Userprofil von knuuud
Member since 1 / 2011

Punkte: 380
Modder Level 7
Rank: #6110
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About knuuud

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  1. knuuud 20. 04 2023

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    This worked like a charm :) TYWM! :)

  2. knuuud 19. 04 2023

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    I can try that after work today :) Thanks for trying to help ;)

    1 Antworten

  3. knuuud 17. 04 2023

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    ok, but how come it only happens when removing 1.75, and not if I started a new save with 1.97 and remove that? Reason I am asking is that I rather not have the 700 hours spent go to waste because of this. you have any idea if VI stored any info earlier in savegames that can trigger lua issues in other mods? This is not a complaint, nor a direct bug report as there is a new version without the issue, its more a call for help to save the progress and so that we can use the 1.97 instead of reverting to 1.75 to be able to play :).

    1 Antworten

  4. knuuud 16. 04 2023

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    actually the error comes as long as v1.75 is removed and terrafarm is in the game still. if a save that has not had any version of Vehicle inspector than terrafarm is fine, so question is where did VI corrupt the save so that I am not allowed to use terrafarm as long as VI V1.75 is in? if I add a newer version it still does not work, only 1.75. I been through all save files but cant find where VI has edited it?

    1 Antworten

  5. knuuud 15. 04 2023

    Mod: VehicleInspector
    Heya, Im having issues after updating from V1.75 to V1.97. It has been playing nicely with Terrafarm until I updated, and now I get this:
    Error: Running LUA method 'loadSharedI3DFileAsyncFinished'.
    d:/servers/service13493/home/games/FarmingSimulator22/mods/FS22_TerraFarm/src/machines/base/MachineConfigurationManager.lua:65: attempt to index field 'modNames' (a nil value)

    Anything I can do to get them to play allong again?

  6. knuuud 21. 01 2019

    Mod: AnimalsManager
    First off: Super mod!

    now for my problem :P I can't get cleanliness working on my dedi server. I tried to change settings in all possible ways, but no luck. Am I missing something?

    2 Antworten

  7. knuuud 08. 02 2017

    Mod: Volvo LM 218 Radlader

    Have a read here. try to keep this game a simulator and stick to realistic HP.

    Engine output (SAE), kW (hp) 46 (63)

  8. knuuud 24. 02 2016

    Something must be wrong with the GFX on this thing. It looks like a stoll loader! The original MF loaders are based on Älö loaders....

    1 Antworten

  9. knuuud 16. 10 2011

    Mod: Reime 9500l
    When will you lot learn? This is a copyrighted mod and will now be dealt with accordingly The only ones allowed to upload FMC mods are FMC members unless other permission has been given.. It better be gone by tomorrow from this site unless it is a FMC upload.

    Here you can clearly see the copyright:

  10. knuuud 13. 06 2011

    Mod: Unit Switcher
    @PanALF I agree with you there and that's partly my reason for making this :)

    A bit better description of the mod in English (If anyone would be so kind as to translate it to German that would be nice (Google didn't get this part quite right)):

    By the press of a button it switches between:
    1: Metric
    This mod gives you the opportunity if you bought the English edit of the game (don't have much effect for the ones that have the German edit because than all of these are set by default) to set the display of speed units (default: MPH) so that you can have metric units (km/h). As well it changes the gallons to liters (gallons by default). (The game was made using metric measures so its only the overlay that has been changed to show metric instead of the US it does on the English release (No calculation done))

    2: Imperial
    For those that have the English game (or for the ones with the German version that want these units) this mode calculates the MPH display correctly so that it shows the right measures. (example: 50km/h=31 mph (by default the mph shown in the English edit is calculated as km/h and not been recalculated to mph)) The gallons shown in this mode is calculated to 1gallon=4.54l (100l=ca 22gallons (and by default the game shows the liter amount))

    3: US
    For those that have the English game (or for the ones with the German version that want these units) this mode calculates the MPH display correctly so that it shows the right measures. (example: 50km/h=31 mph (by default the mph shown in the English edit is calculated as km/h and not been recalculated to mph))
    The gallons shown in this mode is calculated to 1gallon=3.78l (100l=ca 26.5gallons (and by default the game shows the liter amount))

    4: Off
    For any edition of the game this mode hides the speedometer and the additional info. I am working on a fix for this so that it hides every HUD item (for screenshot etc) and I will try to implement this by v1.2. I will try to make it override the mods as well so that the mods HUD will be hidden as well (good for the Operating-hours and the Es-limiter as well as for hiding vehicle info for screenshots)

    Well at least I hope this clarifies a bit of my intentions with this mod and I think the description I made when I uploaded it wasn't to good so that has been changed to this now.

    Happy farming
    -=Knuuud=- and Daveaich @ LS-UK.Info

  11. knuuud 12. 06 2011

    Mod: Unit Switcher
    Apparently this is a waste to post here on this site if everyone has your attitude.. the mod is for people that want to change the units displayed (if they bought German version of the game and want imperial or US measurement. or if they bought English version and want Metric measurement. (those that don't understand German but live in countries that use metric instead of imperial.))

  12. knuuud 10. 06 2011

    Mod: Unit Switcher
    The download link is now dead on this as there are a new version on its way out. Its up for approval now.

    Der Download-Link ist jetzt tot auf dieses, da es eine neue Version auf dem Weg aus sind. Seine bis zur Genehmigung jetzt. <== Google transelate.. :/

  13. knuuud 09. 06 2011

    Mod: Unit Switcher
    i know K-700 fan and thats why im making v1.1 ;)

    Thanks fendt fan 2 ill use that in v1.1

  14. knuuud 09. 06 2011

    Mod: Unit Switcher
    V1.1 will be out this afternoon with some minor changes. Stay tuned!

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