Member since 3 / 2016
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Mod: Produktion Karte
Thank you! :D Really good work!
Mod: Produktion Karte
Hey! I'm trying some autoload trailers for the greenhouses production (since I'm pretty bad at forklifting ) and found ( ). It's the only one that make the job.. but the problem is that it only works with tomatoes, lettuce and strawberries. Other fruit pallets ( and eggs also ) doesn't seems to work.. Since all of them are pretty much the same... maybe it's a code problem! Just looking for some trailer which can autoload anything on this awesome map! :)
PS: by the way... As there is a liquidManure storage facility west from the greenhouses... It would be awesome to have a Manure storage facility too!
Mod: CSZ set
Amazing work guys... you give a whole new level to the tools modding scene!