Userprofil von Nibbler
Member since 8 / 2013

Punkte: 9
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Nibbler

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  1. Nibbler 02. 12 2018

    Mod: Lösshügelland
    Thanks for the response, will look forward to that for sure, and I respect and understand that things may change at any given time.

  2. Nibbler 01. 12 2018

    Mod: Lösshügelland
    After clocking more then 1500 hours in this map in FS 17 and almost the same in FS 15 I would love to see this map in FS 19. Any plans to do that?

    1 Antworten

  3. Nibbler 24. 12 2013

    Mod: ViconTRex Shuttle
    Would be nice to see a multiplane version with Manure.

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