Download Mod 'BRITISH FARM STYLE' runterladen

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  1. gelöschter Nutzer 07. 06 2014

    Servus :-)
    Briefly said: I love this map. It's realy well done. - Thank you for shareing it.
    Well, there are some little troubbes, who should be solved in a next generation, but they don't have a big impact in playing your map.
    Excelent for single player, who like to run a middlesiced farm with cows and sheaps. For those, who would run pigs, they can placed a stable on her own, like Krassman said.

  2. Honk-28 07. 06 2014

    its a realy nice map, but you must fix the milk lkw. he come in 10 minutes 10x!! and on the farm 2 Silos more.

  3. halewu 06. 06 2014

    I find the MAP super, ideal for soloists. From me there is 5 out of 5 stars. A Little traffic would not be bad, but I think there's definitely a V2 soon

  4. msheini30 06. 06 2014

    Habe mal für die deutschen User ein Video hinzugefügt.
    Die MAP sieht echt toll aus.
    1-2 (Schweinezucht) kleine Sachen dazu wäre super

    1 Antworten

    1. Krassmann 07. 06 2014

      Je nachdem, was man vermisst (wie z.B. die Schweinzucht), gibt's das vielleicht auch als platzierbar. Da lohnt es sich, u.U. mal zu schauen, was man sich selbst auch ohne GE einbauen kann.
      Habe die Map heute 1-2 Stunden angespielt, und sie hat einen guten Eindruck auf mich gemacht. Startfahrzeuge sind völlig ok, einige Felder sind schon angepflanzt, ein paar sogar schon erntereif. Man kann also gleich gut loslegen.

  5. dinghorst 05. 06 2014

    wonderful little map, perfect for single players :)

    great job

    5 stars and thanks

  6. gelöschter Nutzer 05. 06 2014

    Back again, after having tested for one hour.
    It`s a nice little Map. With a beautyfull countryside. I do not miss a BGA because I'm not a fan of this business. I miss more points where I can sell my products and I miss some more entrys to the fields. I´m using a mittdle class PC and your map worked well. It`s quiet a good performance. And I love the Farm. You build it verry well. - All in all .. nice job - pleace go on.

  7. litels 05. 06 2014

    Congratulations on the map, which has disappointed me are the textures of crops are obsolete if the change would be May 5.


  8. gelöschter Nutzer 05. 06 2014

    Servus :-)
    I'd looked at your pictures and I can say, it looks nice interesting and your farm has got buildings, I'd never seen bevore. Shortly said: I will love it and like to dl it verry much. BUT there is one little question left. Should I drive on the left at the fields too or did it allready work, if I do it only at the street? ;-)
