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Mod: Gauges Gearbox und Realistic
Its a very good Works well with combines The only snag with it is how to change it from steam users as F12 Takes screenshots I did turn it off in steam but still happens.
Mod: Fendt Vario 724 SCR Standard Grün für LS13 von T.I.F und ModHoster-Teamwerkstatt
After trying this out now for 2 full days almost the only problem i see which is major is the front and back linkages as when you attach something they do not lift up high enough other than that problem the rest just need some fine tuneing there was one problem i did have after saving and closeing down the game then going back in where i left a forager hooked up to it, for some reason it wouldnt unhook or start the forager and this was with a default forger that came with the game.
The stutter people are on about is i think ment to be cause if you plowing it makes it look and feel like you close grip when in the cab. I will admit it looks odd from outside but inside feels kinda real.
The only IC control problem that seems to need tweaking is the front and the bonket lift they seem to clash sometimes if you close the front linkage the bonet opens and visa versa.
So with the problem i have found i will happy to give it a 9/10 Due to there is only minor faults that need tweaking.