Userprofil von gerald-di-rivia
Member since 8 / 2016

Punkte: 306
Eier Zähler
Rank: #7266
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About gerald-di-rivia

keine Angabe
  1. Mod: FENDT 1000 VARIO
    sembra un pezzo di plastica ma migliorare le texture ti costa cosi tanto??

  2. Mod: John Deere 8000 Serie
    and a good job Bravo

    2 Antworten

  3. Mod: John Deere 8000 Serie
    Fix perfect Kemper Plus

    <inputAttacherJoint index="0>2|0" jointType="cutterHarvester" lowerDistanceToGround="1.20" upperDistanceToGround="1.45" ptoInputNode="0>2|20" upperRotationOffset="0" forceSelectionOnAttach="false"/>

    I3D position translateX 0 TranslateY 0.811 TranslateZ -0.974 RotateX 90 RotateY -84.845 Rotatez -90 scale x y z 1 1 1

  4. Mod: JCB FASTRAC 4000 PACK
    update RegisterFastracJoint.lua

  5. Mod: JCB FASTRAC 4000 PACK
    to rebuild new version 7.02 giants i3d.shapes

  6. Mod: JCB FASTRAC 4000 PACK
    open stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d and save for per ricostruire il file stollFrontLoaderFZ.i3d.shapes salvare e verra ricostruito

  7. Mod: JCB FASTRAC 4000 PACK
    open jcbFastrac4000.i3d notepad++ rename .png .dds open jcbFastrac4000.i3d to rebuild the jcbFastrac4000.i3d.shapes file will save and rebuilt

  8. Mod: Fendt900BlackBeauty
    e bastaaaaaa mettete le skin ma non ste cose duplicate inutili -5 stelle

  9. Mod: Fendt900 Dragon
    ma mettere solo le skin no ma modhoster sta sempre peggiorando ma chi controlla queste schifezze??

  10. Mod: Fendt 930 TMS Vario
    the rear lights strobe to adjust, texture is horrible to adjust and deserves 5 stars

  11. Mod: Lely_Mähwerke
    but that ***** are these modhoster is becoming a sh*t

  12. Mod: Weight and 3pt-Adapter
    5 stars great inventiveness and originality

  13. Mod: Porte Coupe Cochet pivotant
    very inventive at least someone agrees I put 5 stars and recommended
    strength and courage I want to see it definitively.

  14. Mod: VERSATILE RT490
    what do you need to put themselves in the Giants' grains with different brands but a bit of inventiveness ??
    moreover, do not even IC or other things to make a self-leveling no ??

  15. Mod: JCB 4220
    ma che merda e questa

  16. Mod: FS Mod Manager 5
    italian language please 5

    1 Antworten

  17. Mod: Claas Jaguar 800
    you could post the code please let xml

  18. Mod: Claas Jaguar 800
    Merry Christmas to you are the best, and thank you so much

  19. Mod: nokian tyres
    Fendt 1050
    Standard tires (AG): Front: 650 / 65R38. Rear: 750 / 75R46
    Optional tire (AG): Front: 710 / 60R38. Rear: 900 / 65R46

    you tires max 650 /_65R38 ---- 650 / 65R42

    1 Antworten

  20. Mod: nokian tyres
    excuse but a description for the installation ??? I put 2 stars because they lack the instructions

    2 Antworten

  21. Mod: Silage Fräse
    good mod error in modDesc <iconFilename></iconFilename>

    fix <iconFilename></iconFilename>

  22. Mod: RANDAZZO R270 PT BETA
    fillType in the bottom and a flaw a bit ugly to see but beautiful mod

    1 Antworten

  23. Mod: Kverneland Cli 430/630
    5/5 beautiful mod for use with ChoppedStraw

    1 Antworten

  24. Mod: Frontlader Anzeige
    nice mod It would be perfect if there was a full automatic mode lowering 0 / meter 0 grade

  25. Mod: Goldcrest valley plus plus
    hello map now and even more beautiful just missing that and deserves 10 stars

    1 Antworten

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