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Userprofil von Argyx
Member since 2 / 2014

Punkte: 1
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Chris Alter & Geschlecht: m Wohnort: Saint Louis Hobbys: Baking, gaming, reading, cyclnig Homepage keine Angabe

About Argyx

For great cheeses!
  1. Argyx 24. 02 2014

    Mod: ZEN Lazarence TJ 800 and Frontloader

    Great work. Your TJ 788 might remain my favorite, although just by a little. This is also excellent work!

    Another poster mentioned the transparency issue, which I have as well. The cabin glass is white rather than clear. Even the view from inside is blocked by 100% white on all colors of the TJ 780. The transparency issue seems to be on the Prodigy body skin and Crom tines skin as well. I am using an Nvidia 670, if that helps at all. The 788 does not have this issue. Cabin glass is very nice on the TJ 788 mod.

    Also, the third page of controls overlay is blank, just showing the blue overlay background. I tried v1.1, but I did not see a difference. The mirror key does not work either. The modDesc.xml still says v1.0. Maybe the download is not the correct version?

    Great work, and thanks again. By the way, I love the Zen Industries descriptions! So funny :)

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