
V 3.1 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 15

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SANDY BAY REDUX v3.1 by Aussie Lee


SBRv3.1 by Aussie_Lee, is a highly detailed version of Oxygendavid’s Sandy Bay Gold.


This version has balanced clipDistances for a smooth game play while still being able to view the entire map. Every shape and transform has been individually checked and balanced. The main issue was with corrupted silage bunkers (thankyou LSModding for your help). They are now all replaced with the originals and tested.


You will find hundreds of extra objects, new textures, new areas and many extra activities to explore including two new send-off trains and a story-line to follow from the load page. 




AnimationMapTrigger - (you must put this mod in your mods folder for doors and gates to open)


Multi-fruit modules: Both files: and are required for the map’s extra fruits to work



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Sandy Bay Redux Edition v3 by Aussie_Lee

SBRv3 Fault testing by LSModding

Original Sandy Bay Gold by,


Mappers Paradise

Multi Fruit - KimG

Soil Textures - Melfroy



Giants Software



Sotillo Modding Industries

Larsen & Larsen Modding




Mfg Bernascht

von kyokoyama777












NI Modding


LJW modding




lsm modding

chriss 1988







creative modding




Larsen modding



vertex designs





*If there are objects on the map that are not credited, please send me a message and I will update you to the list.

  • 19. September, 08:45 Uhr
    Version 3.1

    V3.1 Changelog:
    Map-wide clipDistance balancing and tweaking.
    Replaced all faulty silage bunkers with originals.
    Removed about 5-8% of the map detail.
    Added a shed to field 37(windmill)
    Made both workshop sheds taller and the cranes to match, large tractors now fit.
    Enlarged triggers around all troughs.
    Moved straw tip point to center of cow shed - use main entry.
    Slight changes to grass at cow pasture.
    Less boats and re-positioned in harbor.
    All power poles on fields are now no-collision.
    Fixed the PDA map, field 31 is now shows as grass.
    PDA map size corrected.

    V3 Changelog:
    Lumber yard - Wood train and sell point. Woodchip bunker and tip trigger over the woodchip wagon. Complete makeover to create a working lumber yard. Train send-off pays double for logs. Payout for manually loading woodchips is high.
    Grain Corp - Grain train and sell point added to upper West of the map. Main silos are off-map with a tunnel and tracks. Detailed sell point area with ramp, buildings, load pipes and silos. Train send-off pays double.
    Biomass heating plant - Larger with original refinery building. Fence and entrance recessed back from road. Added detail.
    Sandy Bay farm - Shed removed from corner and replaced with a more open layout. Various changes changes and more detail added. Removed all bales from main shed and most of the straw. Fixed potato conveyor and enlarged trigger. Moved sugarbeet conveyor for better access and widened the trigger. Changed the cow pasture grass to make a better track.
    Willow farm - Long shed added in place of the wood bunker. Various area changes, enlarged greenhouse area with added ramp, more trees, fence-hedge changes and more detail added. Moved potato conveyor and widened trigger. Moved old bale trailer prop and made a turn area for the sugarbeet bunker.
    Fields - Fields 20 and 34 fixed. Fields 8 and 11 ploughed and set for sale. Field 31 changed back to grass. Field 29 owned and sown with wheat. Field 26 enlarged, ploughed, hedge straitened, made open fence to field 25. Field 37 owned, ploughed.
    PDA Map - Upgraded to reflect changes. Added more detail. Removed all colour from fields. Removed and altered some text labels.
    All prices are higher with train sell points lower to compensate for the x2 send-off.
    Increased all silage silos to 500,000 per side. Wood chip bunkers are 250,000.
    Various terrain, object changes and additions map-wide.
    Sandy Bay farm has a good compliment of mid-range vehicles as well as the Biogas plant. Willow farm, the forest and the Lumber yard have nothing.

    V2.1 Changelog:
    Overall map foliage density has been greatly reduced in this 2.1 version, many dense areas now have better cam movement while retaining eye catching details, well placed trees and power lines plus objects.
    Willow Farm: Is now more open but has many small details including power lines along main road.
    Milk tank/pipe structure at the depot changed to look functional, trailer replaced with two more tanks, two large milk triggers(there is a second trigger that can be altered for Hmilk but I have left it as a twin load point).
    New fence plus parking spot at Sandy Bay farm.
    New fences at fields 15&16 along of the motorway west of the map.
    More map and hedge refinements.

    V2.0 Changelog:
    Stables: Are now active with a sell point for straw, grass and hay, plus bales. Seed, fertiliser and water for sale, power-lines along the access road, dead tree piles.
    BioGas plant: Buys your manure and slurry. You can buy seeds, fertiliser, diesel and water there as before but all rearranged for better access, corn pallets added.
    Animations: Removed - Air force one jet, motorboat, butterflies.
    Sandy Bay farm has been re-landscaped at the cow pasture for a better turn around and I made a park area for manure loading, removed the milk marker and set slurry pipe back 20 feet.
    Added smoke and chimney to main farm house.
    The reset pad is now longer and I set up a lunch area and toilet block under the trees (you can walk through the fence in two spots).
    The wood chip shed now has a turnaround area for trailers, with a large Elm next to it.
    Removed the bale divider from bale shed and installed round and square bales to back wall.
    Chopped wood, stump and axe behind both farm’s houses.
    Map perimeter trees in clusters to block views of off-map terrain seams.
    More Lighting: Extensive map-wide lighting with enlarged coronas for better night viewing effects.
    Moved barn from cottage to windmill.
    Added smoke to the biomass plant, 2xcampsites, stables, windmill, town flats, shops and the insulation refinery chimney.
    Static boats: There are boats in the harbor with different paints and fishing rods, plus night lighting.
    More details: At all shops with various objects and lighting. Saplings: Moved to a bigger area to the side and surrounded by detail.
    Littleham Stores: Now sells seeds, potato sacks, fertilizer and water.
    Windmill: Is now a working area like a vintage bake-house/museum, you can sell eggs there.
    Fields: Field 20 is now split into 20 & 21, with a dividing track. Both are for sale.
    Field 27 is now divided and re-numbered to 36 & 37.
    Installed double gates to field 26.
    Installed double gates to the north of field 28 with a track to field 29.
    Created more field joining tracks.
    Owned fields are around farms, small, fertilized and only two are ready for harvest.

  • 12. August, 11:16 Uhr
    Version 3.0

    V3 Changelog:
    Lumber yard - Wood train and sell point. Woodchip bunker and tip trigger over the woodchip carriage. Complete makeover to create a working lumber yard. Train send-off pays double for logs. Payout for manually loading woodchips is high.
    Grain Corp - Grain train and sell point added to upper West of the map. Main silos are off-map with a tunnel and tracks. Detailed sell point area with ramp, buildings, load pipes and silos. Train send-off pays double.
    Biomass heating plant - Larger with original refinery building. Fence and entrance recessed back from road. Added detail.
    Sandy Bay farm - Shed removed from corner and replaced with a more open layout. New silage bunker installed. Changed field layout. Various area changes and more detail added. Removed all bales from main shed and most of the straw. Fixed potato conveyor and enlarged trigger. Moved sugar beet conveyor for better access and widened the trigger. Changed the cow pasture grass to make a better track.
    Willow farm - Long shed added in place of the wood bunker. New silage bunker installed. Changed field layout. Various area changes, enlarged greenhouse area with added ramp, more trees, fence-hedge changes and more detail added. Moved potato conveyor and widened trigger. Moved old bale trailer prop and made a turn area for the sugar beet bunker.
    Fields - Fields 20 and 34 fixed. Fields 8 and 11 ploughed and set for sale. Field 31 changed back to grass. Field 29 owned and sown with wheat. Field 26 enlarged, ploughed, hedge straitened, made open fence to field 25. Field 37 owned, ploughed.
    PDA Map - Upgraded to reflect changes. Added more detail. Removed all colour from fields. Removed some text labels.
    All prices are higher with train sell points lower to compensate for the x2 send-off.
    Increased all silage silos to 500,000 per side. Wood chip bunkers are 250,000.
    Various terrain and object changes, additions map-wide.
    Sandy Bay farm has a good compliment of mid-range vehicles as well as the Biogas plant. Willow farm and the Lumber yard have nothing.
    *This map performs perfectly at 60fps using Giants only equipment and tested with large amounts. Using mods requires the player to find the correct balance with mods vs map load.

    V2.1 Changelog:
    Overall map foliage density has been greatly reduced in this 2.1 version, many dense areas now have better cam movement while retaining eye catching details, well placed trees and power lines plus objects.
    Willow Farm: Is now more open but has many small details including power lines along main road(some players like the heavy foliage but that tree clutter allotment went to the map borders for a very nice look when working the perimeter fields).
    Milk tank/pipe structure at the depot changed to look functional, trailer replaced with two more tanks, two large milk triggers(there is a second trigger that can be altered for Hmilk but I have left it as a twin load point).
    New fence plus parking spot at Sandy Bay farm.
    New fences at fields 15&16 along of the motorway west of the map.
    More map and hedge refinements.

    V2.0 Changelog:
    Stables: Are now active with a sell point for straw, grass and hay, plus bales. Seed, fertiliser and water for sale, power-lines along the access road, dead tree piles.
    BioGas plant: Buys your manure and slurry. You can buy seeds, fertiliser, diesel and water there as before but all rearranged for better access, corn pallets added.
    Animations: Removed - Air force one jet, motorboat, butterflies. Animation speed: Distant freighter 5kph, Bi-plane 45kph, freight train 45kph.
    Sandy Bay farm has been re-landscaped at the cow pasture for a better turn around and I made a park area for manure loading, removed the milk marker and set slurry pipe back 20 feet.
    Added smoke and chimney to main farm house.
    The reset pad is now longer and I set up a lunch area and toilet block under the trees (you can walk through the fence in two spots).
    The wood chip shed now has a turnaround area for trailers, with a large Elm next to it.
    Removed the bale divider from bale shed and installed round and square bales to back wall.
    Chopped wood, stump and axe behind both farm’s houses.
    Map perimeter trees in clusters to block views of off-map terrain seams.
    Map border collision objects that hug the map edge and allow access to the bay.
    More Lighting: Extensive map-wide lighting with enlarged coronas for better night viewing effects.
    Moved barn from cottage to windmill.
    Added smoke to the biomass plant, 2xcampsites, stables, windmill, town flats, shops and the insulation refinery chimney.
    Static boats: There are boats in the harbor with different paints and fishing rods, plus night lighting.
    More details: At all shops with various objects and lighting. Saplings: Moved to a bigger area to the side and surrounded by detail.
    Littleham Stores: Now sells seeds, potato sacks, fertiliser and water.
    Windmill: Is now a working area like a vintage bake-house/museum, you can sell eggs there.
    Fruit prices: All lowered to better match real-life produce.
    Fields: Field 20 is now split into 20 & 21, with a dividing track. Both are for sale.
    Field 27 is now divided and re-numbered to 36 & 37.
    Installed double gates to field 26.
    Installed double gates to the north of field 28 with a track to field 29.
    Created more field joining tracks.
    Non-owned fields are ploughed ready for purchase.
    Owned fields are around farms, small, fertilised and only two are ready for harvest.
    Start equipment: The map has a limited amount of basic start equipment.

  • 31. Mai, 10:33 Uhr
    Version 3


Hashtag: 0185cecdd34c98763fee257631befa21
Version: 3.1
Multiplayerfähig? ja
Autor: Aussie_Lee, Oxygendavid
Preis im Shop: LS
Name im Shop: Sandy Bay Redux v3.1
Beschreibung im Shop:

31.05 2016
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.32 / 28 Stimmen


nach 19 Stimmen

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V 3.1
Landwirtschafts Simulator 15
492,4 MB 3151
19. 09 2016 3.151
V 3.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 15
501,9 MB 1361
12. 08 2016 1.361
V 3
Landwirtschafts Simulator 15
476,5 MB 3030
31. 05 2016 3.030

11 Kommentare

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  1. Nobody_Tramm 20. 09 2016

    Moin erstmal sehr schöne Map... die engen Straßen und das alle Felder eingezäunt sind hat mich gestört. Als wenn jemand die klauen will ^^ Aber habe das für mich privat umgebaut.

    Frage: Der Stapel mit den Quaderballen neben den Silos am Hof ist zum Ballenverkauf richtig?

    1 Antworten

  2. beetle2006 20. 09 2016

    Hab die Map wieder gelöscht zu enge Straßen das nervt. Die sollten alle mal: Hof Bergmann spielen für mich die beste Map überhaupt.
    Na dann alles Gute.

    2 Antworten

  3. Landei68 15. 08 2016

    Mp Map ,bei 42 Fehlern auf dem Sever sagt alles ,da sollte man schon mal nachschauen (2 davon bekommt man nicht weg sind laut Giants ohne belang).
    Bevor man es für MP freigibt kann man wenigstens einmal probehalber auf einem Server testen.
    Das hat auch Auswirkungen auf das SP Spiel ,also nicht wundern ,und Finger davon lassen.

    1 Antworten

  4. gelöschter Nutzer 12. 08 2016

    Eine gute 4 fach Map ist etwas anderes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. beetle2006 12. 08 2016

    Wenn das Spiel nicht läuft bei euch dann habt ihr auch keine aktuelle Hardware. Ich spiele auch noch mit Draw Distance Updater und Sweet FX. Noch mal, bei manchen hilft auch eine Defragmentierung damit eine bessere Zugriffszeit der Festplatte ist. Gruß

    1 Antworten

  6. Lovat 12. 08 2016

    Sehr schöne Map.
    Leider massive FPS drops (bis auf 17) trotz aktueller Hardware.
    (Stappenbach läuft zB bei 55fps im Dorf)

  7. Badbe 12. 08 2016

    Willkommen im Linksverkehr - die Map spielt sich bestens - zumindest was mich betrifft

  8. beetle2006 12. 08 2016

    Tolle Map schöne Grafig. sieht bald aus als wenn es die Insel Rügen wäre.
    - Manche Leute sollten mal ihre Festplatte,n Defragmentieren am besten mit ( O&O Defrag ) , dann läuft der Rechner besser. Gruß

  9. ich kann sie leider nicht spielen da ich sie einfach nicht kriege zuviel Englich

    1 Antworten

  10. francodavil 31. 05 2016

    sehr schöne map. aber leider für mich nicht spielbar.die fps werde singen von 60 auf 37.obwohl ich einen guten rechner habe...core i7-4790 3.6 ghz geforce gtx 980.kann mir jemand sagen woran es liegen kann

  11. Tawa 31. 05 2016

    pda Pig ????



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