Member since 12 / 2014
Userprofil von Aussie_Lee
Alter & Geschlecht:
Photography, 3D modeling, textures and lighting
About Aussie_Lee
Aussie mature aged university student (BA of Media, CGI, visual effects and game art)Planning to make Australian coastal maps for FS17.
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Sandy Bay Redux LT
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Dieser Nutzer hat noch keine Projekte vorgestellt.
Mod: SandyBayRedux
Hi Landi68,
I recommend you try v3.1 as most of those errors would have been from 3 corrupted transform groups and a left over wood trigger plus a few other small items that have all been fixed. I have heard some good news about multiplayer working well, even ways to get their old game save for MP working via name changing.
Hallo Landi68,
Empfehle ich Ihnen versuchen V3. 1, da die meisten dieser Fehler hätte aus 3 beschädigte Transform-Gruppen und links über Holz Trigger plus ein paar andere Kleinigkeiten, die alle behoben wurden. Ich habe einige gute Nachrichten über die Multiplayer-Arbeit gut, sogar Möglichkeiten, um ihr altes Spiel für MP arbeiten über ändern Namen speichern.
Mod: SandyBayRedux
Versuchen Sie die Karte nun Lovat, das Problem behoben ist.
Mod: SandyBayRedux
Thank you Nobody_Tramm, yes you can sell bales there but all windrow must be sold at the stables.
Danke Nobody_Tramm, ja Sie können Ballen es verkaufen, aber alle Miete muss im Stall verkauft werden.
Mod: SandyBayRedux
You say the roads are too close again? It is a English map, all their roads are narrow.
You recommend people play a different map and advertise this on my DLC page? Are your arrogant or just rude?
I'm not even going to translate this, you should comment about map issues, not personal beliefs and then you use my page to tell about your favorite map, I'm very angry about this.
You make me not want to show Europe my upcoming work for Australian maps in FS17 - but I do know there are many that do NOT think like you and that keeps me positive.
Mod: Sandy Bay Redux LT
Thank you Bergbauer Greg,
This one will let you load up many mods and you can see all the map from the middle while still getting good fps.
If you google map a place called 'Wallaroo' in South Australia, that is my next map, even with Aussie cars and houses, including the harbor, gigantic silage bunkers and the crop duster airstrip. All flat and square fields.
Enjoy this lite version,
Mod: Sandy Bay Redux LT
Pappel, your personal opinion is important and respected. But you are saying that people should not play this map because there is too much water? My next map will also have a lot of water, not as much but enough for boats and ships to function. It is people like you that discourage mod makers from working for 100’s of hours FREE!
Pappel, ist Ihre persönliche Meinung wichtig und respektiert. Aber Sie sagen, dass Menschen diese Karte nicht spielen sollte, weil es zu viel Wasser? Meine nächste Karte haben auch eine Menge Wasser, nicht so viel, aber genug für Boote und Schiffe zu funktionieren. Es sind Menschen wie Sie, die mod Entscheidungsträger von der Arbeit für 100 Stunden freie abschrecken!
Mod: Ponsee Wolverine
Nice mod, try using the translator in MS Word, but to be honest your text is clear and easy to read, please spread the idea to all modders :)
Mod: Arcusin AutoStack FS63 72
I have been waiting for this bail trailer to come out as a mod so thank you Javier. And the no collision idea is perfect as that gap always meant I had to use another bail to push everything into line. One note to anyone that hasn't experienced massive lag spikes yet,,,, do not collect too many bails in one location or you may experience CTD's from low FPS. (I use a i7 and gtx660ti and still found this issue with bails.
Mod: Motorsense
Both download links are unavailable to Australia, completely blocked by Bitdefender, and I trust BD more than the link.
Can you upload to this site?
Mod: Heinzelmännchen
Hahahaha, Brownies. Well done Olaf :)
I have a dislike for the dirt system. It is too quick, even on the slow setting, and also the parked/unused vehicles should not get dirty, this is a Giants issue that they should address. If mod creators made all their work with a half dirty version, I would never turn it on again. I clean all my vehicles after every session by turning it off/on, so thank you for this mod :)
Mod: UniversalProcessKit
I never use a map without this mod now, thank you for your 100% useful tool.
Note to all: keep your piles at 250,000 - 300,000(l) and space them out. This will avoid 'lagging' while working with or near the pile.
Mod: Waldtiere
Please make as place-able object. Plus one quick layer in Photoshop and you have a Polar Bear too.
Mod: New Holland FireFly
If the colour is to remain, and it is nice, then please make the wheels colour change :)
Mod: Volkswagen Kaefer 1973
The model is about 10% under scale. And yes, I have owned 3 of them in RL.
Drives well but the usual FS physics makes it messy at speed.
It looks great parked in a garage or front lawn.
Mod: Holzhausen
Very nice map, but the download link was 50kbps :(
I wanted this map but never again waiting 2 hours for it.
Also it would be so nice if one of you modder's released a map with English signage.
Mod: PiQup singlecab und plattform
Can you do a service version(seeds etc) of the trayback?
Mod: dodge ram car service
Can you make this pickup with dull white wheels or grey?
Mod: NH CR1090
The mod is very nice, would love to see it with wider, single front wheels.
*Why does the header drop to the left side when lowered?
I can’t really use this mod until you fix that.
But great work on wheel conversion and fantastic interior lighting.
Back axles are not centre of rims but you can only see on full lock.
*Ms Office Translate
Die mod ist sehr schön, würde gerne es mit breiteren, einzelne Vorderräder zu sehen. * Warum fällt die Kopfzeile auf der linken Seite wenn gesenkt ab? Ich kann nicht wirklich diese mod verwenden, bis Sie fest. Aber großartige Arbeit auf Rad-Konvertierung und fantastische Innenbeleuchtung. Hintere Achsen sind nicht Zentrum der Felgen, aber Sie sehen nur auf vollständige Sperre. * Ms Office übersetzen Sieht cool aus! Nur Warum Hängt Das Schneidwerk Immer Schief? Ist da Nur Bei Mir so?
Mod: Stoll Frontlader
Can you make these same front loaders for New Holland? There is some great mods for those tractors and can now color them too. But still stuck with the blue loader :(
Mod: Case Puma 230 cvx Frontlader
I just tried this tractor and it has issues, not in usability or performance, in fact I really like it(and I wanted a red one). The slightly larger loader is a breeze to attach(phantom hoods should be in all front loaders).
The problem, and I hope it is addressed in an update so I can add this to my fleet, is.... The graphics.
*Front head lights are pastie/washed out and not real looking.
*All of the roof lining in the cab is very badly done, washed out looking with very low pixels.
Please fix this and this FL mod will be amongst the best.
*Maybe, if possible, make it paint-able at purchase.
*The cost is very high for a small tractor.
Mod: Tandemkipper für Stückgut
Perfect for transporting/dumping pesky small tree branches that nobody wants to put in the chipper.
I cleared the trees between fields, 5 & 6 Bjornholm for joining, I thought why not just cut them up right there and chip them? Bad mistake, it took me many hours to chip the branches of those Poplars and the more that piled up in the heaps I made, the more FPS I lost. This trailer would have made things very easy, although for the 6-7 field join I will just use the upright tree holder I found for my wheel loader.
This trailer will live in my shed now, thank you John.
Mod: wooden tower
Screenshot heaven :)
Would be an asset in multiplayer.
Mod: dodge ram car service
This has to be my favorite car/ute in FS15, it has service my seeder and sprayer multiple times already. Painted it safety yellow so I can see it at night :)
Well done mimi579.
Mod: Ponsse EcoLog 6WD und 4WD
Thank you for your work on this mod Ponessi93.
I am so impressed with the 4x4 that I will not use anything else now, all the maneuverability of a Bobcat but with massive horsepower. And yes! it is a game and anything should be possible, within reason (I just wish someone would make a CAT D9 Bulldozer)
Mod: Santa Claus
I would love to put this on my map but I refuse to use that download link. Please upload here.
Mod: New Holland T4.115
Perfect for the task I need it for. I wanted a small tractor for stump grinding only. More power to get around and the option to use it as a front loader if needed.
Thank you for your work
Mod: MAN TGS Agrar
I have translated and read the comments below but must disagree with them for the most part, sorry but I find this rig delightful and a pleasure to drive. It can attach anything to the rear as well as towing huge trailers on the 5th wheel. The interior is superbly done, and the paints at purchase are a great option. The all terrain tires look good and suit farming/logging genres. It drives nicely and can be easily jackknifed at speed, nice sounds and all the usual stuff like dirt etc.
I highly recommend this truck for new, and old users who want a simple, zero cost per day rig.
Mod: Jenz Holzhacker
After watching various wood chippers launch into the air while trying to hold logs in place, I found this mod to be a welcome change. Perfect in every way.
Thank you Moeter.
Mod: New Holland T8 435
Fantastic mod, I have 3 of them in action. Can't see any issues at all so I guess the 3.1 is final. Nice grip at speed too, color choice is great, nice dirty look, only gripe would be the writing inside the cab - just no need for it.
Over all a great mod of a favorite workhorse, doing away with having to purchase the big/ugly ones to get the same horsepower. I will use this mod in all maps.
Thanks LS15 Modteam. Now put your talents to work and make me/us a CAT D9 Buldozer with all attachments, cheers :)
Mod: Fixed Front Loaders
I was just having a gripe about that lol, thank you for this fix.