Greetings lovers of the simulation. After many requests I bring to you a revised edition of the map Agrarfrost. Now we have the water mod. Also I fear many other improvements and tweaks to make the map even better. Probably this is the final version because I'm working on other maps, and this is already sold out. So, enjoy.
I waited a few months for more news to be added to the game. As we have a strong and active community, many mods started appearing. I wanted to put what I think best on my map so you can enjoy the latest news World Farming Simulator.
The adjustments are modest, but guarantee best fun in the game. For example, I set navmesh creating masks in some objects, so the cows do not pass trees or wooden pillars as it did in the previous version.
The sheds with a discharge station and several central hills being created around you is nothing realistic, however, was one of the ways I have found for you put all their production of straw or grass.
We sincerely hope you enjoy this release.
This version has a alternative texture created by El_Cide. Hopefully, this map will be available to you with the direct link modhoster.
Changelog v6.0Beta:
- Sty for raising pigs
- New texture to ground "EstradaHorizontal" "EstradaVertical"
- New vegetation - WaterMod
- Cow navmesh refurbished collision mask for some objects
- New chicken coop, bigger and more details
- Asphalt at the main
- Texture dirt road
- Sheds straw and grass mat now with a central point of loading and unloading (grainstation)
- Surrounded the farm now completely revised and
- Improved manure mod - New water station
Changelog v6.1:
Fix minor bugs (objects, scripts with error directory)
Mats and animated with new particles
Information boards in the main triggers
Pig farming
Sheds new straw and grass with many details
New silage silos
And many other improvements to the final version.
Changelog v6.2:
The version 6.2 only creates changes in the pigpen, fixing all known problems after countless tests.
Sales of pigs in the port.
Height correction for parking of trailer for loading pigs.
New objects (silo coupled to grainstation station and liquid manure) in the sty.
Removal manureHeap - Sty. Now, to load manure solid, you need to get inside the pigsty with a shovel.
Larger area for maneuvering of trucks
Removing an object in the middle of the field 4
My sincere thanks to Marhu for your mods available publicly so we can all use, contributing to the diversity of creative mods.
People like you deserve a good dedication. Thank you for your mods and scripts.
I would like to also thank BernieSCS - your whole team modelers and designers - for your attention on providing two unique objects of your map OGF FSM AUSTRALIEN MAP.
Thanks also to everyone who liberarm your mods for use on the map Agrarfrost Final Edition.
Last update - 06/01/2013
Map by Tiago PilonetoBGA and other objects by El Cid
TowerSilo_BSCS_03 and tanks of BGA_By_BernieSCS (from the map OGF FSM AUSTRALIEN MAP).
Texture by El_Cide - From the map TwoRivers
Sugarbeet, weat, barley, grass windrow modified by Tiago Piloneto.
Estrada horizontal, Estrada vertical by map Nelamanowice_v2, edited by Tiago Piloneto.
Map based on PE2013 map:
Creating the map for ls09 - NewMan Converting the map to ls11 - Pan Prezes 2013 map version by Michael DK aka KillRoya
Map Silo Förderband, Register Animal Fill Types, Map SchweineZucht, and Map WaterMod by Marhu
Rolltor by grafik-edv
Register fruits ?
mats, silage silos, stock sheep wool, water station.: from the map Langburg_v2Created by GE Mapping
And all the others whose names were not mentioned. Thank you.
06. Juni, 20:07 UhrVersion 6.2 Alternative Texture
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Hashtag: | 4b16a60d4725b267e4ba5003f5307ab9 |
Version: | 6.2 Alternative Texture |
Multiplayerfähig? | nein |
Autor: | Tiago Piloneto |
Preis im Shop: | LS |
Name im Shop: | Agrarfrost 2013 v6.2 |
Beschreibung im Shop: | Willkommen auf Agrarfrost 2013 map. |
15 Kommentare
Am Ender der Felder fällt der Traktor ins nirgendwo !!!!
Sehr gute Map, auf dem Hof schöne Details. Sehr schön große Felder. Gefällt mir.
Für die Leute die keine Felder kaufen können, guckt mal beim Landmaschinenhändler ins Gebäude. da sind die kauf Icons.
Very good map, nice details on the farm. Very nice large fields. Like me.
For people who can not buy boxes, looks at times Agricultural Machinery into the building. since the sale icons.
How do i buy new field's ?
I cant fill wather to cows, cheps or chikens?
Trying to to the samme as i do at pigs, but nothing happens?
wo kann man die Schweine kaufen und verkaufen
that´s a very good map. But i can´t mow the grass. Maybe you can fix it?. Thanks.
super Map!!!
wo werde ich die Schweine los?
ich finde den Hafen nicht.
Schöne Map, nur die Flächen sind zu groß
wo und wie lassen sich die felder kaufen???
Mir ist aufgefallen das der Milchtruck andauernd fährt
ich finds geil ich mag enge wege da hat man mal was zu tun und ich bin auch ein Singleplayer uns ich scheiss auf curseyplay
obwohl der hof sehr funtionell ist, ich als singelplayer kann mit der map nix anfangen. ich bin auf coursplay angewiesen und dies würde auf dem hof blankes chaos produzieren. wege und kurvenradien sind viel zu eng für großes gerät. und was will man mit 3m anbauten af einer map, deren felder riesig sind? die hoffläche sollte meiner meinung nach um 25% vergrößert werden. dabei brauucht es nicht mehr gebäude, nur größere wege und mehr "freiraum".
wie kan man bei der map die felder kaufen
hi sagt mal könnt ihr füter oder wasser bei den tieren zb hüner kuhe ab laden ich kann es nur bei den schweinenis jetzt die drite version der v6.2 wo ich runter geladen habe aber in allen das selbe und auch bei der heu ab lade halle gehn die fps richtig in den keller das war auch schon in der v5.5 so wäre richtig gut wenn das noch behöben werden kann die neuen texturen gefallen mir gut lob an den modder
Big and Simple but very Good. Thanks for the Big Toy´s for Big Boy`s :-)