
V 1.18, with Soilmod, MultiFruit. Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 15

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Here is the new MarumerMap, ready for '15. An original map made by me, Daederick. Inspired by the region I live in, Groningen, Northern Netherlands!

Major Changes since the '13 version:

  • Redesigned the complete village
  • Made it into a 4 farm map, excellent for multiplayer, with a Cow farm, Sheepfarm, Arable Farm and Contractor
  • Replaced all the '13 trees with '15 trees
  • Redesigned some fields, making it from 142 to 129 fields.
  • Added room for 79 plots of forests, divided in little blocks of landvarying between coniferous, dedicious and mixed forests
  • Replaced the old rocky dyke with a completely new climbable, mowable dyke, one with some actual size!
  • Added extra shops to sell grain to!
  • Added dirt roads with actual badly shaped bumps and holes in it, for extra realism.
  • Added Speedbumps to some roads (I DO NOT KNOW the author of the model, sadly!)

Integrated Mods:

  • AnimationMapTrigger
  • Chopped Straw
  • WaterMod
  • GuelleLager
  • Multiterrain
  • Soilmod

Mods Required for perfectly using my map:

Extra Credits to outside sources:

Marhu, Cebuljcek modding, NI modding, Vertex-design, Petorius, Bullgore, webalizer_ls, Eribus, Decker_MMIV and BigBlue



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Marhu, Cebuljcek modding, NI modding, Vertex-design, Petorius, Bullgore, webalizer_ls, Eribus, Decker_MMIV and BigBlue

  • 24. Februar, 10:31 Uhr
    Version 1.18, with Soilmod, MultiFruit.

    Various fixes and many updates. I do not know them all anymore, my apologies.

    THIS IS THE FINAL VERSION. At the announcement of FS17 earlier this week, I will not change much on this map anymore. I want to enjoy it untill the new install comes from Giants. Only some minor fixes can be put trough to get a new upload, otherwise, please forgive my mistakes and enjoy the rest of the map, which you do like.

  • 21. Mai, 19:37 Uhr
    Version 1.01

    - Cleared up some errors which occured in the logs of some (including my own) people.
    - could not clear up the texture failures in game with some models.


Hashtag: c36cc742fb1ebc5a120addd67dc7ca56
Version: 1.18, with Soilmod, MultiFruit.
Multiplayerfähig? ja
Autor: Daederick
Preis im Shop: LS
Name im Shop: MarumerMap
Beschreibung im Shop: IMPORTANT NOTICE: You will start out with 3 self-propelled harvesters which are meant to be sold! This way you will get your starting capital to buy your own machines AND fields!

20.05 2015
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2.62 / 13 Stimmen


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V 1.18, with Soilmod, MultiFruit.
Landwirtschafts Simulator 15
285,6 MB 666
24. 02 2016 666
V 1.01
Landwirtschafts Simulator 15
320,6 MB 790
21. 05 2015 790

2 Kommentare

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  1. ED26 27. 02 2016

    Moin. Hab da ma n Bild hochgeladen. Und zwar auf Feld 53 kann ich das sichtbare Dreieck nicht bearbeiten. Vom Heck aus gesehen ist das hinten links.

    1 Antworten

  2. schlurch1969 21. 05 2015

    Karte ist der absolute schmarrn. Was soll man am Anfang mit Tectron und Maxtron wenn man nicht mal eigene Felder hat. Das würde ich ändern.

    5 Antworten

    1. Daederick 21. 05 2015

      As the instruction says, those 2 machines are meant to be sold, to get your starting capital for your machines and fields. I do not like the way your are stuck with machines some other people want you to have, you have the opportunity to chose your own tractors and machines! Especially when people use a lot of modded machinery, they can now start of with their favorites!

    2. das ist ja egal es geht nicht um die startfahrzeuge

    3. dani-s 24. 02 2016

      das mit den startfahrzeugen ist wohl vom mapper so gedacht das man sie verkaufen soll um ein höheres startkapital zu haben.

      kenn ich noch von den älteren LS versionen, da waren manchmal 10 von den Tectrons bei den startfuhrpark dabei.

      ist natürlich ein schmarn für diejenigen die sowieso bei jedem neuen savegame zuerst mal ordentlich das geld raufcheaten.

      das kann aber nicht jeder und will auch nicht jeder.

    4. Daederick 25. 02 2016

      there is one difference here: you start with three, but no fields, no other machines. this is not a cheat, sell the machines and you got around €800.000. but then, you have to consider: cheap tractor and machines, with more fields or better tractor with less machines or fields. At least in this way, you start as you want.

    5. Daederick 25. 02 2016

      and yes, cheaters will always cheat, but those who want to start a real career, sell the machines


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