Userprofil von Yurg
Member since 4 / 2021

Punkte: 196
Modder Level 6
Rank: n/a
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Yurg

keine Angabe
  1. Yurg 19. 12 2021

    Mod: Multifruchtsilo Pack
    Reported, as you just stole the work of others : Switty003

  2. Yurg 17. 04 2021

    Mod: Kogel 15.5m Pritschenfahrzeuge (AutoLoad)
    Hello firefighter3376,

    As I am using it with about 180 other mods and maps (including Global Company, Maize Plus and so on), and because I have seen you have posted quite same message on other mods I think the problem could be from another mod you have installed...

    Could you please give more detail and log file errors ?

    Kind regards

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