Userprofil von SpiritoftheLioness
Member since 8 / 2018

2 PitbullSpirit(bis: 27.12 2019)

SpiritoftheLion(bis: 19.04 2020)
Punkte: 346
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Rank: #6578
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About SpiritoftheLioness

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  1. Mod: Volksbrunn
    Thx for the update Biface and the changes, i like it.

  2. Mod: Volksvalley
    Thx Biface was waiting for an update, had a feeling one was coming.

    1 Antworten

  3. Mod: Save Player Position
    Thx for the mod, managed to solve the issue of not saving location, if you are inside a vehicle it does not work, you have to be outside vehicle then if you save you start there where you stopped on relaunch.

  4. Mod: 2014 Pickup mit Sattelauflieger und Autoload
    Ich verstehe und spreche deutsch aber nicht allen sind auf modhoster dot de aber viele sind auf modhoster dot com wie ich und modhoster dot com hast nicht der link für nexusmods wo man der easyautoload mod finde.

    1 Antworten

  5. Mod: 2014 Pickup mit Sattelauflieger und Autoload
    thx for the update works like a charm on my end. If people use the "older" autoload packs it will conflict with the new one that alfalfa made since he split it up, the autoload as said by honkyboy is a seperate mod. So it is either new version with 2 mods or old version with 1 mod. Otherwise none will work and cause problems.

  6. Mod: 2014 Pickup mit Sattelauflieger und Autoload
    that info is not in the english description maybe you can add it there aswell.

    1 Antworten

  7. Mod: Musnshausen Map
    das ist nicht wichtig, v 2.3.0 steht nicht oben und ist jetzt der neue version

  8. Mod: Volksbrunn
    danke Biface für den update

  9. Mod: Fendt Trisix
    From what I see it has to do with size of some dds files, they seem rather big in size. Mod itself is a nice mod in my opinion despite the size, maybe modmaker can look at it and see if he can shrink sizes of dds files

  10. Mod: Wielkopolska map
    dl? its a website that takes ages to dl from. waste of time just for an image...

    1 Antworten

  11. Mod: VehicleInspector
    these are mine and F1 open or not I always see it:
    <posDown boolean="false"/>
    <isHelpMenuOn_F1 boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOnAndInputEmpty boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOff_F1 boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOffAndInputEmpty boolean="true"/>
    <isInGameMapOn boolean="true"/>
    <isInGameMapOff boolean="true"/>

  12. Mod: Strautmann SEK 802 Autoload
    do not use multiple autoload mods in modfolder, autoload script not stable enough to accept multiple mods using that script.

  13. Mod: Fliegl DPW 180 Autoload
    Thx for replying to everyone, thx for fixing i know modhoster has to approve/release update but much appreciated

  14. Mod: Fliegl DPW 180 Autoload
    When I start a NEW savegame it works, on EXISTING save it fails to load and is stuck in loading.
    With the mentioned lua errors. Hope you can look into it and figure out what goes wrong and then solve it so we can enjoy this mod.
    For now I kicked the mod until a solution/fix is given/uploaded

    1 Antworten

  15. Mod: Deutsche Übersetzung für den GPS
    Ehm in my guidance mod is a working GERMAN version so why would one need this?
    Would mean you dont have the latest version of guidance mod from his github page where the official support is

  16. Mod: EnhancedVehicle
    mod works thank you for that, it howveer cause it extends the hud by adding extra info messes up 2 mods that i use 1 is vehiclesfruithud but i can live with that, the other is keyboardsteer, the degress of keyboarsteer is bottom right above the hud so those 2 are standing in each other for me making it hard to read some information.
    So I hope in time 1 of the 2 mods get adjusted so it doesnt overlap each other.

    Again I like the mod but it interfears with mods that also add info or give option to extend the hud bottom right.
    And would hate to make a choice between mods cause of that.

    Happy New Year !

  17. Mod: Animals HUD - Tiere Anzahl, Füllstände,Sauberkeit
    Thx for the update, i like it that by default it is hidden and with the combo of the keys you can make it visible and invisble again.
    Onces using a qwerty keyboard in english language to show Cow Info ALT + z (german keyboard) is ALT + y (english keyboard)

    Thx for this mod, i now like it a lot better. Keep up the good work.

    1 Antworten

  18. Mod: Fliegl Timber Runner With Autoload Wood
    for MP it is missing the info in moddesc.xml
    <multiplayer supported="true"/> is not in the moddesc.xml so it will not work on MP

    No idea what happens if you add it in the file if it then will work on MP, I just know that part needs to be in moddesc otherwise it will not work for sure.
    I cant test it dont have a server i can test it on.

    Back to the mod itself, i like it I can work with it so i am pleased ;)

    1 Antworten

  19. Mod: DisplayOverviewHud
    Thank you HappyLooser and Merry Christmas

  20. Mod: VehicleInspector
    Please try to go to XML Settings File for Mod:

    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

    Look for :
    <seeVehicleName boolean="true"/>
    <seeVehicleSmallName boolean="false"/>
    <seeVehicleTypeName boolean="false"/>

    With those settings it shows Fendt 1050 instead 1050 for me. And other vehicles are named properly as well.

    Do keep in mind it might give shorter name due to limit of
    <maxFillNameLength int="10"/>
    <maxVehicleNameLength int="10"/>
    in the same XML file.

    I changed it so I see full names instead of shortened ones.

    But I hope this helps you out a little bit.
    Merry Christmas ;)

    2 Antworten

  21. Mod: VehicleInspector
    just go to vehicleInspectorSettings.xml and on line 97 (if you use notepad++) and you shoudl see this:
    <seeBackground boolean="true"/>
    change to
    <seeBackground boolean="false"/>

  22. Mod: VehicleInspector
    You go here
    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

    with notepad++ on line 22 (if you are using v1.49beta) line 16 (if you are on v1.47beta)
    <txtSize float="0.010000"/>
    this is for changing textsize

    before starting game put on line 4 rebootXmlESC="false" to rebootXmlESC="true"

    Then ingame by pressing ESC you can see the changes, you can tab out of the game and adjust, go back ingame press ESC and see how it looks, once to your liking do not forget to close game and put rebootXmlESC="true"
    back to

    Hope this helps you out a bit

    1 Antworten

  23. Mod: VehicleInspector
    Thx HappyLooser for the update, for me it is perfect now and has more then I use but I can make it anyway I want it now. Thank you so much.

  24. Mod: VehicleInspector
    XML Settings File for Mod:

    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

    then look for this what HappyLooser typed:
    seeFillLevel = true

    if one of those is set to false, change it to true

  25. Mod: HiredHelperTool
    you test? wow i thought more then only you is using this mod, still fact remains a person can make a mistake, that is why we are human.

    1 Antworten

  26. Mod: VehicleInspector
    my pleasure Stuppsi, as long as it helps you. ;)

  27. Mod: VehicleInspector
    Go here
    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

    with notepad++ on line 16
    <txtSize float="0.010000"/>
    this is for changing textsize

    before starting game put on line 4 rebootXmlESC="false" to rebootXmlESC="true"

    Then ingame by pressing ESC you can see the changes, you can tab out of the game and adjust, go back ingame press ESC and see how it looks, once to your liking do not forget to close game and put rebootXmlESC="true"
    back to

    Hope this helps you out a bit

    1 Antworten

  28. Mod: VehicleInspector
    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

    with notepad++ on line 16
    <txtSize float="0.010000"/>
    this is for changing textsize

    before starting game put on line 4 rebootXmlESC="false" to rebootXmlESC="true"

    Then ingame by pressing ESC you can see the changes, you can tab out of the game and adjust, go back ingame press ESC and see how it looks, once to your liking do not forget to close game and put rebootXmlESC="true"
    back to

    Hope this helps you out a bit

  29. Mod: Volksbrunn
    Maybe it was politer if you asked BEFORE you made changes and in a privat message.
    I doubt he will give permission based on the past or in this topic for that matter.
    It actually made him quit modding at that time.

  30. Mod: VehicleInspector
    i have mine vehicleFruitHudSettings.xml schemaPos="2"
    and I do not have your described issue. both work no matter what i do.
    Hope that HappyLooser is able to help you cause this goes above my scriptknowledge.

    1 Antworten

  31. Mod: VehicleInspector
    what are your xml settings if you do not mind me asking? I think it is in there to have it working properly.

    I think in this part:
    <isHelpMenuOn_F1 boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOnAndInputEmpty boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOff_F1 boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOffAndInputEmpty boolean="true"/>
    <isInGameMapOn boolean="true"/>
    <isInGameMapOff boolean="true"/>

    I do not have the problem with those settings, i use vehiclefruithud, did not rename it and i can press F1 as often as I want, both mods works without a problem, it does not disappear, not VehicleInspector and not VehicleFruitHud on my end.
    Yes am using 1.47beta of VehicleInspector and VehicleFruitHud 0.45beta

    1 Antworten

  32. Mod: VehicleInspector
    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

    with notepad++ on line 16
    <txtSize float="0.010000"/>
    this is for changing textsize

    before starting game put on line 4 rebootXmlESC="false" to rebootXmlESC="true"

    Then ingame by pressing ESC you can see the changes, you can tab out of the game and adjust, go back ingame press ESC and see how it looks, once to your liking do not forget to close game and put rebootXmlESC="true"
    back to

    Hope this helps you out a bit

    1 Antworten

  33. Mod: VehicleInspector
    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml

    if you use notepad++ then it is line 30
    <ownFarmVehicle boolean="true"/>
    change to
    <ownFarmVehicle boolean="false"/>

    Save it and it should do as you like

  34. Mod: Volksbrunn
    i am using this map as well, had issues not related to this map. Are you suing mods besides this map? My issues were caused by 1 mod after looking hard and searching long.
    Since patch 1.2 got out yesterday i played on Volksbrunn without stutter or lag, i only had to update my nvidia driver yesterday cause they released new version of the driver.
    So maybe a mod besides Volksbrunn or GPU that needs an update or windows itself? (it can cause stutter not saying this is the case for you) Just trying to throw in some ideas.

  35. Mod: VehicleInspector
    Go look in here and turn some options on :
    XML Settings File for Mod:

    ... / LS19 / modsSettings / VehicleInspector / vehicleInspectorSettings.xml <-------

    <isHelpMenuOn_F1 boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOff_F1 boolean="true"/>

    that should help to start seeing it, other options in there you can choose if you want it on or not.

    I have it like this with the first part so it always shows (except when you enlarge map with 9)

    <isHelpMenuOn_F1 boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOnAndInputEmpty boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOff_F1 boolean="true"/>
    <isHelpMenuOffAndInputEmpty boolean="true"/>
    <isInGameMapOn boolean="true"/>
    <isInGameMapOff boolean="true"/>

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