Download Mod 'MZKT 7401' runterladen

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1.8 / 5 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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2 Kommentare

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  1. Ricogame 04. 04 2013

    kann man da einen Hänger dran hängen

  2. Ls_Hummel 03. 12 2012

    Führerhaus ist innen wie aussen Top! Auch der Steinschlag auf der Scheibe ist gut.

    Die Mulde allerdings schaut aus wie Spielzeug, das hätte man noch etwas detailierter machen können.

    Zu starker Anzug, sonst finde ich das Fahrverhalten ganz in Ordnung.

    Der Preis ist mit 2500€ auch ein bisschen arg niedrig. Keine Wartungskosten?

    Der Mod verursacht bei mir ne Menge Logfehler:
    Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/store.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/store.png)
    data/vehicles/cars/car2.i3d (0.42mb in 160.43 ms)
    Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/store.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/store.png)
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Dumper'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 7'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 24'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 6'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 12'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] Chasis'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 25'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 27'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] 1'
    Error: UVs out of range [-8,8] polySurfaceShape1'
    C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/IvecoDumperMP_RED.i3d (43.01mb in 17595.53 ms)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/white_diffuse.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/kuzow.JPG)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/555 Steklo.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/Steklo_lobovoe.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/537_tyre.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/Steklo.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/537_kol.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/ifa.png)
    Warning (compatibility): Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/mazlogo2.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/mazlogo2.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/vold1.jpg)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/fonar.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/textur/LightRed.png)
    Warning (performance): Raw texture format (C:/Users/Matti/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2013/mods/MZKT/Textur/white_diffuse22.png)
    data/vehicles/cars/car1.i3d (0.43mb in 115.41 ms)

    Überarbeiten doch diesen Mod nochmal. Schlecht finde ich ihn nicht.
