Member since 1 / 2019
Userprofil von ricobab
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Fendt Trisix
vor etwa 6 Jahren
Dieser Nutzer hat noch keine Projekte vorgestellt.
Mod: Taurus 2803
Excellent mod. No error in the log. It works perfectly with any slurry injectors. AI worker is also fine.
Good job !
Mod: Stara Absoluta 44
Thanks for uploading it here. Even if I did not ask you anything (I can upload myself my mods)
Mod: Saturne CMC 5800 HKL
Very good modification of the previous version ! It works perfectly fine with the HKL containers. I am also surprised the AI has also a better behaviour. Good job.
Mod: Tribine T1000
Use the trailer which come with the Midwest Durus headers (from Iber Modding)
Mod: Case CVX Series
This is a fake mod. It is not not for FS19.
Mod: Prototype
Works nice ! Very unusual combine, but it looks good ! The only error I corrected is the missing brand icon. Otherwise, no issue at all. Good job :)
Mod: JCB 8000
It works perfectly fine. The issue is on your side...
Mod: CMC Saturne 5800
Amazing ! good job :)
Mod: Versatile 300er Serie
Thanks a lot (so many new mods from you today ! great to see you back)
A small error : 2019-11-25 11:31 E:/Mes documents/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_Versatile_Series/wheels/rims.i3d (32.94 ms)
2019-11-25 11:31 data/shared/wheels/michelin/cereXBib2/R42_cereXBib2.i3d (24.55 ms)
2019-11-25 11:32 Error: No depth map available, but shape 'coronaRight' (coronaRightBackShape) with material 'coronaBlinkingRed_mat' uses a custom shader which requires reading depth data.
Mod: New Holland TV6070
Very nice tractor ! Thank you.
A small error for your information :
9-11-25 11:29 E:/Mes documents/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_NewHolland_TV6070/NHTV6070.i3d (214.72 ms)
2019-11-25 11:29 Error: 'framesteercyl' (pistons) doesn't have all required vertex attributes for material 'Material.001'
Mod: Renault Atles 925RZ
Thanks for the mod. unfortunately, it has some LUA errors (tested without any other mod on a original map)
2019-11-25 11:29 E:/Mes documents/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2019/mods/FS19_renault_Atles/Renault_925RZ.i3d (378.27 ms)
2019-11-25 11:29 Error: Failed to find child 3 from node Abertura, only 3 childs given
2019-11-25 11:29 LUA call stack:
2019-11-25 11:29 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (20) : printCallstack
2019-11-25 11:29 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DUtil.lua (79) : checkChildIndex
2019-11-25 11:29 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Cylindered.lua (1324) : indexToObject
2019-11-25 11:29 dataS/scripts/vehicles/specializations/Cylindered.lua (129) : loadMovingPartFromXML
2019-11-25 11:29 dataS/scripts/vehicles/SpecializationUtil.lua (30)
2019-11-25 11:29 dataS/scripts/vehicles/Vehicle.lua (615) : raiseEvent
2019-11-25 11:29 dataS/scripts/i3d/I3DManager.lua (118) : asyncCallbackFunction
2019-11-25 11:29 Error: Index not found: 0>5|1|3|0|0|0|3|0
Mod: Ideal Erweiterung
Great mod. These smaller cutter units are very useful. For my own usage, I deleted the combine and the dynaFlex headers because I do not need them. I only kept the two powerflow heads and repack the mod. Good job, Thank you
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Hi, thanks for your comment.
It is not an error, it is on purpose. With the floater and row crop tyres, the rear steering axle is locked because of the size of these wheels.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I can't do anything for you because it works on my side.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Thanks for your comment :)
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I know. This is the new version I posted on every website (2.1) . For an unknow reason, the admins here do not accept my new version I uploaded. And they do not answer to my messages. Sorry, I can't do anything. I invite you to download V2.1 on an other website
Mod: Fendt Trisix
This issue is not on my side. I can't do anything about this.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I have uploaded a modified and lighter version of the Trisix (76mb). It is now compatible with courseplay. I am waiting for Modhoster approval. Sorry for the inconvenience you had.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I have sent to modhoster a lighter version (76mb) and compatible with courseplay (thank to zsorra who fixed it)
I don't know why it is not online yet. the file is still in approval.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I don't know what the problem is on your side, as it works for everybody else. What does your log says ?
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Thank you for your kind comment.
I should have precised in the description : the rear steering axis is locked up with Good-year and dual thin wheels configurations. With these 2 configurations, the wheels are too big, so they would collide if the rear steering axis was enabled. With these two wheel configurations, there is only front axis steering.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Sorry, I don't get what you mean.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
1) "Courseplay: VARIO T PROTO: aiTrafficCollisionTrigger missing. Traffic collision prevention will not work!"
It is a conflict with courseplay. The Trisix is not compatible with this mod for now. We are waiting for the final version of Courseplay before adressing this issue (it is related to the collision mask in the i3d file)
2) "Error: No depth map available, but shape 'drivingDust' (emitter1Ref) with material 'fx_smoke01_mat' uses a custom shader which requires reading depth data"
This error will be solved in V3 when we will use UDIM textures. Work in progress. But for now, this error does not affect the gameplay or the aspect of the tractor
Mod: Fendt Trisix
And I asked the permission of BR Mod Performance. They said it was ok to use the sound.xml without adding their name to the credits. That is why you better ask before accusing people for nothing. Sorry, but I do not own you any further explanations.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
A new version as been submited : it is now 76mb.
Thanks for your comment.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Yes, I took the XML as a model and rewrited it, not the sounds as you stated in your previous comment. Do I have also to credit Microsoft for creating Excel ?
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I have uploaded a cleaner version which is 76mb now. It is under approval for now.
Also, we are working now on the V3. A part from UDIM textures, we will rebuilt the XML and the complete folder path. Thank you for your comment
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Hi !
The Trisix V2 is online ! What is new ?
New 3D model : interior and exterior
4 engine options : VARIO T500 540hp, VARIO T700 750hp, VARIO T900 950hp and VARIO PROTO 1500hp
11 wheel configurations (Michelin, Trelleborg and GoodYear) : normal with or without weights, wide with or without weights, duals, floaters and row crop
Body and rims color selection
Working lights
New PTO (rear and front)
Dashboard animations and lights
Dynamic hoses
Wear, dirt and washable
If you use the Fendt Trisix V1, you will need to sell it and delete it from your mod folder.
Or you can keep it, and install this V2 version in your mod folder. Then you will have two types of Trisix. Your choice !
Just a precision : the crab steering option/ rear axis locking) does not apply with floater tyres and row crop tyres. With these configurations, the rear axis is locked up by default (otherwise, the wheels would collide due to their size)
We have tried to take all your remarks and comments into consideration. A lot of efforts have been put into this update. We hope you like it !
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I DID NOT copied the sound of the MB trac. The sounds of the 2 tractors are not even close or the same. Even the files (names, size, sound spectrum...etc.) are completely different. You better listen twice next time you make that kind of statement.
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Sorry but the Trisix does not show any error. Must be a mod conflict. Can you send me a screenshot by PM ?
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Thanks for all your comments, here some answers :
- I do not use the sound from the MB trac. You better listen twice, it is not the same sound at all. And the files are not even the same (I just checked to be sure)
- We are working on V2 : It will have a complete new 3D model for interior and exterior, 2 more engine options, dual wheels, crab steering and lockable rear axis, color choice for the body and the rims, and fully animated dashboard with lights.
- It would be impossible to reduce the size of the file to 40mb as it is a full custom model with very few shared textures and material.
We are know in testing phase of the V2, It will be released soon.
Stay tuned !
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Thanks for this information, you are right. We will correct that in next the version
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Thanks for your comment. We will try to improve the Trisix for the next version (dual wheels, color choices...etc)
Mod: Fendt Trisix
I am glad to share with you this conversion of the Fendt Trisix. I am sorry for the automatic translation of the description, but I don't speak german. I hope you will like this mod
Mod: Fendt Trisix
Ich hab das mal gemacht,
Ich freue mich, Ihnen diesen Umbau des Fendt Trisix mitzuteilen. Es tut mir leid für die automatische Übersetzung der Beschreibung, aber ich spreche kein Deutsch. Ich hoffe euch gefällt dieser Mod