Userprofil von rico the wolf
Member since 7 / 2015

rico the wolf
Punkte: 5
Rank: n/a
Vorname: ricardo Alter & Geschlecht: 26 m Wohnort: rotterdam Hobbys: gaming, electronics, rc`s, home and car audio, anime, furries, pc`s, metal working Homepage

About rico the wolf

i`m ricardo. i`m a proud furry and otaku. i speak dutch and english. i`m someone`s pet on kik i`m quite technical on the moment i`ve built 4 desktops one water cooled i love rc`s i`ve a tamiya rc truck a rc tugboat and a about 6 ft long rc ship i love home and car audio and i`m a gamer off course

want to contact me:
feel free to kik me: Ricardo_hompus
or contact me on G+: Rico the wolf
  1. rico the wolf 17. 02 2016

    Mod: Scania T Longline Tandem
    is this mod compatible with the scania mods from RJL?

    1 Antworten

    1. Truckbaehr 17. 02 2016

      Mod: Scania T Longline Tandem
      Dieser Truck ist leider nicht kompatibel mit RJL Truck!

      1 Antworten

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