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Member since 11 / 2010
Member since 11 / 2010
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XLFarms X1
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
vor etwa 3 Jahren
Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
vor etwa 3 Jahren
Grand View Lands
vor etwa 3 Jahren
Grand View Lands
vor etwa 3 Jahren
Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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Grand View Lands
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XLFarms X1
vor etwa 3 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
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XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
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XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 2
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XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 2
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XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 2
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 2
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 2
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 2
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 2
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XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
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XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre -
XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
vor mehr als 6 Jahre
Mod: Northwind Acres - Build your dream farm
You do not need to play.
Mod: XLFarms Projects X1 - Final Compilation Part 1
The version 12.1.2 is "log free".
Mod: XLFarms Projects X3 - Final Compilation Part 1
CP is recommended for hard work!
Mod: XLFarms Projects X1 - Final Compilation Part 2
Excuse me. I had forgotten. Check out the photos of the PDA now.
Mod: XLFarms X1 Final Edition
You are not required to like or download. If you do not like it, just look.
This is not unreal.
Mod: Coolamon Chaser Bins 18T und 24T
Thank you very much for sharing your mods with the community. I am following on facebook the development of the complete line.
The mods have quality and fidelity to the real.
I'm waiting to have the 200T in my XLFarms X2 ....
Mod: XLFarms X1 Final Edition
Hello friends.
Thanks for the criticisms and suggestions.
I'm working on a 4x map that has the same "mainFarm" with fields 1600x1600 - 64ha each.
This X1 project is just the beginning.
Mod: Bergmann GTW430
Bug when I save and load my game again.
When I saved the game. Leave and return to my savegame, all vehicles are scattered around the map. Some disappear.
Mod: Agrarfrost Final Edition
If you're having trouble carrying vegetable oil from canola:
You can get it here:
Read the manual to learn how it works, where to sell, access the control panel ...
Maybe these videos can help you:
Mod: AgrolandXXL
AgrolandXXL FAQ:
1) Vehicles below the ground ???
-> When you start a new career, you have the option to buy properties or not.
So. Before entering into any vehicle, press "w" to move forward; A message will appear.
Make your choice:
B or C;
You just take your choice when starting a career.
2) How to use the limestone mine?
-> Watch this video to learn how to use:
Make sure you have downloaded all the mods listed.
Nubsi allowed me to use her my limestone then included with the map, are two mods. 1 For transportation from the mine to the main farm or other place that you want and another mod to "apply" the limestone.
Mod: AgrolandXXL
When you start a new career, you have the option to buy properties or not.
So. Before entering into any vehicle, press "w" to move forward; A message will appear.
Make your choice:
B or C;
You just take your choice when starting a career.
Mod: AgrolandXXL
Watch this video to learn how to use:
Make sure you have downloaded all the mods listed.
Nubsi allowed me to use her my limestone then included with the map, are two mods. 1 For transportation from the mine to the main farm or other place that you want and another mod to "apply" the limestone.
Mod: Agroland XXL
Yes.'s Map has no errors in the log and there will be new versions.
Mod: Paradise Final Edition
Here my dear players.
Print and make a poster to never forget!
You must use the appropriate trailer for "watermod" - cow, sheep and chickens. Any other will not work.
Großer WasserTrailer:
For pigs, can be any type of trailer that carries water
To load pigs, see the images:
download the mod Vieh-Auflieger v2.0 too!
Mod: Paradise Final Edition
v5.2 = MR + SoilMod + ChoppedStraw
Mod: Paradise Final Edition
Thanks for your feedback.
Mod: Biogasanlage
An incredible work that will be very welcome. Thank you.
5/5. Recommended!
Mod: Agrarfrost Final Edition
Already and am uploading the correct version 10.
Mod: Agrarfrost Final Edition
Over the fields, I redesigned them thinking in the use of courseplay. You can program it to be given until 1 or 6 laps around the field.
Mod: Agrarfrost Final Edition
I'm correcting it. Coming soon a new version.
Mod: Big European Map
Friend. Not exactly. The map is working. Just not finished. Missing just a few tweaks and feedback from you is important.
Mod: Big European Map
You can find the point of sale near the dairy company. In the final version I will create a tutorial PDF with many details and information.
Mod: Paradise
Please can you explain to me more precisely where this happens?
"- steets on the farm are to narrow. Courseplay Problems
- Trees near some field edges are with collision.
- BGA, the unloading zones for Silage are to narrow. Problems with the caterpilar and other vehicles."
- What are the Silos on front of the seed sheet for?
Kalk mod.
I fix all the other problems. And I'm about to send the update.
The courseplay is not compatible with this map milk truck. Sorry.
Mod: Big European Map
New video and new screens!
Mod: XL Farms Hagenstedt
You misunderstand the purpose of the map. I like the original map, but missed the news. Then I added and shared with those who enjoy the original map edited slightly.
If you do not like, do not download.
Give 0 stars mean nothing if not that the map is garbage. I believe in my work and the quality of my maps. So it makes no difference.
No one is obligated to like.
Mod: Paradise
the water you must use the appropriate wagon.
The display tank is broken.
Mod: Paradise
Water, here:
Kalk mod, here:
Mod: Agrarfrost
Watch the video:
At the time 00:36 appear a silo. That's where you carry your implement with kalk.
Mod: Agrarfrost
Sorry to change the post. I'm not finding myself in this new system of modhoster posts. Confused!
Soon available version 2 of the Paradise map.
Mod: Agrarfrost
It is inevitable that I would keep the final version in perfect harminia. I found this error when installing the new pacth. Why. The map is being updated to v8.2
If you feel comfortable and not motivated to download the new version, the choice is yours. The changes are described below.
With the new patch available, it was necessary to adapt the audio Pigs Stereo to Mono. This subtle difference eliminates any error message in the log.
- Conversion pig.wave for MONO
- New Misch Station v2.3.6 (final version, by Marhu)
Mod: Agrarfrost
Hello everybody. The Marhu just updated your Misch Station to v2.3.6.
I do not know if I update the map, so we'd like to hear from you.
For now, I'll leave the map in version 8.1
If you have any problems with the Misch Station, let us know.
Mod: Agrarfrost
Thank you for your little "review". It is of great importance to me.
I design my maps thinking of using large, heavy machinery. For we have dozens of small maps of the highest quality.
Mod: Agrarfrost
I do not plan to make a multifruit map for now.
Mod: Agrarfrost
The update to the map Paradise is almost ready. Just missing review.