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Giants, Ussing-
17. Januar, 14:22 UhrVersion 2.0
von Ussing
vor etwa 9 Jahren
von Ussing
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von Chaot!X | Arow
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von Chaot!X | Arow
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von Chaot!X | Arow
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von Chaot!X | Arow
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von Chaot!X | Arow
vor etwa 9 Jahren
von Chaot!X | Arow
vor etwa 9 Jahren
von Chaot!X | Arow
vor etwa 9 Jahren
von Chaot!X | Arow
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von Chaot!X | Arow
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von Ghost92
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17.01 2016
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17. 01 2016
5 Kommentare
Hallo lieber Moder Ussing, vielen lieben Dank für den tollen MOD, hast du ganz prima gemacht, ist ein toller Radlader, funktioniert echt prima und der Radlader hat einen festen Platz in meinm Fuhrpark, mach weiter so, dazu habe ich auch mal ein Video eingestellt von der NBM Böhrer GmbH, mach weiter so und ich wünsche weiterhin viele gute Ideen, für den Radlader goldene LS Sterne von mir Der LANDFARMER
This is indeed a really pretty Case loader.. The mirror issue is easy to fix, if you know how to use winzip and GE ..
Here is how you do :
Start with copying the case721f loader zip file, and place it somewhere safe, in order to give it another try, if you fail your first attempt ..
Cut and insert case721f zip file in to a new folder on the desktop (make a new folder) Extract zip content in to the folder (extract to here) and delete original zip file when extracted.
Open i3d file in GE, and DONT begin to move the loader around in GE, leave it be.
Find the mirrors in the scenegraph window - this is the location:
The correct values for Mirror5 is :
TranslateX = 0.353
TranslateY = 2.377
TranslateZ = -3.058
RotateX = 140.739
RotateY = 0.001
RotateZ = 0.001
And mirror3 is :
TranslateX = -0.399
TranslateY = 3.14
TranslateZ = -0.148
RotateX = -96.95
RotateY = -20.051
RotateZ = 0.275
And mirror2 :
TranslateX = -1.019
TranslateY = 3.085
TranslateZ = -0.129
RotateX = -89.576
RotateY = -30.106
RotateZ = -2.588
Mirror4 is okay ..
Save the i3d file and close GE .. Select all files in the folder (where the i3d file is) and zip it again, naming the zip file the same as the original zip file - then you should be able to do this operation and still have it in your game if you alrady bought it .. Cut and insert the zip file you just made, and paste it in to your mods folder ..
Then you should be good to go ..
Observe : Some of the values are negative (there is a small - (minus) ahead of the number) .. And DONT use comma as separator (,) you MUST use dot (.) or it won't work ..
Taking reservations against typo or other inadvertent errors. Use this guide at your own risk ..
Good luck - Katze5
Danke für den schönen CASE-Radlader. Mach weiter so.
Gruß Bauer Humpe
PERFEKT cooles Teil danke dafür
Nice one but why is only the left mirror working