Userprofil von Byzy
Member since 12 / 2017

Punkte: 33
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About Byzy

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  1. Byzy 06. 02 2020

    Mod: 2016 Chevrolet Silverado 1500
    WOW! This is a quality mod that goes above Giants standard. The amount of options is great, the way it drives is realistic, you can lift and lower it with mouse controls, AND THE WINDOWS ROLL DOWN.
    You can choose ramps for your bed configuration and they actually work, as in they fold out and you can drive something up them. You can fit the Mahindra side-by-side in the back(barely, it's a little big) and transport it reliably.
    This just won being my new farm truck by many miles.

  2. Byzy 27. 11 2018

    Mod: Aussie Outpack
    First I'd like to compliment the map maker on creating a great environment and feel of Australia with textures, trees, etc.
    However my first gripe is that this is an edit of Estancia Lapacho which should be noted in the map description at least. The land division has not been changed from this original map so buying land and fields is a hassle because fields are split by original borders like the river and trails that no longer exist.
    Aside from that one issue, it is a very good map and When the land division issue is fixed, I'll happily recommend it as a fun mod map to play on!
    (Maybe don't make every field one huge field though, for those who like to start from nothing and work up!)

  3. Byzy 20. 08 2018

    Mod: John Deere 8R Series
    Here is my first experience with the mod:
    Buying: What the heck is RUL?
    Looks nice. In-Cab is activated with Left Shift? Oh the door does open from the outside then! Oh it has closing noise! The wheel does auto-move into position. Indoor and outdoor sound difference, good! Sunscreens! Holy ***** there's a lot of buttons... The seat rotates a little? Sound does not switch to 'outside' when back window or doors is opened. Work/headlights are blue xenon but they're yellow on the tractor model? Interior light is on when first entered.
    Turning On: Very very nice start-up sounds. Very Abruptly changes to idle engine running sound. Great shut off sound! Oh are you kidding me? You can lift and lower the cab with mouse controls! Oh the Briet Michelin tires are ugly. I'm getting this in my regular game!

  4. Byzy 13. 06 2018

    Mod: Fiatagri G Series
    I did not like playing with this mod. The tractor slides ever so slightly even when stopped unless you get out of it. While it does have nice features like IC functions, I would say this mod is below vanilla Giants standard.

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