10x8 manure.
Great mod, but if you're using the real weight mod the truck is almost impossible to drive as full load of manure