Userprofil von kdv
Member since 4 / 2016

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  1. kdv 01. 04 2016

    Mod: Gaben des Kaukasus Deutsche Version
    For sure, Danke - definitely a courseplay issue with relation to this map, but it doesn't affect other maps. Using drive control as well, with crop destruction turned off. Is there a particular script or something somewhere in the map file I could edit?

  2. kdv 01. 04 2016

    Mod: Gaben des Kaukasus Deutsche Version
    Excellent map, enjoying so far - with one 'problem'. As a courseplay user, having wheel lanes or crop destruction is no good. How do I find and remove this from the map?

    2 Antworten

    1. Tosser187 01. 04 2016

      Mod: Gaben des Kaukasus Deutsche Version
      The reason that the crops are not destroyed. is included in the mod coursplay
      We can not have influence on the mod coursplay. Sorry

      1 Antworten

    2. Mod: Gaben des Kaukasus Deutsche Version
      If i remember right, is in the Mapmenü (open whit shift+- or was it Strg+- i not remenber at the moment) a option, where you can disable the crop destruction an other features.

      1 Antworten

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