John Deere 6020 Premium

V Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 19

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Motor Configuration

(6520P 40KMH-6520P 50KMH-6620P 40KMH-6620P 50KMH-6820P 40KMH-6820P 50KMH-6920P 40KMH-6920P 50KMH-6920S P 40KMH-6920S P 50KMH)

Base material color 

(color of peace of rear part of cab) (John Deere Premium green-John Deere Standard green) 


Wheel brand configuration



Wheel configuration

(Standard-Full rim-Wide-Wide full rim-Back twin wheels-Wide back twin wheels-Full rim back twin wheels-Full rim wide back twin wheels-Twin wheels-Wide twin wheels-Full rim twin wheels-Full rim wide twin wheels and just for Trelleborg and Michelin narrow wheels and narrow back twin wheels)


Front Attacher configuration

(Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-Front hydraulic)


Design configuration 



VehicleType configuration 



Transmission configuration 



Reverser configuration 



Front loader configuration

(Without-Stoll-Hauer-Aloe-John Deere)


Design color for Frontloader console)

(Stole balck-John Deere green-Aloe black-Hauer black)


Shield configuration 



Steering knob configuration 



Front worklights configuration 



Front fenders configuration 



Passenger seat configuration 



Cabine box configuration 



Beacons configuration 



Rearview mirror configuration 



Fuel tank configuration



Doors configuration 



Roof configuration



Bonnet lights configuration



Cabine worklights configuration 



Stickers configuration (on back window)



Rubbersteps configuraiton



Front window configuration 



Cabine attacher controls configurations 





IC Control




Mod is full animated (Pedals, reverser, transmission, thorttles..)


!!Log is clean and free of errors and mod is also tested on MP!!


Authors: MB3D Moddeling and Udruzenje Nezavisnih Modera

  • 12. August, 12:26 Uhr

    Interactive Controls by Vertex Dezign ADDED
    Improved Model
    Visual Fixes
    New real custom sounds
    Transmission options reworked
    Groups and Gears changed
    New configurations
    Washable improved
    Interior Improvement
    Interior color improved
    New and improved frontloader configurations (quicke and hauer added)
    New shield
    Wheel configurations reworked
    Front Axle improvement
    Dashboard improvement
    And many more little improvements

  • 05. Dezember, 10:03 Uhr

    New latest, tottaly reworked and remodeled version of my John Deere 6020 Premium Series (wich now includes and 7020 Premium Series for US).
    Before using it, please unpack the file, because you have there John Deere 6020/7020 Premium and simple IC (If you have already simple ic mod,replace it with this one from my file).
    Also with simple ic you have buttons inside the tractor wich rotates cabine and worklight lights, you also can with them add and remove back attacher balls and fold and unfold warning signs if you have them.
    NOTE: for now its not possible to remove (turn visibilty off on) buttons wich configs are not in use so I hope that will not confuse you (etc. you didnt selected front window but there is "X" button for simple ic if you use simple ic)

    Motor Configuration
    (6520P-6620P-6820P-6920P-6920S P (All with 40/50 kmh transmission choice))

    VehicleType configuration (IC CONFIG)
    (Standard/Simple IC-Old IC)

    Base material color config
    (color of peace of rear part of cab) (John Deere Premium green-John Deere Standard green)

    Wheel brand configuration
    (Trelleborg TM800-Trelleborg TM1060-Trelleborg Narrow-Michelin MachXBib-Michelin MultiBib-Michelin AgriBib2-Mitas SFT-Mitas AC65-BKT-Vaderstein-Nokian-Kleber-Firestone)
    (with non solid, solid back and solid rims)


    Version config
    (EU-US-EU+Warning signs-US+Warning signs)

    Wheel configuration
    (Standard-Wide-Wheel weights 1,2,3-Wide wheel weights 1,2,3-Twin Back wheels-Wide Twin Back wheels-Twin wheels-Wide twin wheels-Narrow-RowCrop)

    Front Attacher configuration
    (Bracket-300kg-500kg-700kg-900kg-1000kg-1150kg-Front hydraulic)

    Design configuration
    (Standard-Stickers on back window)

    Transmission configuration
    (PowerQuad-PowerQuad+F gear-PowerQuad2-PowerQuad2+F gear-AutoQuad-AutoQuad+F gear-AutoPower)

    ECO Shift

    Reverser configuration

    Front loader configuration
    (Without-Stoll-Hauer-Aloe-John Deere)

    Design color for Frontloader console)
    (Stole balck-John Deere green-Aloe black-Hauer black)

    Shield configuration

    Steering knob configuration

    Front worklights configuration

    Back worklights config

    Front fenders configuration

    Back fenders config

    Passenger seat configuration

    Cabine box configuration

    Beacons configuration

    Rearview mirror configuration

    Fuel tank configuration

    Roof configuration
    (Standard-Standard openable-Panoramic-Panoramic openable)

    Bonnet lights configuration

    Cabine worklights configuration
    (Standard-Double-Front Triple)

    Stickers configuration (on bonnet)

    Rubbersteps configuraiton

    Front window configuration

    Cabine attacher controls configurations
    (Standard-Premium-Premium Plus)

    SCV config
    (2 pairs-3 pairs-4 pairs)

    SCV color config
    (John Deere Premium Green-Standard Green)

    TLS Config

    Carpet config

    HMS config

    Mirrors config
    (Style 1-Style 2)

    Exhaust config
    (Type 1-Type 2)

    GPS Config
    (StarFire 3000-StarFire 6000-StarFire 3000+Monitor-StarFire 6000+Monitor)

    Side Grills config
    (6020 Series- 6030 Series type1-6030 Series type2)

    Premium Stickers

    Bonnet line config

    Licence plate config
    (No-With bracket- With plate)

    Tool Box config

    Low trailer hitch config
    (Standard drawbar-With ball)

    Seat config

    IC Control
    Extended Animation Sound

    Mod is fully animated (Pedals, reverser, transmission, thorttles..)
    Custom sounds, custom animations

    !!Log is clean and free of errors!!


  • 28. Dezember, 22:13 Uhr


    New wheel configs (new JD rims)
    Option with or without IC CONTROL
    TLS is now new option (its not design config anymore)
    Cabine light config
    New electric reverser
    New axle for non tls version
    Steering dashboard is now turning on with lights
    Fixed trailer attacher joint (with some trailers it didnt worked very well hah)
    Bonnet lights are now white
    One more sticker option
    More decals on frame under bonnet
    Added stringers for back hydraulic
    Right round optional worklight is now working
    And all other things are now fixed

  • 13. Oktober, 18:23 Uhr

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13.10 2019
Modhoster Userbewertung
3.36 / 11 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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4 Kommentare

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  1. GET_UP 07. 01 2020

    Wenn man die Frontscheibe und das Dachfenster öffnen könnte, wäre der John Deere der beste Mod in meinem Mod Ordner. ^^

  2. JD6920S 05. 01 2020

    Datei konnte nicht gefunden werden!
    Bitte Link erneuern

  3. HaRRiS1 14. 10 2019

    Top Mod! Funktioniert Super! im SP und auch im MP (mit Dedi Server!)
    Kann ich nur empfehlen!

  4. Würde Ihn gerne mal testen aber Leider taucht Er weder im Shop noch bei dem abschnitt Mods auf, Die ZIP Datei ist aber im Ordner für Mods. habe Ihn auch schon mehrmals Heruntergeladen. Das ging letztes Mal mit dem 6010 Premium bei Mir auch nicht habe Ihn dann einfach wieder gelöscht aber das es bei diesem hier genauso ist Wundert Mich jetzt doch sehr, weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte ?
    Gruß und Danke.

    2 Antworten
