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Great idea, using two directions. Could probably be easily altered for usage of more directions (e.g. 45° angles etc.).
I'd welcome a PSD file of the texture, in order to be able to adjust the grass part of the texture (keep in mind, most mappers use different custom grass - and other ground - textures).
12 Kommentare
Why are they in the same direction?
how can i get such a nice grafic like those on these pictures?
Ive just forgot. Rename last two lines from 01 to 02. :)
das sollte man sich an eine V2 machen^^
Log: Error: foliage, not enough channels to store states
ja und was muss man dort verändern
das ist ganz einfach wenn man sich mit giants editor und nem dds converter auskennt
wer es nicht kann sollte es lassen
ich meinte so wie auf dem 3 bild
wie bekommt man das hin, das die wege senkrecht u. waagerecht sind
Great idea, using two directions. Could probably be easily altered for usage of more directions (e.g. 45° angles etc.).
I'd welcome a PSD file of the texture, in order to be able to adjust the grass part of the texture (keep in mind, most mappers use different custom grass - and other ground - textures).
Yes, it can be installed in any other map. Please read instructions included in download file!
Ist das für alle Maps?
Wie genial ist das denn??? ... also Optisch schon mal 5/5!!!