Userprofil von Reverend
Member since 1 / 2016

Punkte: 27
Schlepper Versenker
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Reverend

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  1. Reverend 01. 05 2018

    Mod: Deutz-Fahr Agrotron TTV 6190
    Wahnsinnsteil! Danke für deine HAMMERMÜHE! Voll geil, dass sich wahre Modder so viel Zeit nehmen um dann ein Qualitätsprodukt rauszuhauen!

  2. Reverend 21. 03 2016

    Mod: SCANIA R700 NEU
    Wahre Worte Thunder!

  3. Reverend 11. 03 2016

    Mod: Borussia Dortmund
    Saugeil Olli! NUR DER BVB!

  4. Reverend 11. 03 2016

    Mod: Spedition Wandt Scania RJL
    Latha math my Scottish brother.
    As noone answers you, I will hopefully be of help. *.SCS files are basically renamed *.zip files. I.E., Skin.scs is nothing more than Regardless that Windows will tell you that the file will probably be broken, once you rename it.
    So, if you downloaded a *.zip, just copy it into your "Mods" folder and activate it inside the mod manager (you know where, right?)
    If you would rather have an *.scs, right-klick on it, leave the filename alone but change the part .zip to .scs -should work also but also shouldn't make a difference at all.

    If that won't help, or if you need a bit more support, don't hesitate to fire me a line at ngc7070 at gmail dot com, as I won't check here on a regular basis. Otherwise I'd have hat written this earlier.

    Greetings to the far north from the Czech Republic, stay safe


  5. Reverend 21. 02 2016

    Mod: All Scania Model Mega Mod
    "von ScaniaL hinzugefügt am 19.02.2015 "

    Ein Jahr alt, da kann das vorkommen...

  6. Reverend 21. 02 2016

    Mod: DAF addons for 50k
    Genau. Vor allem "hässliG" Du Rotzlöffel.

  7. Reverend 29. 01 2016

    Mod: Mega Store Reworked
    Muradhan35 as usual.

    -Old sh*t
    -Not working properly

    = won't download Murad's stuff ever again.

  8. Reverend 24. 01 2016

    Mod: Scania 143M Interior
    Too bad, another stolen mod. Great job on this, Muradthemodripper. Yuck. You are disgusting.

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