Member since 3 / 2011
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Mod: Holzhausen Forst Landwirtschaft
Where do you dump seeds on yard?Could someone make a PDA with all important places?
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
How do I sell them.And wool and eggs.Can´´t find the places.
Mod: MIG Map MadeInGermany Region Celle
How can I buy pigs?Really great map by the way :)
Mod: Mitsubishi L 200 Outdoor
Can buy it but not sell it and it doesnt appear ?Is it because the DLC3 watertank?
Mod: John Deere 9680 WTS
the combine accepts oats but not the do I fix this?
Mod: Kamen
I filled the barn to 99% but no sGras?What might be the problem?Couldn´t get any more in there.
Mod: Kamen
Thanks a bunch :) Really lovely map.Been playing for 3h straight.
Mod: Kamen
Whats this Sgras?How do you you produce it?Sorry I don´t speak deutsch.
Mod: Bassumer Land Ge
Why is the bgabunker so fast?Could be a bit slower.
Mod: Hochkippschaufel
could someone change this so the hightipping would work with a button?have a joystick so its frustrtrating to use the mouse for tipping.
Mod: Bergmann Shuttle 700S
Could someone fix the downloadlink?
Mod: Osthessen Map
Could somebody edit this map so it would have the milktruck and milkfactory?Its a shame the milk goes to waste if you buy cows.