Download Map 'Nolneme map' runterladen

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2.0 / 4 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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8 Kommentare

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  1. SCHOEBSE 27. 08 2011

    echt tolle map gute arbeit die lade ich mir gleich runter

  2. Holli71 06. 07 2011

    Respekt für die Landschaft sehr real ist in der Form aber nur was für Kleinbauern mit großen Maschienen hat man so seine Probleme und ist auch so eher was für die Viehzucht.
    Dann wäre es aber gut wenn noch Schweine, Schafe und Kühe als Schlachtvieh verkauft wergen kann.
    Das zum aussehen.

    Schreibt in der log viele PhysX ein mal wohl zu oft was scaliert aber auch andere Fehler sind dabei fehlende Texturen und eine nicht richtig verlegte Kuhweide.
    Aber nicht aufgeben immer weiter machen es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen

  3. qew199 05. 07 2011

    die map kommt mir irg. woher bekannt vor!
    is 100% ne nachmache !!!

  4. Kramerdriver 05. 07 2011

    sorry, aber die macht viiiel zu viele fehler!

  5. Kirk 05. 07 2011

    lso die Map einioge Fehlereinträge in der Log
    Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/models/Nowy folder/Nowy folder/\alterhofsilo.jpg
    C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/map01.i3d (9.94mb in 16652.60 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleSystems/wheatParticleSystemLong.i3d (0.00mb in 50.00 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleSystems/wheatParticleSystemLong.i3d (0.00mb in 0.35 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleSystems/wheatParticleSystemLong.i3d (0.00mb in 0.31 ms)
    data/vehicles/particleSystems/wheatParticleSystemLong.i3d (0.00mb in 0.42 ms)
    map C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/map01.i3d was loaded
    superSiloPresenter loaded
    LanguageSelector ...
    Warning: converting 'C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/defendersmods.xml' to utf8
    tipAnywhere loading ...
    C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/map01/paths/trafficPaths.i3d (0.04mb in 3.98 ms)
    map C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/map01/paths/trafficPaths.i3d was loaded
    superSiloPresenter loaded
    LanguageSelector ...
    C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/map01/paths/pedestrianPaths.i3d (0.01mb in 2.05 ms)
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual03.i3d (0.33mb in 51.43 ms)
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual07.i3d (0.33mb in 39.33 ms)
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/executive03.i3d (0.27mb in 32.69 ms)
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual02.i3d (0.31mb in 45.67 ms)
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual15.i3d (0.40mb in 52.09 ms)
    dataS2/character/pedestrians/casual08.i3d (0.53mb in 63.04 ms)
    map C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/map01/paths/pedestrianPaths.i3d was loaded
    superSiloPresenter loaded
    LanguageSelector ...
    Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/models/objects/milkRobot/milkRobot_diffuse.png
    Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/models/objects/milkRobot/milkRobot_normal.png
    Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/models/objects/bathtub/bathtub_diffuse.png
    Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/models/objects/bathtub/bathtub_specular.png
    Error: Failed to open xml file C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/models/objects/bathtub/bathtubWaterShader.xml'
    Error: Can't load resource: C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/models/objects/bathtub/water_diffuse.png
    C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/missions/CattleMeadow.i3d (0.64mb in 197.01 ms)
    error: invalid ground object id specified (3551)
    error: no valid spawn places specified
    dataS2/character/cow/cowAnimation.i3d (16.80mb in 1109.73 ms)
    map C:/Users/Martin/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2011/mods/Nolnememap/missions/CattleMeadow.i3d was loaded
    superSiloPresenter loaded
    LanguageSelector ...
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    PhysX warning: Static actor moved
    data/character/farmer/farmer_player.i3d (2.40mb in 311.85 ms)
    data/vehicles/trucks/milktruck.i3d (2.11mb in 501.69 ms)
    data/vehicles/cars/car5.i3d (0.37mb in 94.65 ms)
    data/vehicles/cars/car4.i3d (0.33mb in 68.22 ms)
    data/vehicles/cars/car2.i3d (0.41mb in 65.01 ms)
    data/vehicles/cars/car7.i3d (0.47mb in 68.45 ms)
    data/vehicles/cars/car9.i3d (0.43mb in 89.83 ms)
    data/vehicles/cars/car3.i3d (0.39mb in 67.22 ms)
    data/vehicles/cars/car6.i3d (0.38mb in 63.78 ms)
    Alsod da muß der Modder noch einiges verbessern

  6. marcel98 05. 07 2011

    gute map lob an den modder abber nett mein ding

  7. alfa 04. 07 2011

    Die Bilder sehen ja schon mal nicht schlecht aus aber ne kleine Beschreibung dazu wäre nicht schlecht.

  8. King Chaos 04. 07 2011

    sieht gut aus
    schön detailreich aufn ersten blick
