Download Mod-Pack 'Ursus pack ' runterladen

Modhoster Userbewertung
4.43 / 21 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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5 Kommentare

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  1. Baron.eln 02. 08 2014

    Allerdings ist Benzinverbrauch viel zu hoch.Lässt sich in der XML zwar ändern,bringt aber nichts.Weiss jemandt wie das bei MR-Mods geht.

  2. Baron.eln 02. 08 2014

    Vielen vielen Dank.Das beste was bisher gemacht wurde an Traktoren.Astreine Textur.Alles funzt wie es soll und ist Fehlerfrei.Sehr reale Motorengeräusche.Absolute Empfehlung 10Sterne:)Gr.Baron

  3. ADAMZON 28. 01 2014

    Hello marcello
    I have a edited version of the 1604
    I have changed sound and added a few lights..
    If u want to have it, PM me and i´ll send it to you.

    Thanx for a super mod! I love it !

  4. Feutz FAN 16. 01 2014

    Super Maschine, hat auch ordentlich Dampf!!
    Alles sehr fein Animiert, nur bedeckt bei mir das ES Panel die mini Version der Geräte, wo man sieht welches Gerät ausgewählt ist aber trotzdem Spitze.

  5. Krassmann 16. 01 2014

    Basically they are wonderfully done, both of them. The looks are just right, I also like their sound and their driveability. And all those little and sometimes bigger animations are just awesome. Great job!

    A few things though - each of them minor, but adding up eventually - are on my mind that I do not like so much:

    I had to adapt some key presets that conflict with MR (like 'space'). In a MR mod you can expect to find no such conflicts. And also there are no indicators in the help window to tell me which buttons do what (missing l10n entries).

    A bit mroe severe is that neither of them can lift the MR_Lemken 7furrow plough, and even the red 4 furrow plough MR_poettinger Servo 35 gives them a hard time to keep their front wheels on the ground. So they may be great for pulling trailers. But they are way too light to do serious field work as long as it involves lifting attachments.

    As a mod they get 4.5/5 (missing l10n entries in the modDesc and a raw texture warning in the log prevent the full 5/5). This is also what i will click above as my validation.

    But as a tool on my farm they get only a 2/5 because they are not suited for doing real work on a field. I hope for a V3 that makes them better suited, cause apart from that they are beautifully done.
