Member since 12 / 2017
Userprofil von DerAgrarBoy
keine Angabe
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keine Angabe
About DerAgrarBoy
keine Angabe
Noch keine Bilder vorhanden
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Mod: Eigenbau Gewicht 1500KG
Es is halt von Ls17 original drinne aber das gewicht hat halt noch zugmaul das machts halt 3 mal besser.
Mod: Ferry
Könntest du dazu mal ein YouTube tutorial oder ähnliches machen :D
Wäre nett
Mfg: DerAgrarBoy
Mod: ForFarmers Cargobull
Lieber Jan73 es kann auch an der Map oder sonstiges liegen,weil sich manche Maps/Mods etc. nicht vertragen nich alle Mods sind für alle Maps ausgelegt manche ja aber andere halt nur auf denn Standard maps also solltest du das mal ausprobieren
Ich hoffe ich konnte dir helfen. :D
MFG: AgrarBoy
Mod: GroundResponse.lua
Ich kann mir die mod nicht downloaden dann kommt dieser Text:
-- -- GroundResponse -- -- -- @author GIANTS Software -- @date 15/10/2016 -- @tester rachederasen 28/02/2017 -- Copyright (C) GIANTS Software GmbH, Confidential, All Rights Reserved. GroundResponse = {}; function GroundResponse.prerequisitesPresent(specializations) return true; end function GroundResponse:load(savegame) self.loadParticleSystemsForWheel = GroundResponse.loadParticleSystemsForWheel; self.updateWheelDirtPS = GroundResponse.updateWheelDirtPS; self.updateWheelSink = GroundResponse.updateWheelSink; self.getWheelCurrentSink = GroundResponse.getWheelCurrentSink; self.updateWheelTireFriction = Utils.overwrittenFunction(self.updateWheelTireFriction, GroundResponse.updateWheelTireFriction); self.applyRandomForceToWheels = GroundResponse.applyRandomForceToWheels; if g_currentMission.wheelDirt ~= nil and g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referenceShape ~= nil and g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referencePS["soilDry"] ~= nil and g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referencePS["soilWet"] ~= nil then if self.wheels ~= nil and table.getn(self.wheels) > 0 then local numWheels = table.getn(self.wheels); for iWheel=1,numWheels do local wheel = self.wheels[iWheel]; if wheel.hasParticles then local refNode = wheel.node; self:loadParticleSystemsForWheel(refNode, wheel) if wheel.additionalWheels ~= nil then for _,additionalWheel in pairs(wheel.additionalWheels) do self:loadParticleSystemsForWheel(refNode, additionalWheel); end end end end for iWheel=1,numWheels do local wheel1 = self.wheels[iWheel]; if wheel1.oppositeWheelIndex == nil then for jWheel=1,numWheels do if iWheel ~= jWheel then local wheel2 = self.wheels[jWheel]; if math.abs(wheel1.positionX + wheel2.positionX) < 0.1 and math.abs(wheel1.positionZ - wheel2.positionZ) < 0.1 and math.abs(wheel1.positionY - wheel2.positionY) < 0.1 then wheel1.oppositeWheelIndex = jWheel; wheel2.oppositeWheelIndex = iWheel; break; end end end end end end end self.dirtParticleSystemDirtyFlag = self:getNextDirtyFlag(); end function GroundResponse:postLoad(savegame) for _,wheel in pairs(self.wheels) do wheel.sink = 0; wheel.sinkTarget = 0; wheel.radiusOriginal = wheel.radius; wheel.sinkFrictionScaleFactor = 1; wheel.sinkLongStiffnessFactor = 1; wheel.sinkLatStiffnessFactor = 1; end end function GroundResponse:loadParticleSystemsForWheel(refNode, wheel) wheel.dirtPS = {}; local psEmitterShape = clone(g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referenceShape, false, false, false); link(refNode, psEmitterShape); local x,y,z; if wheel.wheelTire == nil then x,y,z = localToLocal(wheel.driveNode, refNode, 0, 0, 0); else x,y,z = localToLocal(wheel.wheelTire, refNode, 0, 0, 0); end setTranslation(psEmitterShape, x+wheel.xOffset,y,z); setRotation(psEmitterShape, 0, 0, 0); setScale(psEmitterShape, 2*wheel.width, 2*wheel.radius, 2*wheel.radius); for _,name in pairs( {"soilDry", "soilWet"} ) do if g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referencePS[name] ~= nil then wheel.dirtPS[name] = {}; local psClone = clone(g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referencePS[name].shape, true, false, true); ParticleUtil.loadParticleSystemFromNode(psClone, wheel.dirtPS[name], false, g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referencePS[name].worldSpace, g_currentMission.wheelDirt.referencePS[name].forceFullLifespan); ParticleUtil.setEmitterShape(wheel.dirtPS[name], psEmitterShape); wheel.dirtPS[name].isActive = false; wheel.dirtPS[name].isActiveSend = false; wheel.dirtPS[name].particleSpeed = ParticleUtil.getParticleSystemSpeed(wheel.dirtPS[name]); wheel.dirtPS[name].particleRandomSpeed = ParticleUtil.getParticleSystemSpeedRandom(wheel.dirtPS[name]); --wheel.dirtPS[name].particleNormalSpeed = ParticleUtil.getParticleSystemNormalSpeed(wheel.dirtPS[name]); --wheel.dirtPS[name].particleTangentSpeed = ParticleUtil.getParticleSystemTangentSpeed(wheel.dirtPS[name]); end end end function GroundResponse:delete() for _,wheel in pairs(self.wheels) do ParticleUtil.deleteParticleSystems(wheel.dirtPS); if wheel.additionalWheels ~= nil then for _,additionalWheel in pairs(wheel.additionalWheels) do ParticleUtil.deleteParticleSystems(additionalWheel.dirtPS); end end end end function GroundResponse:mouseEvent(posX, posY, isDown, isUp, button) end function GroundResponse:keyEvent(unicode, sym, modifier, isDown) end function GroundResponse:readUpdateStream(streamId, timestamp, connection) if connection:getIsServer() then local dirty = streamReadBool(streamId); if dirty then for _,wheel in pairs(self.wheels) do wheel.dirtParticlesActive = streamReadBool(streamId); end end end end function GroundResponse:writeUpdateStream(streamId, connection, dirtyMask) if not connection:getIsServer() then if streamWriteBool(streamId, bitAND(dirtyMask, self.dirtParticleSystemDirtyFlag) ~= 0) then for _,wheel in pairs(self.wheels) do streamWriteBool(streamId, wheel.dirtParticlesActive); end end end end function GroundResponse:update(dt) if self.isServer then if self:getIsActive() then self:updateWheelSink(dt); self:applyRandomForceToWheels(dt); end end end function GroundResponse:updateTick(dt) if self.isClient then for _,wheel in pairs(self.wheels) do if wheel.dirtPS ~= nil then if wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast == nil then wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast = wheel.netInfo.xDrive; end local xDriveDiff = wheel.netInfo.xDrive - wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast; if xDriveDiff > math.pi then wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast = wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast + 2*math.pi; elseif xDriveDiff < -math.pi then wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast = wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast - 2*math.pi; end xDriveDiff = wheel.netInfo.xDrive - wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast; wheel.netInfo.xDriveLast = wheel.netInfo.xDrive; local wheelRotSpeed = math.deg(xDriveDiff) / (0.001 * dt); local maxWheelRotSpeed = 1080; local wheelRotFactor = math.abs(wheelRotSpeed) / maxWheelRotSpeed; wheelRotFactor = wheelRotFactor * wheel.radius; self:updateWheelDirtPS(wheel, wheelRotFactor, wheel.steeringAngle); if wheel.additionalWheels ~= nil then for _,additionalWheel in pairs(wheel.additionalWheels) do self:updateWheelDirtPS(additionalWheel, wheelRotFactor, wheel.steeringAngle); end end end end end end function GroundResponse:updateWheelDirtPS(wheel, wheelRotFactor, steeringAngle) if wheel.dirtPS ~= nil then local sizeScale = 2 * wheel.width * wheel.radius; for _,ps in pairs(wheel.dirtPS) do ParticleUtil.setEmittingState(ps, ps.isActive); if ps.isActive then -- emit count local speedEmitScale = wheelRotFactor * sizeScale; local speedEmitScaleWet = math.pow( 2*wheelRotFactor*sizeScale*g_currentMission.environment.groundWetness, 2 ); local emitScale = 0.5 * (speedEmitScale + speedEmitScaleWet); ParticleUtil.setEmitCountScale(ps, emitScale); -- speeds local speedFactor = 0.3 * wheelRotFactor; local speed = ps.particleSpeed * speedFactor; speed = math.min(speed, 0.001); ParticleUtil.setParticleSystemSpeed(ps, speed); --ParticleUtil.setParticleSystemNormalSpeed(ps, 1.0 ); --ParticleUtil.getParticleSystemTangentSpeed(ps, 0.4 ); ParticleUtil.setParticleSystemSpeedRandom(ps, ps.particleRandomSpeed * speedFactor); -- adjust position local dirSign = 1; if self.movingDirection < 0 then dirSign = -1; end local x,y,z; if wheel.wheelTire == nil then x,y,z = localToLocal(wheel.driveNode, getParent(ps.emitterShape), wheel.xOffset, 0, 0); else x,y,z = localToLocal(wheel.wheelTire, getParent(ps.emitterShape), 0, 0, 0); end setTranslation(ps.emitterShape, x,y,z); if self.movingDirection < 0 then setRotation(ps.emitterShape, 0,math.pi+steeringAngle,0); else setRotation(ps.emitterShape, 0,steeringAngle,0); end end end end end function GroundResponse:draw() end function GroundResponse:updateWheelSink(dt) local speed = self:getLastSpeed(); local detailId = g_currentMission.terrainDetailId; for _,wheel in pairs(self.wheels) do local width = 0.25 * wheel.width; local length = 0.25 * wheel.width; local x0,y0,z0; local x1,y1,z1; local x2,y2,z2; if wheel.repr == wheel.driveNode then x0,y0,z0 = localToWorld(wheel.node, wheel.positionX + width, wheel.positionY, wheel.positionZ - length); x1,y1,z1 = localToWorld(wheel.node, wheel.positionX - width, wheel.positionY, wheel.positionZ - length); x2,y2,z2 = localToWorld(wheel.node, wheel.positionX + width, wheel.positionY, wheel.positionZ + length); else local x,_,z = localToLocal(wheel.driveNode, wheel.repr, 0,0,0); x0,y0,z0 = localToWorld(wheel.repr, x + width, 0, z - length); x1,y1,z1 = localToWorld(wheel.repr, x - width, 0, z - length); x2,y2,z2 = localToWorld(wheel.repr, x + width, 0, z + length); end local x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ = Utils.getXZWidthAndHeight(nil, x0,z0, x1,z1, x2,z2); setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", 0); local density, area, _ = getDensityParallelogram(detailId, x,z, widthX,widthZ, heightX,heightZ, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeFirstChannel, g_currentMission.terrainDetailTypeNumChannels); setDensityCompareParams(detailId, "greater", -1); local terrainValue = 0; if area > 0 then terrainValue = math.floor(density/area + 0.5); end local minVal, maxVal = 0, 1; local sinkSpeed = (dt/1000) * (speed/10) * (0.01 * math.random(120)); local maxSink = math.min(0.3, wheel.radius*0.7 * (0.8 + 0.5*g_currentMission.environment.groundWetness)) * 1.0; -- Multiplikator Zieleinsinktiefe von 0.6 - 1.3 if terrainValue == 1 then -- cultivator_gegrubberter Boden minVal, maxVal = 180, 180; -- Verhealtniswert im Ziel zum maximalem Einsinken sinkSpeed = sinkSpeed * 0.5; elseif terrainValue == 2 then -- plough_gepflügter Boden minVal, maxVal = 100, 100; sinkSpeed = sinkSpeed * 0.6; elseif terrainValue == 3 then -- sowing_gesähter Boden wie Weizen_Gerste_Raps minVal, maxVal = 110, 110; sinkSpeed = sinkSpeed * 0.3; elseif terrainValue == 4 then -- sowingWidth_gedrillter Boden wie Mais_Sonnenblumen minVal, maxVal = 120, 120; sinkSpeed = sinkSpeed * 0.4; elseif terrainValue == 5 then -- grass_Gras minVal, maxVal = 20, 30; sinkSpeed = sinkSpeed * 0.5; end local ploughEffect = false; if area == 0 then wheel.sinkTarget = 0; else if wheel.sink == wheel.sinkTarget or wheel.lastTerrainValue ~= terrainValue then local currentSink = self:getWheelCurrentSink(wheel); wheel.sinkTarget = math.min(maxSink, 0.01 * math.random(minVal, maxVal) * currentSink); -- 'ploughing effect' if terrainValue == 2 and wheel.oppositeWheelIndex ~= nil then local oppositeWheel = self.wheels[wheel.oppositeWheelIndex]; if oppositeWheel.lastTerrainValue ~= nil and oppositeWheel.lastTerrainValue ~= 2 then wheel.sinkTarget = wheel.sinkTarget * 1.5; ploughEffect = true; end end end end if wheel.sinkTarget ~= wheel.sink then local sinkDelta = maxSink * sinkSpeed; if terrainValue ~= wheel.lastTerrainValue then sinkDelta = maxSink * (dt/250); end if wheel.sink < wheel.sinkTarget then wheel.sink = math.min(wheel.sinkTarget, wheel.sink + sinkDelta); elseif wheel.sink > wheel.sinkTarget then wheel.sink = math.max(wheel.sinkTarget, wheel.sink - sinkDelta); end wheel.radius = wheel.radiusOriginal - wheel.sink; self:updateWheelBase(wheel); local sinkFactor = (wheel.sink/maxSink) * (0.4 + 0.6*g_currentMission.environment.groundWetness); -- bestimmt Einsinkverhalten_erste Zahl trockener Boden_zweite Zahl nasser Boden wheel.sinkFrictionScaleFactor = (1.0 - math.min(0.7, sinkFactor)); -- Traktion bei Einsinktiefe wheel.sinkLongStiffnessFactor = (1.0 - math.min(0.2, sinkFactor)); -- Bodensteiffigkeit in Fahrtrichtung beim Einsinken wheel.sinkLatStiffnessFactor = (1.0 - math.min(0.0, sinkFactor)); -- Bodensteiffigkeit in Querrichtung beim Einsinken self:updateWheelTireFriction(wheel); end wheel.lastTerrainValue = terrainValue; if wheel.dirtPS ~= nil then local enableSoilPS = false; if terrainValue == 1 then -- cultivator enableSoilPS = true; elseif terrainValue == 2 then -- plough enableSoilPS = true; elseif terrainValue == 3 then -- sowing enableSoilPS = true; elseif terrainValue == 4 then -- sowingWidth enableSoilPS = true; elseif terrainValue == 5 then -- grass enableSoilPS = false; end for _,ps in pairs(wheel.dirtPS) do ps.isActive = false; end if enableSoilPS and (speed > 1) and wheel.sink > 0 then if g_currentMission.environment.groundWetness > 0.2 then if wheel.dirtPS["soilWet"] ~= nil then wheel.dirtPS["soilWet"].isActive = true; end else if wheel.dirtPS["soilDry"] ~= nil then wheel.dirtPS["soilDry"].isActive = true; end end end if wheel.additionalWheels ~= nil then for _,additionalWheel in pairs(wheel.additionalWheels) do for _,ps in pairs(additionalWheel.dirtPS) do ps.isActive = enableSoilPS and (speed > 1) and wheel.sink > 0; end end end end end end function GroundResponse:getWheelCurrentSink(wheel) if wheel.maxDeformation == nil or wheel.wheelTire == nil then return 0; end local gravity = 9.81; local tireLoad = getWheelShapeContactForce(wheel.node, wheel.wheelShape); if tireLoad ~= nil then local nx,ny,nz = getWheelShapeContactNormal(wheel.node, wheel.wheelShape); local dx,dy,dz = localDirectionToWorld(wheel.node, 0,-1,0); tireLoad = -tireLoad*Utils.dotProduct(dx,dy,dz, nx,ny,nz); tireLoad = tireLoad + math.max(ny*gravity, 0.0) * wheel.mass; -- add gravity force of tire else tireLoad = 0; end tireLoad = tireLoad / gravity; local loadFactor = (tireLoad / wheel.restLoad); local totalWidth = wheel.width; if wheel.additionalWheels ~= nil then for _,additionalWheel in pairs(wheel.additionalWheels) do totalWidth = totalWidth + additionalWheel.width; end end local length = 2 * math.pi * (wheel.radius *1.5) * (20/360); -- Tragfähigkeit Reifenumfang local area = totalWidth * length; local loadFactor = math.min(10, loadFactor * 0.4 * (1.0/area) * (0.5 + (0.5*g_currentMission.environment.groundWetness))); -- bestimmt Einfluss der Ladung auf das Einsinken maxSink = loadFactor * wheel.maxDeformation; return maxSink; end function GroundResponse:updateWheelTireFriction(superFunc, wheel) if self.isServer and self.isAddedToPhysics then setWheelShapeTireFriction(wheel.node, wheel.wheelShape, wheel.sinkFrictionScaleFactor*wheel.maxLongStiffness, wheel.sinkLatStiffnessFactor*wheel.maxLatStiffness, wheel.maxLatStiffnessLoad, wheel.sinkFrictionScaleFactor*wheel.frictionScale*wheel.tireGroundFrictionCoeff); end; end function GroundResponse:applyRandomForceToWheels(dt) local numWheels = table.getn(self.wheels); if numWheels == 0 or not self:getIsActive() then return; end local speed = self:getLastSpeed(); local forceFactor = 0.001; local totalMass = 0; for _,component in pairs(self.components) do totalMass = totalMass + getMass(component.node); end for i=1, numWheels do local wheel = self.wheels[i]; if speed > 1 then if wheel.nextRandomHitTime == nil then local hitDistance = math.random(1, numWheels) * 0.5; local speedMS = speed / 3.6; local timeDelta = math.min(1000, (1000 * hitDistance / speedMS)); wheel.nextRandomHitTime = g_currentMission.time + timeDelta; end end if wheel.nextRandomHitTime ~= nil and wheel.nextRandomHitTime < g_currentMission.time then if wheel.hasGroundContact and == Vehicle.WHEEL_GROUND_CONTACT and wheel.forcePercentage == nil then local r1, r2 = Utils.getNormallyDistributedRandomVariables(5, 5*0.333); r1 = math.max(0.0001, r1); r2 = math.max(1, r2); -- linear influence of speed results in too intense hits --local force = forceFactor * totalMass * speed * r1; -- square root is better local force = forceFactor * totalMass * math.sqrt(speed) * r1 * 0.2; local maxForce = forceFactor * (totalMass * 0.5); force = math.min(force, maxForce); wheel.timeTillFullForce = r2 * 50; -- max. ~500ms wheel.forcePercentage = 0; wheel.currentForce = force; end end if wheel.currentForce ~= nil then local delta = (dt/wheel.timeTillFullForce) * 0.01 * math.random(20); if speed > 1 and not wheel.maxForceReached then wheel.forcePercentage = math.min(1, wheel.forcePercentage + delta); else wheel.forcePercentage = math.max(0, wheel.forcePercentage - delta); end local currentForce = wheel.forcePercentage * wheel.currentForce; local dx,dy,dz = 0,-currentForce,0; --local dx,dy,dz = localDirectionToWorld(wheel.node, 0,-currentForce,0); local px,py,pz = localToLocal(wheel.driveNode, wheel.node, 0,0,0); addImpulse(wheel.node, dx,dy,dz, px,py,pz, true); --addForce(wheel.node, dx,dy,dz, px,py,pz, true); if wheel.forcePercentage == 1 then wheel.maxForceReached = true; end if wheel.maxForceReached and wheel.forcePercentage == 0 then wheel.forcePercentage = nil; wheel.currentForce = nil; wheel.nextRandomHitTime = nil; wheel.maxForceReached = false end end end end
Mod: Renault K GTLF
Ich werde sie mal ausprobieren mal schauen hoffe es funktioniert alles :D
Mod: Lizard TT Pickup "Sicherungsfahrzeug"
Dann liegt es an deinem Pc/Spiel bei mir funktioniert alles
Man kann diese Mod installieren aber bei dir könnte ein Fehler aufgetreten sein hatte ich auch schon musst mal Googlen.