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Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
sorry Happylooser, i tried what you suggested but it doesn't work. It doesn't matter, i will do without this module. I wanted to use it only to know what field is fermented or not. Thank you for your help
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Hi Happylooser,
I've just found another problem (maybe coming from the map, i don't know). With my map Belgique profonde v3, the module fieldinfo doesn't succeed in scanning the fields. It's written "scanning fields" but it never ends and freeze the module". Do you have an idea where it can come from? Thanks
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Hi Happylooser,
I use the last version of MapBGASilo (v1.1) since a few days and everything works well for me, no more problems with mov v2.5. I will tell you about any problem if it occurs.
Thank you for your support.
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Effectively, my map (Belgique profonde v3) uses MapBgaSilo v1.0 provided with the map. When i take this mod off, MOV v2.5 works well. I've just tried MapBgaSilo v1.1 posted on modhoster a few days ago and it seems that MOV v2.5 works well with it. If a problem occurs, i will deactivate it, according to your advice. Thank you once more for your help Happylooser
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Hi HappyLooser,
i found an error in my log file, maybe it can help you for an update
My Games\FarmingSimulator2015\Map_Belgique_V3//MultiOverlayV2/scripte/moSetGetBga.lua:274: attempt to index field 'fermentTargetTime' (a nil value)
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Thank you for your help HappyLooser. Finally, i decided to uninstall all the game (game + mygames/fs15 + cancel steam cloud synchro) to make a new clean full install. Now the v2.5 works very well. I will have to reinstall my mods, but anyway, a good cleaning is usually a good thing.Thank you once more and I hope you will carry on developping for FS17.
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Hi Happylooser, i set manuel newWtmHud="true" and this is what i get:
it seems that old and new wtm overlap.
I set one key for activate and always got the same error message as in the first screenshot.
I also tried to create a new inputbinding file by deleting the old one, nothing changes. I tried with a new map and just your last map overlay, same problem. Tried with the v2.4 which worked very well, and now i get this keybinding error also. I don't understand what happens!
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
here is a screenshot if it can help you:
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Hi HappyLooser,
First, thank you for this update. The V2.4 worked very well, but i've got a little problem with the V2.5. When I try to enable WtmHud in the panel by clicking on "WtmHud Off", i've got a message saying "keybinding Mov2WtmHud not found, first keybinding". But my key is really binded, here is my lines for Mov in the inputbinding.xml file.
<input name="MoV2OnOff" key1="KEY_f11" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2OpenSwitch" key1="KEY_KP_enter" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaSlot1" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaSlot2" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaSlot3" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaSlot4" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaSlot5" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaKeyMouseSwitchNextL" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaKeyMouseSwitchNextR" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaKeyMouseSwitchOpenClose" key1="" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2OnOffMouseCursor" key1="KEY_f12" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2ViHiden" key1="KEY_rctrl KEY_leftbracket" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniPdaHiden" key1="KEY_rctrl KEY_rightbracket" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2MiniMap" key1="KEY_rctrl KEY_quote" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2WtmHud" key1="KEY_rctrl KEY_backslash" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
<input name="MoV2VsHud" key1="KEY_rctrl KEY_slash" key2="" mouse="" button="" device="0" category="ONFOOT VEHICLE" visible="true" />
All the other HUD settings work very well.
I tried to delete the V2.4 moV2Hud_Settings directory in order to have a clean v2.5 new one, but this error still remains.
I can't find where the problem come from. Can you help me please? Thank you
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
thank you.
I edited the clientsettings.xml screenaspectratioauto=false and screenaspectratio=1.777777.
It's better than before and readable. Only seconds of realtime and a few letters in the panel settings are overlaping..Here is a picture to show you.
Thank you very much for your support. Great job.
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
sorry HappyLooser, but sending image or file by pm doesn't work for me. I get a message that something went wrong. My image is a jpg (200k). I tried with edge/chrome/firefox --> da ging was schief!
Mod: Multi Overlay Hud
Hi HappyLooser,
first, i thank you for this great mod. It works well and is very usefull for me.
I just have à little problem with the WTMHud display. My screen is 2560x1440 and the text in the Wtmhud is a bit overlaping. Either the font is too big, or the background is too small. Sorry, but i can't post a screenshot here. Do you think it would it be easy to change the size of the font by myself or is it too difficult? I thank you for your support and sorry for my bad english.