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Userprofil von flexmaster
Member since 3 / 2013

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About flexmaster

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  1. flexmaster 02. 01 2016

    Mod: Meyenburg
    Thanks for a fantastic map! Well done :)
    A little question: at the Milchviehstall I cant find the trigger to feed wheat straw and hay. I saw on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpiRDUh6yME) that the trigger should be located at the fences on each side of the driving entrance.
    Im running version 1.2 (it says 1.19 when loading the game though)
    Thanks :)

  2. flexmaster 25. 04 2014

    Mod: Paradise
    Yeah ok, got a monster caterpillar as well. Also tried with some förderbands/conveyors aswell, but not a perfect solution either.

  3. flexmaster 09. 04 2014

    Mod: Paradise
    First off, great map! :D
    Next, have anyone had luck with creating CP course for emptying BGA silos? Been trying for hours, but keep getting stuck :S

    1 Antworten

  4. flexmaster 28. 07 2013

    Mod: Hagenstedt lands
    First off - great remake og Hagenstedt, enjoy it allready! :)
    However, I have trouble loading the pigs on the Joskin Betimax. Have tried adjusting the trailer in many ways over the marked load space, but unsuccessful.
    Am I the only one with this issue?
    Thanks - and keed up the good work!

  5. flexmaster 29. 03 2013

    Mod: Courseplay kurse fur BassumerLand
    As mario.Daf below, I have problems getting CP courses to unload at LU. I have tried the standard Agroliner 303 and the biggest Krampe tipper, and also the Agroliner 302 included in the mod pack for Bassumer 5.3.
    But no matter what tipper, it runs slowly through LU withot unloading.
    CP says "tip trigger reached" in the bottom, but doesnt stop and unload.
    Any suggestions?

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