vehicle shop

V 1.0 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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Here I present my vehicle shop.
Bring everything you need for a good functionality, bank, store place,  fuel,
sell poit  (to sell unwanted equipment) seeds and fertilizer.

Note very important; to install it you only need to delete the original vehicle shop,
then replace with this.

Free for any updates and publish.Instal whit Giants editor 5.5.1. ;it s the last version.

Keep the original download link


Giants software (triggers,trees,lights and more)

  • 20. April, 00:01 Uhr
    Version 1.0

  • 578790
    von pisty
    vor etwa 11 Jahren
  • 578789
    von pisty
    vor etwa 11 Jahren
  • 578788
    von pisty
    vor etwa 11 Jahren
  • 578787
    von pisty
    vor etwa 11 Jahren
  • 578786
    von pisty
    vor etwa 11 Jahren
  • 578785
    von pisty
    vor etwa 11 Jahren
  • 578784
    von pisty
    vor etwa 11 Jahren

19.04 2014
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.5 / 2 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

Ist dieser Mod besonders empfehlenswert?

V 1.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
13,7 MB 1158
20. 04 2014 1.158

4 Kommentare

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  1. Flippy 20. 04 2014

    Sorry, but comes with me: A threat has been found!

  2. pisty 20. 04 2014

    sorry for ofice, my mistake, I'm not English

  3. Baldo 20. 04 2014

    I think, "office" has to f!

  4. DanielPB 20. 04 2014

    if you build this building a lot bigger with 5 doors, you will get an excellent police, fire or ambulance department. For me it will be very useful. but please make a skinnable sign for all the, so you will save a lot time.

    to the vehicle shop. its nice but you forget a "f" at ofice. it must be "office", not ofice. Its nice when you will fix it.

    otherwise nice building
    greets, Yellofoxx
