Welcome to the farm of the highest technology in the world!
Here you can explore the various areas of agriculture and become a successful farmer.
Beta v0.8
General characteristics of the map (including the game farming Simulator 2013).
-> Major crops for cultivation of wheat, barley, rape, maize, sugar beet and potato.
-> Investment in clean and renewable energy:
-> A biogas plant
-> Torres Wind Power
-> The Solar Panels
-> Investment in greenhouses for growing tomatoes, lettuce and herbs
-> Investment in honey production
-> Investment in the dairy sector, milk cows
-> Investment in sheep
-> Create some chickens
All these possibilities require in some cases the use of special equipment and the technical field to achieve 100% yield:
cattle needs to be well supplied with a balance of pasture, hay and silage.
The fields need to be sprayed to achieve 100% of production.
General characteristics of the map:
-> Large tracts of land for a mega production.
-> Fields planned.
-> green vegetation surrounds almost all crops.
-> own site for deployment of greenhouses, stock straw bales.
-> Complex grain storage (silos with elevators and bins for loading).
-> Several points of sales with varying prices.
-> Garage machines with gas station and filling station semenetes, fertilizer and pesticide.
-> Initial daily income of about $ 20,000 / h or $ 480.000/Day for free equipment investment hight-tec.
NOTE v0.8:
First problem:
Time of growth (solution = increase)
form ms min/stages min h
2.4e+007 = 24000000ms = 400min/4 = 100min = 1h40min
4.82+007 = 48000000ms = 800min/4 = 200min = 3h20min
7.2e+007 = 72000000ms = 1200min/4 = 300min = 5h
The solution was quite simple. Increase the time for growth stage (5h). The same used on other maps.
However, you must put the game time in the real time and plant growth in slow.
Beta v0.9
I come here to clarify that all the bugs have been fixed map successfully.
However, one problem still persists. He is known and does not compromise the quality of the game:
The texture of the silo should be DXT3, because the stairs. But I can not apply this kind of texture that the stairs are silos and "brilliant." Not applying DXT1, the stairs are filled with black.
The only solution is to open the mod in 3Ds or Maya and to separate silos of stairs. Thus, in silos applies DXT1 DXT3 and down the stairs.
-> Help Icons Fixed Position
-> Water and seed Tiggers
-> Fixed problem with the ground when harvested after spraying
-> Pesticide Station and seedStation
-> Land with dirt texture
-> Fixed several bugs
-> Conversion textures
-> Reshaping objects in 3ds
-> Eggs in the right place
-> Painting the ground (in some parts)
-> Optimization of the textures (ls2011)
NOTE v0.9:
I come here to clarify that all the bugs have been fixed map successfully.
However, one problem still persists. He is known and does not compromise the quality of the game:
The texture of the silo should be DXT3, because of the stairs. But I can not apply this kind of texture." Applying DXT3, the stairs are filled with black.
The only solution is to open the mod in 3Ds or Maya and to separate "silos" of stairs. Thus, applies in the silos DXT3 and DXT3 on the stairs.
Map: Tiago PilonetoSeed bags with original logos:
Map MR Hagenstedt v 3 by Jabba42 and Sylvio86
Farm silos:
Map Mecklenburg Vorpommern
by:Tommy_r and Maurermatze
19. November, 13:21 UhrVersion 0.9
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Hashtag: | 42028dd980acda6e65d8ced302f72942 |
Version: | 0.9 |
Multiplayerfähig? | nein |
Autor: | Tiago Piloneto |
Preis im Shop: | LS |
Name im Shop: | Big European Map |
Beschreibung im Shop: | Big European Map |
15 Kommentare
Ein bischen zu groß aber wer es so wünscht der soll es so bekommen
wie geht das genau nach dem download bei uploadet. Kann das ganze dann nicht entpacken und in den Mods ordner einfügen. Bitte um Hilfe per PN
Schlecht einfach gemacht
zum felder kaufen sind die buttons unten an der ecke vom feld also wo auch die nr des feldes auf der pda steht ... finde es natürlich heftig das das feld 2 zb über 14 mille kostet .... das was ich ganz schade finde das es lääääddddttt und dann kommt nix ... macht man dann das mit den tricks geht es ne zeit lang und dann wieder nicht ....schade:-(
könnte die jemand auch ohne verwitterung hochladen?
die map ist im ordner drin aber ich kann sie nicht spielen? bitte um pn.
lg peter
Wie kann man dort FElder kaufen ich finde nirgendswo einen Button.
ich glaube die felder sind echt verdammt geil groß... :D
Hallo ! Für Die die es noch nicht gemerkt haben, bei dieser Map besitz ihr zum Anfang nicht nur Maschienen sondern auch noch 8 Windräder, 18 Solarmodule und 2 Bienenhäuser!
Nur mal so zur Info. :)
Die Verwitterung kann man notfals doch selbst abschalten. Zu beginn von LS 13 kam mal eine Beschreibung raus.
Oh Oh Oh ... I'm seeing some trademark violations D:
The map looks nice but it's too monotonous...
I hope u can fix it in the V.2
Ist zwar alles schön und gut, aber wo bleibt da die Abwechslung.was doch, denke ich das spiel auch macht.
Du kannst deine Frucht zur Mühle bringen.
geil gemacht einfach riesig groß doch wo soll ich min getreide abkippen um es zu verkaufen??
bitte um andwort
ich muss sagen die felder sind aufjeden fall gross genug für ordentlich viel mais und getreide.