Member since 11 / 2016
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Mod: Berry Village Map
you should move this to the Normal map section this is not a big map its just standard size and not 4x or bigger. Very disappointed after I downloaded the map and tried it out. Looks good though lags a lot for some reason.
Mod: La ferme de L'ain
Is this 4x or 1x Also can you post a PDA picture
Mod: Verkaufspunkt platzierbar
Add a bales sell point on the side of the building thanks
Mod: XLFarms X3 Final Edition
add a PDA picture please
Mod: Kernstadt 2017 Multifrucht
you should make the american edit version of this map. Its much better
Mod: Versatile 846
I love these tractors. Hopefully the interior gets an update. thanks for sharing
Mod: Gorale v5
is this 4x? if not it should be in the normal map
Mod: CaseIH Wagenkühler 32m
Perfect. Thanks a lot
Mod: CaseIH Wagenkühler 32m
How do I change the price to say 350000? Feels like a cheat buying this huge seeder for 40k
Mod: Nutfield Immobilien
can we get a pic of the whole map thanks
Mod: Flachland Map
Can we get a picture of the full map thanks
Mod: KernStadt American Edit
This should be converted to fs 17!!
Is there going to be a 1.3 version to fix the grain mill sell point?
Mod: Buhalova
Can you post a picture of the map so I know what it looks like thanks
Mod: Langenfeld
I like this map style hopefully you make one that takes up the whole map with bigger fields. Keep up the good work.
Cannot sell grain with update 1.1