Userprofil von ffendt930tms
Member since 2 / 2011

Punkte: 8
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 27 m Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: Landwirtschaft Homepage keine Angabe

About ffendt930tms

Ich zocke gerne LS :D
  1. ffendt930tms 08. 01 2013

    Mod: ProjectX
    Bei mir Starte die map nicht und wenn ich dann in der log gucke dann sie die errors da Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/Tjark/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/ProjectX/Rolltor.lua
    Register vehicle type: Rundballenzange_TL.Roundbalefork
    Register vehicle type: Seeding_Heckcontainer.container
    Register vehicle type: Strautmann_Megatrans.Strautmann_MegaTrans
    data/sky/sky_day_night.i3d (0.00mb in 24241.43 ms)
    data/sky/rain.i3d (0.00mb in 1.89 ms)
    data/sky/hail.i3d (0.00mb in 1.16 ms)
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] g2_groupShape'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Guelleschlauch:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Strasse50m'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape3'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] TorLinksKlein:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] TorRechtsGross:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Kuhstall:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] TorLinksGross:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] MeshShape'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] sandShape'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] KleinesTorRechts:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Kurve50m20GradRechts'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Regal:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve30m5GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWSteigung30m10Grad'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWGerade10'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWGefaelle30m5Grad'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Kurve30m45GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] GuellegrubeImBoden:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Schiebetor1:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Maschinenlagerhalle:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] MeshShape'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] dumpsterShape'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve50m30GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWGerade50'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWGerade100m'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve100m20GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape8'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] casa'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] house_01:g0Shape'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] HalleSolar:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Ansauggestell:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Getreidelager:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Halle:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Boden'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] TorRechtsKlein:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] UnterstandKlein:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Pflaster:polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Gerade50m'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Kurve50m20GradRechts'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Kurve100m20GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWSteigung30m5Grad'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWGefaelle30m10Grad'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve30m10GradRechts'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Kurve100m30GradRechts'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Kurve100m30GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] House'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Building'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] house_02:g0Shape'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Stationready'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve30m30GradRechts'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve30m45GradRechts'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve50m45GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWKurve30m45GradLinks'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] FWGerade20'

    Bitte helft mir.

  2. ffendt930tms 02. 12 2012

    Mod: Two Rivers
    ja bei mir kommt immer about:blank und dann kommt danach verbinden fehlgeschlagen

  3. ffendt930tms 13. 01 2012

    Mod: Kuhn FC313F & GMD 4010 Set
    Das ist ein echt geiles Mähwerk

  4. ffendt930tms 18. 10 2011

    Mod: Agrar Simulator 2011 MAP
    hey hat jemand schon agra simulator biogas ??

  5. ffendt930tms 17. 03 2011

    Mod: BGA Mod
    Bitte schneller. ;)

  6. ffendt930tms 15. 03 2011

    Mod: Leere Map zum bauen
    bei mir kann ich das nur mit editor öffnen weil das eine rar ist kann die jemand als zip machen ??oder kann ich das auch so machen ??

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