Landbauer Farmer HP 20

V 1.1 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 22

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The “Landbauer HP20” is a conversion of the Krampe model HP20. The half trough trailer was equipped with additional attachments and the values (weight and transport volume according to ISO 7546) were adapted to the original. It has a Landbauer Edition color choice for individual design, optionally with a logo and reflective strips. It also has additional Hella reversing lights, mud flaps from Krampe, additional reflector warning signs and new wheel chocks. Made other small fixes to the Giants execution.

● Purchase price: €38,995
● All configurations are free
● Transport volume: 15.3 to / L
● Can be found in the game under: Shop / Devices / Trailers
● Languages: Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Spanish, Polski

Version 1.1:
* The modDesc version has been increased
* The wheel chocks have been exchanged / replaced
* The farmer default color “Mocha” has been added to the color picker
* The Krampe standard colors (black, green, orange and red) have been added to the color picker
* Various changes / additions made to the xml




  • 09. September, 11:30 Uhr
    Version 1.1


09.09 2023
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V 1.1
Landwirtschafts Simulator 22
3,8 MB 395
09. 09 2023 395

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