John Deere STS 60 & 70 Series

V 2.0.1 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 19

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  • All FS19 Standards!
    - First combine vehicleType with custom specializations
    - Very detalied model
    - UDIM Textures
    - Realistic wearable and dirt!
    - Realistic lights
    - Turn ON Animmation on Monitors!
    - All realistic Dashboard Animmations!
    - Lot of interior Details
    - Real Values!
    - Greenstar + Starfire3000
    - Scripted all moving parts and hydraulic cylinders
    - All 70 Series Motor Configurations
    - 4 wheels Configurations
    - 8 design Configurations
    - OVERSIZE Configuration
    - Exhaust Configurations with different Motors
    - True wheels sizes and Row Crop spacing
    - Scripted ladder chains
    - HD quality Decals
    - Dynamic player Rot

SiiD Modding page:

JHHG Modding page:

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Model: SiiD Modding, ESIT, Julian11, MB3D Modding
Texture: SiiD Modding, ESIT, MB3D Modding
Script: JHHG Modding, SiiD Modding
Idea / Concept: SiiD Modding
Testing: SiiD Modding, JHHG Modding

  • 05. Mai, 21:53 Uhr
    Version 2.0.1

    V2.0 Features:
    - All FS19 Standards!
    - First combine vehicleType with custom specializations (tested with CoursPlay)
    - Very detalied model (lot of new details and changes)
    - Improved model
    - 100% UDIM (PBR Textures)
    - Realistic wearable and dirt
    - Realistic lights
    - Turn ON Animmation on Monitors
    - All realistic Dashboard Animmations
    - Lot of interior Details
    - Real Values only
    - Greenstar + Starfire3000 Configurations
    - Scripted all moving parts and hydraulic cylinders
    - All 60 & 70 Series Motor Configurations (10 Configurations)
    - 9 Grain Tank Extension Configurations
    - 3 Chopper Table Configurations
    - 3 Auger Pipe Configurations
    - 2 Tire brand Configurations
    - 5 Exhaust Configurations
    - 20 wheels Configurations
    - 6 Number Configurations
    - 6 Interior design Configurations
    - OVERSIZE Sign Configuration
    - True wheels sizes and Row Crop spacing
    - New Interior
    - Differences between 60 & 70 Series (Interior, Seats, bottom Grain Tank deepth, Beacon Lights, xml values: capacity, price, mass etc, Monitors, Panels, Joysticks, Decals, Gear shifters and more!)
    - All new Particles (pipe effects, chopper effects, tank smoke etc)
    - Scripted all dynamic parts in cab (Pedals, Joysticks, GearShifters etc)
    - Reduced file to maximum (60MB from 119MB)
    - HD quality Decals
    - Dynamic player Rot
    + all addons and changes from V1.0

  • 25. Dezember, 17:54 Uhr


25.12 2018
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.33 / 12 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 2.0.1
Landwirtschafts Simulator 19
60,3 MB 3034
05. 05 2019 3.034
Landwirtschafts Simulator 19
94,4 MB 2407
25. 12 2018 2.407

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  1. sehr schöner mod wenn die kontrolleuchten komplett aus gingen wäre er perfekt


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