Userprofil von SukazFarmer
Member since 7 / 2014

Punkte: 2.082
Modder Level 12
Rank: #902
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 35 keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: Farming Simulator Homepage

About SukazFarmer

I Imagine I Design I Create Maps for Farming Simulator

Designed by Sukaz Farmer
Powered by MarcoLs
  1. SukazFarmer 11. 10 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    it's an oversight, sorry.
    but not compromise the correctly functional della mappa.
    You can charge and discharge manure without problem in the manure storage in side the cow shed.

  2. SukazFarmer 29. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    it's forst mod ready.
    put forst mod into the mods folder of the game and works.
    Thare is also a woodchip deposit in dedicated wood area

  3. SukazFarmer 29. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    sometimes Milk Truck remains blocked into the traffic but is fault of traffic engine, not our.
    But works in any cases because it go again if it remains blocked.

  4. SukazFarmer 29. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    Sorry, you are right!
    Resolve this error immediatly.
    Was an oversight.

  5. SukazFarmer 29. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    Thank you very much ;-)

  6. SukazFarmer 29. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    In farm, behind the silos, under canopy where you see bags

  7. SukazFarmer 28. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    First try only zip file of map into the mods folder.
    I and my testers not have this errors.

  8. SukazFarmer 27. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    Try to change values into the xml file named "realisticStartSettings" into the .zip file
    Lowers the prices

    1 Antworten

  9. SukazFarmer 27. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    Wasser is already built-in.
    You don't need other.

  10. SukazFarmer 26. 07 2014

    Mod: Land Of Italy
    Many thanks from all team.
    It was our goal ;-)

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